Tips for working with Steam GreenLight or how not to get bogged down in a swamp

For many of us, the green light for our own game on Steam GreenLight is a goal that people are ready to go for months, or even years. The day is coming when the game is ready and it is time to put it on public display. Where to start and how not to make a mistake? This will be discussed in this article.


PS The author went through everything described below personally in order to fill as many cones as possible.

About the platform

English around the head

The first and most important feature, which the author neglected at one time, is that most users speak English.

Download data for different countries

Conclusion # 1. English should be primary

Any game that has a description only in Russian / it is earlier than the English translation is doomed to negative reviews.
UPD Thanks to Darthman for clarifying. Steam has the ability to write different descriptions for different languages.
How to do it

Conclusion # 2. Some negatively relate to Russian loners

This conclusion is not obvious, but still this is true. The first comments that my project received were extremely negatively opposed to the Russians. And it has its roots. Recently, a substantial part of the projects in GreenLight come from Russian-speaking developers, and their quality is clearly lower than the quality of projects that set the tone.

Time works against you

Until the moment your game leaves the field of view in the general list you will have from 1.5 to 2 days. Further hopes for a natural interest in your project is not necessary.

Tested on personal experience:


Invisible video costs more than providing a prototype

A truncated version of the game on Google Play was attached to the game, which was posted on the site. So here. For the laid one and a half days of a natural increase in interest, no one downloaded the prototype. Another plus is that your game has only a video and description to please people!

Project statistics on Google Play:


Screenshots - help in quick selection

It is said that an experienced recruiter watches your resume for an average of 11 seconds. This also applies to Steam GreenLight.
In some cases, the video will not be watched to the end or will cost only screenshots. Hence the following conclusion - select the most vivid / memorable / picturesque / most fully described screenshots of your project. From 4 to 10 (the limit is set for you by the platform itself).

How do games get green light?

The waves. Usually, once every few months, many games take place GreenLight. In other words: even if the active interest in your game passed without lasting even a few weeks, this does not mean that you have no chance left.

Thanks n3td0g for the reminder of the lost.

What to do with all this?

So how do you get into the hundred developers whose applications pass the GreenLight threshold?
First you need to understand that for the passage you do not need to enter exactly the top hundred projects.


Whether or not you decide whether or not the Valve employee ultimately decides. And he makes a decision based on votes, activity and other criteria that are foggy for us. Therefore, all that can be done is to make your game as presentable as possible!

Conclusions from the foregoing and what may come in handy

  • It is necessary to constantly maintain the information field. You have ONLY up to two days after launch, while your project itself attracts attention. But this will not bring the right amount of views and approvals that are needed. You yourself must draw attention to your project.
    One of the options that Steam itself offers is to provide links to other accounts, whether it's Youtube or Sketchfab . Referrals from one account may be interested in working on another account if the content is related;
  • A simple video is not always good. In addition to simplicity, the video should clearly describe what exactly is your game. Even if it takes not one, but two or even three minutes. Do you want to understand that the video brings the idea you need? Ask your friends and relatives! It works especially if a person does not play games and is not familiar with other projects / games in this area / genre;
  • English is your friend! English is an international language, and if you neglect this, you can lose a lot in your voices. Also, the description in different languages ​​gives an additional plus in karma.

Good luck to you! And may the one you believe in help you!

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