The Linux Foundation has established funds for GraphQL and Ceph - why they are needed and what to expect from them.

    The Linux Foundation, a nonprofit consortium, announced the formation of two new funds at once: GraphQL Foundation and the Ceph Foundation . Further - more about each of them.

    / photo by Roderick Eime CC BY-ND

    Why did you need new organizations

    The main goal of the Linux Foundation is to promote and standardize Linux. However, the consortium is also engaged in the development of the entire open source ecosystem and related products. Recently, the GraphQL query language and the Ceph object storage network have been added.

    GraphQL language was developed on Facebook in 2012. This is the syntax that describes how to request data, and is used to interact with servers. It was created as a replacement for the REST API. As for Ceph, it appeared in 2007, and after seven years the project was swallowed up by the Red Hat Corporation. At first, the solution was developed for supercomputers, but then Ceph began to be used to deploy cloud infrastructure. According to data for 2017 ( PDF), Ceph use two thirds of the clouds on OpenStack.

    In general, over the past three years, GraphQL and Ceph have gained popularity in companies of various sizes: from IT giants to small startups. For example, GraphQL users include hundreds of organizations, including Coursera, GitHub, The New York Times, Twitter, and Pinterest. The Ceph object storage network is used by cloud providers (Rackspace, Linode), large financial institutions (Bloomberg, Fidelity), automakers (BMW), and others. The

    Linux Foundation saw the potential of these solutions and decided to support them. The consortium established two new funds of the GraphQL Foundation and the Ceph Foundation.

    What will GraphQL Foundation do

    A separate fund was created to accelerate the development of the technological ecosystem around GraphQL. Linux Foundation and a number of companies will provide financial and organizational support: GitHub, Netflix, Shopify, Twitter, Pinterest and others. One of the creators of the tool, Lee Byron (Lee Byron) hopes that the foundation will help GraphQL become an industry standard.

    So far, the GraphQL Foundation is in the process of being formed - the final list of the fund's shareholders will be approved later. Then the selection of representatives of the technology committee and the marketing department will begin. All this plan to finish in a couple of months. Afterwards, the foundation will begin work on GraphQL projects. Their list is available on github .

    Ceph Foundation Features

    The ceph development fund includes thirty IT giants, including Canonical, Intel, Red Hat, and SUSE. The goals and objectives of the foundation are the same as in the case of the GraphQL Foundation: freeing developers from unnecessary tasks, forming an ecosystem around the product and speeding up its development.

    Foundation members from Canonical, Amihan, Red Hat, ProphetStor and other companies note that their personal experience and expertise have already helped to introduce a number of improvements to Ceph, including machine learning systems and application container functionality. Support from the Linux Foundation will be the "driver" for the further development of the storage network.

    Perhaps a new fund will also help fix problems.that arise when using technology in large-scale IT infrastructures. For example, problems associated with the error Out Of Memory (OOM). The Ceph community simply did not have enough resources to solve them. Now the situation must change.

    What to expect

    The Linux Foundation in the past has already created a number of funds. For example, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation - to popularize containers - or the Academy Software Foundation , which was formed to promote open source software in the film and animation industry. In general, the fund already supports more than eighty open projects, and they are actively developing.

    / photo by Christopher Michel CC BY

    But for all that, there are in the Linux Foundation portfolio and relatively unsuccessful projects. For example, the prospects for the Tizen operating system are seen by the IT community as “hazy” because of the imperfection of the platform itself. Especially highlight the bad interface.

    On the other hand, in the case of Ceph and GraphQL, everything can turn out better. The number of members of the Linux Foundation is growing daily, and the fund is raising capital to support its projects. The GraphQL Foundation and the Ceph Foundation have every chance of active development.

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