The digest of fresh materials from the world of the frontend for the last week №340 (November 19 - 25, 2018)

    We offer you a selection with links to new materials from the front-end area and around it.

        Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript     |    Browsers     |    Entertaining


    podcastFrontend Weekend podcast # 80 - Gordey Levchenko on moving to Kazakhstan and developing the frontend community in Astana
    podcastDevshakhta Podcast: # 58: UFADEVCONF, Node.js status in 2018
    podcastCSSSR podcast News 512 - Issue # 30 (19.11 - 25.11)
    videoVadim Makeev's video blog 10. Skillbox, graphics optimization, Squoosh and the picture element

    Web development

    habrOn the way to QUIC: what is the basis of HTTP / 3
    habrDevelop your browser from scratch. Part One: HTML
    enWeb workers vs Service workers vs Worklets
    enWhy and how to use WebP images today
    enExplore Shadow DOM
    enWebSockets - deeply immersed in concept
    enRewriting Git history and JS sources for fun and profit


    habrCooking perfect CSS
    habrFlexbox. Technology Infographics
    Some CSS CSS Tips
    videoProgressive Improvement | CSS rule @supports
    enCurrent status of scrollbar styling
    enSeparators inside <select>
    enCSS Exclusions, we hope, will be similar to more advanced grid-friendly floats
    enAnother explanation of CSS Position Absolute principles
    enCSS writing experiments
    enAnd once again about the order of properties in CSS


    habrMutational analysis, or how to test tests
    video5 jQuery features that have been converted to native JavaScript
    10 console commands to simplify debugging of JavaScript code
    enThe State of JavaScript 2018
    enThe “State of JS” poll is a farce
    enExperimenting with brain interfaces Computer in JavaScript
    enIntroduction to Imba: JavaScript-compatible language for the fastest possible work with DOM
    enDart for JavaScript programmers
    enAdd pipeline operator (pipelines) in JavaScript
    en7 TypeScript non-excuses
    enhtm: Hyperscript Tagged Markup: JSX alternative using standard tag templates with compiler support

    Spectacular web

    enHow to work with the matrix in SVG filters
    The effect of fire within #codevember
    The effect of morphing when changing US states
    Interactive page with a cool combination of effects and functionality
    Brutal websites


    In Firefox 65, the content blocking settings interface will be redesigned
    A browser attack is introduced, allowing you to define a site in another tab
    Microsoft and Google are developing a version of the Chrome browser for Windows on ARM


    Black Friday's Human Price
    Google Machine Learning: What's New?
    An attack using the AMP for WP plug-in vulnerability is being launched on WordPress sites
    WWW: JPEG Archive - a set of utilities for optimal photo compression
    Mozilla introduced the LPCNet speech synthesis system
    “Bendgate 2”: The Apple iPad Pro is easily deformed - even a few days of typical use
    How to increase productivity - tips from 9 CEO

    We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicate links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal, we are trying to fix them quickly.

    Digest from last week.
    Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

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