Analysis of black market prices for personal data and breaking through
At the beginning of this year, I did a small review of the black market prices on Russian personal data , and now it was time to update and supplement it. At the same time, let's see if prices and supply in the “market” have changed.
It should be borne in mind that the analysis of services and their prices was made on announcements at various underground forums and sites in the Dark Web. I cannot guarantee the authenticity of third-party offers for any single company or bank.
- Databases (MS Excel format) in all regions of Russia. Contain: full name, gender, telephone, full passport details (series, number, by whom and when issued), SNILS, registration and residence address. Data for 2017-2018 Price: 20-25 kopecks for one record.
Such databases are used mainly for spam and all sorts of petty fraud.
Compared to the beginning of the year, prices have not changed.
- Passport photo and passport holder photo with passport in hand: from 150 rubles per set.
- A set of scans of a passport, SNILS, driver's license and TIN: from 300 rubles.
From photographs and document scans, a decrease in prices (by about 25%) and a significant increase in supply were noticed.
- Debit cards of Russian banks (Sberbank, Tinkoff, Alfa Bank): from 5,000 to 12,000 rubles per card. The contract is attached to the card (issued for a third party), scan of the account holder's passport, PIN code, attached SIM card, code word, login and password for the Internet bank.
Here we see a significant increase in the price of the “service”. Prices rose by more than 2 times. It is worth noting that the choice of banks has also grown; now you can order cards for "left" people, issued by a much larger number of banks.
Separately, I want to highlight the whole black market sector of personal data - the so-called “breaking through”. In the last review, this segment of the “services” market did not hit, however, I was tracking it and I can see the dynamics of price changes.
Let's start with mobile operators.
- Beeline Detail calls and SMS subscriber per month - from 2000 rubles.
- Beeline Determining the location of subscribers in real time - from 3000 to 4000 rubles for one definition.
In less than a year, prices rose by about 25%.
- Mts. Detail calls and SMS subscriber per month - from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles.
- Mts. Determining the location of subscribers in real time - from 10,000 rubles for one definition.
Here prices have increased by more than 50%.
- Megaphone. Detail calls and SMS subscriber per month - from 10,000 rubles.
- Megaphone. Determining the location of subscribers in real time - from 10,000 rubles for one definition.
Prices have not changed.
- Tele 2. Detailing calls and SMS subscriber per month - from 5,000 rubles.
Here, the market shows a sharp increase in prices for the year - almost 5 times.
Of the interesting “services” in the mobile “punching” market, I would point out a search for the five nearest phones to the specified subscriber. They ask for it from 90,000 rubles.
Now let's see how things stand with the banking "break through."
- Tinkoff Bank and Sberbank. Account statement / physical card. For a month - from 1,500 rubles, for six months - from 7,500 rubles.
- Alfa Bank. Account statement / physical card. For a month - from 2000 rubles, for half a year - from 8500 rubles.
- Mail Bank, Avangard Bank, Russian Standard. Account statement / card physical persons per month - from 2000 rubles.
- Uralsib. Account statement / card physical persons per month - from 8000 rubles.
There are very few real sellers and a lot of intermediaries in the “market” of banking “breaking through,” while the prices of intermediaries can be 4 times higher. Information on prices and banks quickly loses its relevance. Also noticeable significant increase in prices (more than 50% per year). The availability of one or another “service” may depend on the region of the Russian Federation. For some banks there are no offers at all.
A separate category is "breaking through" in the state databases. Unfortunately, comparisons with the prices of the beginning of the year will not work, because I then did not sample for these "services".
- Traffic police (fines, vehicles in the property, driver's license, etc.) - from 1500 rubles for the record.
- The system of “Search-Magistral” (movement on airplanes, trains, buses, ferries) - from 2000 rubles for the record.
- Access to Moscow CCTV cameras of the Safe City system - from 5,000 rubles.
What conclusions can be made?
First, the black market offers not only did not decrease, on the contrary, their number increased visibly. Perhaps the number of resellers of the same data has increased, but there is definitely no shortage in offers.
Secondly, prices have risen for almost everything. Especially noticeable rise in prices for so-called. bank "breaking through". It can be assumed that banks are actively (but some of them so far unsuccessfully) trying to deal with this phenomenon, which causes a rise in prices.
Thirdly, judging by the number of offers, low prices and the range of "services", with the security of user data for some mobile operators everything is very bad. It is in this segment that the widest choice of both sellers and data (from various statements to continuous tracking of subscriber's geolocation). “Competition” to these operators can make unless state bodies - prices here are not high, but the choice is rich.
In this “market”, price changes are caused by the departure or, on the contrary, by the arrival of new data providers. For example, they covered several insiders from banks - the prices for clients' personal data are growing. There are new - prices are slightly reduced.
In addition, the current level of risk for data providers is affected. Both law enforcement officers and security services of banks or telecom operators are fighting them. And, for example, if a special operation was recently carried out against “punching” or mass data discharges, then prices are rising.
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