Choosing the composition of isomorphic React applications for the next 12 months
Friends, it’s already six in the evening, the last Monday of August, which means the last week of summer. Let's summarize and fantasize a bit?
Now we are creating a certain Isomorphic React App boilerplate for the next 12 months, with which you can quickly start new projects. While we see such a set:
1. React 15.
2. On the server - Node.js and Express.
3. CSS modules and isomorphic-style-loader for automatically generating Critical CSS with Server-side Rendering. Or does JSS ?
4. Redux to interact within the application. Or is it still Relay ?
5. Unit testing through AVA and Enzyme . Or stillJest with its automatic browser mock object generation?
6. UI testing through Nightwatch.js + Browserstack .
7. Transfers through react-intl and react-intl-translations-manager .
8. Automatic language detection on the server through the accept-language package .
9. Automatic geolocation detection through maxmind and ipaddr.js packages .
10. An isomorphic node-bunyan-based logger .
11. react-document-title to dynamically switch the tab title.
12. isomorphic-fetchto send HTTP requests (“AJAX”).
13. webpack 1.x for assembly. Or is it still webpack 2 ?
14. webpack-dev-server and webpack / hot / dev-server for Hot Module Reload.
15. Long-term caching of static resources (for example: /assets/logo-8cdab5da.png).
16. parallel-webpack to speed up the assembly of JavaScript bundle for each translation language (for example: 5 sections and 10 languages = this is already 50 JavaScript bundles).
17. webpack DllPlugin to optimize JavaScript bundle size.
18. react-router-redux as a router.
19. ESLint and eslint-config-airbnbwith a slight change - do not use a semicolon.
What items can be changed? Which add? What can be done better? Share your opinion in the comments.
The list may change in the coming days. Yes, there, I promise - it will change, so stay tuned on GitHub .
Now we are creating a certain Isomorphic React App boilerplate for the next 12 months, with which you can quickly start new projects. While we see such a set:
1. React 15.
2. On the server - Node.js and Express.
3. CSS modules and isomorphic-style-loader for automatically generating Critical CSS with Server-side Rendering. Or does JSS ?
4. Redux to interact within the application. Or is it still Relay ?
5. Unit testing through AVA and Enzyme . Or stillJest with its automatic browser mock object generation?
6. UI testing through Nightwatch.js + Browserstack .
7. Transfers through react-intl and react-intl-translations-manager .
8. Automatic language detection on the server through the accept-language package .
9. Automatic geolocation detection through maxmind and ipaddr.js packages .
10. An isomorphic node-bunyan-based logger .
11. react-document-title to dynamically switch the tab title.
12. isomorphic-fetchto send HTTP requests (“AJAX”).
13. webpack 1.x for assembly. Or is it still webpack 2 ?
14. webpack-dev-server and webpack / hot / dev-server for Hot Module Reload.
15. Long-term caching of static resources (for example: /assets/logo-8cdab5da.png).
16. parallel-webpack to speed up the assembly of JavaScript bundle for each translation language (for example: 5 sections and 10 languages = this is already 50 JavaScript bundles).
17. webpack DllPlugin to optimize JavaScript bundle size.
18. react-router-redux as a router.
19. ESLint and eslint-config-airbnbwith a slight change - do not use a semicolon.
What items can be changed? Which add? What can be done better? Share your opinion in the comments.
The list may change in the coming days. Yes, there, I promise - it will change, so stay tuned on GitHub .