Mitap Sberteha in Yekaterinburg
We invite you to the second mitap Sberteha in Yekaterinburg. We will share the most interesting practices in creating a new Sberbank platform.
Date: December 13, from 18:30 to 21:30
Address: Park Inn by Radisson Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, ul. Mamina-Sibiryak, 98.
About the speakers and topics under the cut.
Andrey Nevedomsky, Leading IT Engineer at Sbertech: “Customizing dependency resolving in Spring”: How to optimize the start time of Spring Boot? What is the difference between BeanPostProcessor and BeanFactoryPostProcessor? Why is Spring so called? This and much more you will not learn from my report. But you will learn how to customize rezolving of dependencies and what use-cases they have.
Sergey Lezhnin, Senior Architect at Sbertech: “Quick access to slow data or how to make lazy cats run fast”:Many applications and services need to be configured using configuration options. Often, configuration parameters need to be changed in real time. This places a heavy load on the configuration service and slows down access to configuration parameters. In my report, I will talk about ways to solve this problem and show an example of implementation using Vert.x and Kotlin.
Yevgeny Rtishchev, Chief Architect at Sbertech: “How to solve the problems of the team leader with the help of gamification”: It is difficult and interesting to be the team leader. Timlid is more a manager than just a technical manager, which means that his responsibilities include the motivation of team members, their development, tracking progress and growth, feedback, and often solving personal problems.
In the report I will tell about the experimental tool - gamification, how it can help the tmid, and also what key advantages were obtained as a result of its introduction:
Date and time : December 13, 18:30.
Venue: Park Inn Hotel, 98, Mamina-Sibiryak St., Sonata Conference Hall.
The event is free, you need to register .
We invite you to the second mitap Sberteha in Yekaterinburg. We will share the most interesting practices in creating a new Sberbank platform.
Date: December 13, from 18:30 to 21:30
Address: Park Inn by Radisson Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, ul. Mamina-Sibiryak, 98.
About the speakers and topics under the cut.
Andrey Nevedomsky, Leading IT Engineer at Sbertech: “Customizing dependency resolving in Spring”: How to optimize the start time of Spring Boot? What is the difference between BeanPostProcessor and BeanFactoryPostProcessor? Why is Spring so called? This and much more you will not learn from my report. But you will learn how to customize rezolving of dependencies and what use-cases they have.
Sergey Lezhnin, Senior Architect at Sbertech: “Quick access to slow data or how to make lazy cats run fast”:Many applications and services need to be configured using configuration options. Often, configuration parameters need to be changed in real time. This places a heavy load on the configuration service and slows down access to configuration parameters. In my report, I will talk about ways to solve this problem and show an example of implementation using Vert.x and Kotlin.
Yevgeny Rtishchev, Chief Architect at Sbertech: “How to solve the problems of the team leader with the help of gamification”: It is difficult and interesting to be the team leader. Timlid is more a manager than just a technical manager, which means that his responsibilities include the motivation of team members, their development, tracking progress and growth, feedback, and often solving personal problems.
In the report I will tell about the experimental tool - gamification, how it can help the tmid, and also what key advantages were obtained as a result of its introduction:
- An understandable system for measuring a person’s contribution to team development;
- Indicator for rewards and punishments;
- Assistance in planning and risk management;
- Quick and comfortable benchmarking;
- Increase motivation and engagement.
Date and time : December 13, 18:30.
Venue: Park Inn Hotel, 98, Mamina-Sibiryak St., Sonata Conference Hall.
The event is free, you need to register .