Person: Steve Jobs


    Charisma is an exceptional gift given only to the elite - a complex combination of attractive human qualities. Nature generously endowed Steve Jobs with talents, including the ability to inspire people in a way that only missionaries and national leaders can do. Anyone who was lucky enough to attend some public performance by Steve (sometimes lasting more than one hour) could personally see how enthusiastically this first-class showman improvised on the topic of technology - yes, maybe about life as he sees it. This passage from the book “iKona” most accurately reveals the identity of this outstanding person.

    Interesting facts from the biography

    The founder of Apple got into the Guinness Book of Records as the director with the most modest salary in the world according to official documents, Jobs's salary is $ 1 per year.

    Jobs has always been self-confident. When he was out of radio at age 12, he called William Hewlett (the one from Hewlett-Packard himself) and asked for help with the necessary parts: “My name is Steve Jobs and I would like to know if you have spare parts that I could to use to build a frequency counter. " The most interesting thing is that he received the necessary details.

    As chairman of Apple's board of directors, Jobs has applied for a flight on the Challenger spacecraft. They refused him, apparently, did not have enough merit or health. January 28, 1986 The Challenger exploded at 73 seconds of flight.

    In 1974, Steve Jobs got a job at Atari and persuaded management to pay him a trip to India, where he exchanged all his belongings for beggar's battered clothes. He made a pilgrimage, hoping for the help of ordinary strangers. This trip greatly influenced his worldview: he saw real poverty.

    Statements by Steve Jobs

    Sometimes life hits you on the head with a brick. Do not lose faith. I am convinced that the only thing that helped me to continue my work was that I loved my job. You need to find what you love. And this is just as true for work as it is for relationships. Your work will fill most of your life and the only way to be completely satisfied is to do what you think is a great thing. And the only way to do great things is to love what you do.

    The memory that I will die soon is the most important tool that helps me make difficult decisions in my life. Because everything else - someone else's opinion, all this pride, all this fear of embarrassment or failure - all these things fall in the face of death, leaving only what is really important. Remembering death is the best way to avoid thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked. You have no more reason not to go to the call of your heart.

    Death is probably the best invention of Life. She is the cause of change. She cleans the old to open the way for the new.

    Stay hungry. Stay foolish. From a speech by Steve Jobs to Stanford graduates

    Sometimes Steve Jobs is very harsh: looking at the first samples of a personal “smart” Segway electric scooter with a computer balancing system, Steve Jobs barked: “In my opinion, it sucks ...”. Jobs then called the company's main shareholder, called the manager he hired “a club,” and said his marketing director “should sell toilet paper at a discount store somewhere in Idaho.” When officials asked Jobs to take part in the antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft, the head of Apple snapped at the assistant attorney general: “Are you up to something serious? Or you won’t have them again? ”

    Reviews about Steve Jobs

    • Bill Gates: “I admire Steve's style. And it's not a joke."
    • Steve Wozniak: “I have always believed that Steve will lead all of humanity.”

    Property and Finance

    In 1979, Apple Computer began selling its shares, and even then at 24, Steve Jobs became a millionaire. Steve immediately bought a big house not far from the city of Los Altos. Adhering to asceticism, Jobs refused all furniture, only in the bedroom there were several mattresses, a lamp and an expensive stereo system. However, next to his mansion, his new Mercedes and a BMW motorcycle were waiting for him.


    • Apple's official salary is $ 1 a year.
    • Steve Jobs is the largest shareholder of Disney. In 2006, Jobs sold Pixar to Walt Disney Studios for $ 7.4 billion in shares of the company, receiving 7 percent of the company’s shares and taking a seat on the board of directors.


    Jobs has been a Beatles fan for many years. In addition, he loves classical music, especially Bach. Closely follows the work of Barbara Streisand, often attends concerts and other events with her participation.

    He is fond of travel and cycling, and is also a follower of Zen Buddhism.


    • Personalities "wonderful and noble, and some of them are also smart."
    • You can make people do great things if you give them great tools - this is what he considers the best in the world of technology.

    Political beliefs

    Democrat. Steve Jobs wanted to get involved in politics in 1985 after leaving Apple, but later quit. He believed: “I am not a party-oriented person. I'm human-oriented. ”

    Steve Jobs always expresses his opinion about education. He objects to the inflexibility of the American education system, giving an example of the impossibility of dismissing teachers.


    At all of his presentations, Steve Jobs looks the same and unusual for the leader of a large company: Steve puts on the same Levi's blue jeans, black turtleneck and sneakers from year to year. Perhaps this is what he attracts attention to, makes it clear that he is "his own", and not a person who has been removed from most people. Jobs's style influenced the company's style: at the same presentations, Apple Vice Presidents look exactly the same. The same trick was used in the Get a Mac advertisement, where Windows appears in the guise of a business man in an expensive suit, and the Mac in a T-shirt, jeans and sneakers.

    Ovation has always meant a solemn expression of public gratitude. And today, the public thanks those with whose efforts the home and office have become fully digital. These people really make a difference. Thanks to them, thanks to Steve Jobs! Long ovations, curtain.

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