What Apple Watch can do: a year later

Original author: Kit Eaton
  • Transfer

according to The New York Times

A little over a year ago, Apple Watch started selling. Over the past months, a huge number of reviews of the new apple device have been released, and yet for many it still remains a mystery what the Apple Watch can do.

To a large extent, the usefulness of the Apple Watch is determined by the applications available to them. From this point of view, the picture is pretty rosy - the list of applications for watches is growing rapidly. Here are some of the most successful of them:

The Facer app shows different wallpapers on the screen every time you look at the clock.

“The simpler, the better,” said Keith Eaton , a columnist for The New York Times . His favorite application for the Apple Watch is called Facer , and it does the one and only thing - it shows a different wallpaper every time you look at the watch. Nothing special and all the more useful, it would seem, however, after installing Facer, using the watch becomes much more pleasant. I want to raise my hand with the clock again and again to see which picture they will show this time. Facer does not forget that before us is the real brainchild of 21st century technology - watches that look new every time.

Of course, Facer has its own limitations for watches. The main one is that you are tied to one clock screen design, the simplest available, which shows only the background and time. This means that you will not see other elements, such as weather and warnings, available in other screen design options. In addition, you will have to pay for some pictures - and they cost from $ 1 and above.

The most useful watch app for The New York Times is Buy a loaf! A convenient shopping list that works on both the watch and the iPhone.

The “Buy a loaf!” Shopping list allows you to synchronize purchases and makes shopping easier and more enjoyable.

The idea of ​​the application is that when you make a shopping list before going to the store, you use the application on the iPhone. With “Buy a loaf!” It’s very easy to do, because the application has a dictionary of the most popular products, plus you can add new products to the lists. Products can be assigned a particular color (for example, each color can correspond to a specific department of the store), and the application itself will group them by color. There can be several lists, and each of them can be shared with other people.

The turn of hours comes when you come to the store. You don’t need to take out your phone every time to check the list - just raise your hand with the watch, and this is fantastically convenient. To cross out a purchased item, just touch it with your finger on the watch. And if you suddenly remembered that you need to buy something else, you can add the product to the list directly on the watch using voice input.

This convenient and intuitive application has a free version (of course, in a somewhat truncated version and with advertising). We have similar features in another free Bring app ! with icon graphics and a slightly more modern interface. It is very good, but “Buy a loaf!” Is simpler and more enjoyable.

The watch is very convenient to use as a fitness tracker and a tool for monitoring physical condition, especially with the HeartWatch application for 229 rubles. The application displays the current heart rate, as well as the average, minimum and maximum heart rate values ​​per day.

A single glance at the watch is enough to see if the heart can handle the stress during cardio workouts. Using Force Touch, which is a strong tap on the screen, you can add a note about today's heart rate, or add the measurement result to Apple’s standard Health app, which also contains information about weight, body temperature, etc.

Companion application for iPhone is also convenient and informative - it collects detailed statistics about heart health and is presented in a very understandable and visual way. Among other things, the application allows you to monitor the duration and quality of sleep.

However, the best sleep tracker is the free Sleep ++ app . Using the Apple Watch, it tracks all your movements throughout the night and shows how restless you are sleeping.

The application has one button to enable sleep detection mode, in which the application considers how much you actually overslept. Sleep mode is also disabled with one button, after which the application shows sleep statistics. The companion app for iPhone displays detailed information on the phases of sleep.

The only drawback of this application is that you have to sleep in the clock, which is not always convenient.

Cycles is another useful free app for women with which it’s very convenient to follow the menstrual cycle. The companion app for iPhone allows you to make journal entries and set alerts.

Weather Underground app.

Meetup is an application that allows you to find people with similar interests near you.

Glyphica app is a text adventure game.

Finally, it is worth noting the very beautifully drawn Weather Underground application , which is much more interesting than Apple's built-in Weather; Meetup application that allows you to find people with similar interests near you and arrange joint activities with them; as well as the text adventure game Glyphica , which can be played right on the watch. What is especially nice, all these applications are free.

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