"Monsters in games or 15 cm is enough to attack"
- Tutorial
Distance attack opponents

Thanks to the readers for their interest, glad that the materials are useful.
I present to you the fourth article of the cycle.
Today I would like to make out such an important element for any monster - the attack distance.
There are only three of them:
- near
- average
- far
In the first part we will examine typical examples of behavior (patterns).
In the second part, we will look at how to combine the monstro, to create dense gameplay and interesting game situations. Let us give specific examples from familiar games.
Articles are becoming more complex and based on previous materials.
You can read them at the links below:
"Monsters in games or how to create fear"
"Monsters in games or make fear diverse"
"Monsters in games or how to surprise a player"

Short range attack
Such an enemy must come close to causing damage to the player. There are several requirements that must be taken into account.
- Movement speed
- Enemy size
- Reservation and health of the adversary
Combinations and options
Fast and thin - quite vile enemies, take speed, one at a time is not particularly dangerous, but the crowd will bite.
Fast with an average health reserve - they can attack one by one, they are armored enough and present difficulties for most players. If it does a lot of damage, it is doubly dangerous.
Normal speed, low health - the most common opponents in 99% of games are not interesting.
Normal speed, armored - also normal and not an outstanding opponent.
Slow, helpless - typical whipping pears.
Slow, powerful - golems, giants and others, control the battlefield, dangerous but clumsy.
How to use?
If the enemy is weak and fast - take a number.
Pear whipping? - let the player on fast and armored opponents will be difficult.
Ordinary opponents are not so interesting.
Objective: enter into a melee and distract the player, while rangers do damage.

Average attack distance
Very uncomfortable opponents, you need to approach them to attack. As a rule, they are spearmen, battle magicians, opponents with pole weapons, stone throwers, dragons ... well, you understand.
Often vulnerable to melee / ranged combat, but there are strong middle ones.
Enough flexible creatures, trying to keep a comfortable distance (this is generally a feature of all opponents).
Their task is to control the battlefield and not allow the player to relax.

Long distance (on the example of DOOM 2016)
Usually these are flimsy and miserable creatures, close, but standing on some hill, in shelter, or hiding around the corner, feel invulnerable ... but we all know that this is not so.
There are three types.
Not very annoying.
Slowly moving, beating painfully, but they do not often shoot when they see the sword at the throat, obediently sharing their experience. More difficult if you change the position. Even harder if they start to run away and hide behind their backs comrades. Our sacrifice is Hellbreaker.
Moving fast enough not to run away from us, but catching them is not easy. Constantly change position, can fight back in melee. In a word, interesting adversaries offering a player a challenge. Having unscrewed the head of such an infection, you can proudly hang it on the wall. Imp is a great example.
I will cut your warm corpse until it disappears.
Extremely unpleasant creatures, but how nice to exterminate them. Constantly teleporting, changing position, leaving the line of fire, hiding behind their comrades. Hurt and disgusting beat, but still snapping in melee. Try to catch such a snake. (Revenant) If she is a summoner, the difficulty increases. In the heat of rage you crush the adversaries and they do not decrease? - Hello, there is a summoner. The summoner is that very viper.
Opponents have several goals:
- Be meat for the player and give fun
- To keep the player on their toes and not to get bored, to challenge the player
- Make him move, change his scare tactics and put him to flight
- Annoy the gamer and distract his attention
Use and combine these principles, so you create a good and tight, and most importantly, interesting gameplay.
In the next article we will look at how to do this. The link will appear as the material is ready.
PS If you do not like the article, then you probably have less than 15 cm to attack.
Throw slippers in the author, he needs it!