We get used to the good quickly. Well, quickly, I said
It is bad habits that prevent poor people from getting rich, a conclusion made by Brown University experts. They conducted a large-scale study, which took 5 years. This is not about overeating, smoking or brushing your teeth on holidays. Everything is much more serious.

According to the results of the study, the following were recognized as bad habits that impede getting rich:
• Second job (poor people do not make investments, they get a new job).
• Tote (oh, this indestructible thirst for win).
• Reading books is just for fun (the rich often read literature for career and professional growth).
• Loans (judging by research, rich people take loans less often, preferring to buy a simpler thing).
• Releasing the budget “by chance” (only 20% of the poor control their spending, trying to restore order in their finances. Among the rich, this is 84%).
• Do not put off savings (the rich do not always save a lot, but regularly).
A habit is a well-established mode of behavior, a well-acquired action, in the fulfillment of which a person experiences a constant need. Habits bring us closer to the goal or move away from it. Thanks to the habit of not smoking, when you leave your home, you’re still a little closer to the goal of “being healthy”, and by reviewing the products in front of the cash register you reach the goal of “saving money”.
I repent, I have many bad habits, ranging from the "night dora" and ending with the uncontrolled spending in the supermarket. But I try to fight them, replacing the harmful with the useful. And not because from all publics and LJ they shout: “Form useful habits in 21 days, that's cool!”. But because I want to achieve my goals .

Six Steps to Creating Good Habits
To form a good habit, you need to:
1. Analyze your existing habits and determine what changes are needed.
2. Make sure that a new habit will help you achieve your goal.
3. Formulate habits clearly, concretely.
4. Identify supportive, or concomitant habits.
5. Make a public commitment.
6. Find like-minded or partner.
And now a little more.
Step one.Analyze your good and bad habits for 3-5 days. Ask yourself questions: “Why am I doing this now?”, “How can I do it differently?”. For example, when you are about to impressively sit in a chair, holding chips in one hand and a remote control in the other, slow down. If you just want to eat chips, then eat them in the kitchen and only then turn on the football.
Step Two Your habit must achieve the goal. Why do you want to quit smoking? Why did your menu suddenly stop including buns, pizza and fast food? Here are their goals: health and beauty. Therefore, when forming a habit, always keep in mind the ultimate goal, the final result. Ask yourself: “What daily habit will help make my goal a fait accompli?
Goals set by SmartProgress members, suggest the creation of useful habits: download a press daily, write 10 pages of a book, and learn Java programming for half an hour a day. And the writing of the report itself also becomes a good habit. Step Three . Formulate accurate and specific habits. Not "do physical exercises every day," but "Exercise from 7.30 to 8.00 daily." Just do not expect instant results - it takes time to introduce new habits and it is not always only 3 weeks. The harder the habit, the more time it takes to form. In 21 days you can accustom yourself to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, and for running in the mornings, it may take more than a month. Step Four .

Identify supporting habits. What behavior will reinforce your new actions? For example, you create a habit every Sunday to buy healthy products for the whole week. Immediately form a habit of cooking at home every day (to avoid the temptation to stick your teeth into a burger at McDonalds) and then you calmly adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.
Step Five .Make a public commitment. This is an effective additional incentive, since, having declared the formation of a new habit in social networks, on thematic forums or SmartProgress, it will be more difficult for you to abandon your plan. Such an artificial increase in responsibility will serve as a kind of control. Want to complicate the task? Then argue with someone that you will finish the work you have begun to the end. For example, in SmartProgress there is the price of a word in monetary terms. Every day I will read professional literature to improve my skills - and hop, I froze five thousand! BUT? What? According to Steve Pavlina, a popular foreign blogger, “add a stick to the carrot.”
Step SixFind a partner. Avoiding daily activities is much easier if you are accountable only to yourself. But when at 6 in the morning the bell rings: “I'm already at the stadium, waiting for you, grab the dumbbells”, then you willy-nilly crawl out from under the covers (and the cat). Such is our psychology that we are less likely to miss meetings if it causes inconvenience to another person.
A habit will become a character trait if:
• You clearly understand the need for the habit.
• Your new activities fit well with your lifestyle and are supported by your surroundings.
• Soon visible results appear (weight is lost, smoking less often, you are less distracted during work).
Want to be successful? Change your habits and move forward!

According to the results of the study, the following were recognized as bad habits that impede getting rich:
• Second job (poor people do not make investments, they get a new job).
• Tote (oh, this indestructible thirst for win).
• Reading books is just for fun (the rich often read literature for career and professional growth).
• Loans (judging by research, rich people take loans less often, preferring to buy a simpler thing).
• Releasing the budget “by chance” (only 20% of the poor control their spending, trying to restore order in their finances. Among the rich, this is 84%).
• Do not put off savings (the rich do not always save a lot, but regularly).
A habit is a well-established mode of behavior, a well-acquired action, in the fulfillment of which a person experiences a constant need. Habits bring us closer to the goal or move away from it. Thanks to the habit of not smoking, when you leave your home, you’re still a little closer to the goal of “being healthy”, and by reviewing the products in front of the cash register you reach the goal of “saving money”.
I repent, I have many bad habits, ranging from the "night dora" and ending with the uncontrolled spending in the supermarket. But I try to fight them, replacing the harmful with the useful. And not because from all publics and LJ they shout: “Form useful habits in 21 days, that's cool!”. But because I want to achieve my goals .

Six Steps to Creating Good Habits
To form a good habit, you need to:
1. Analyze your existing habits and determine what changes are needed.
2. Make sure that a new habit will help you achieve your goal.
3. Formulate habits clearly, concretely.
4. Identify supportive, or concomitant habits.
5. Make a public commitment.
6. Find like-minded or partner.
And now a little more.
Step one.Analyze your good and bad habits for 3-5 days. Ask yourself questions: “Why am I doing this now?”, “How can I do it differently?”. For example, when you are about to impressively sit in a chair, holding chips in one hand and a remote control in the other, slow down. If you just want to eat chips, then eat them in the kitchen and only then turn on the football.
Step Two Your habit must achieve the goal. Why do you want to quit smoking? Why did your menu suddenly stop including buns, pizza and fast food? Here are their goals: health and beauty. Therefore, when forming a habit, always keep in mind the ultimate goal, the final result. Ask yourself: “What daily habit will help make my goal a fait accompli?
Goals set by SmartProgress members, suggest the creation of useful habits: download a press daily, write 10 pages of a book, and learn Java programming for half an hour a day. And the writing of the report itself also becomes a good habit. Step Three . Formulate accurate and specific habits. Not "do physical exercises every day," but "Exercise from 7.30 to 8.00 daily." Just do not expect instant results - it takes time to introduce new habits and it is not always only 3 weeks. The harder the habit, the more time it takes to form. In 21 days you can accustom yourself to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, and for running in the mornings, it may take more than a month. Step Four .

Identify supporting habits. What behavior will reinforce your new actions? For example, you create a habit every Sunday to buy healthy products for the whole week. Immediately form a habit of cooking at home every day (to avoid the temptation to stick your teeth into a burger at McDonalds) and then you calmly adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.
Step Five .Make a public commitment. This is an effective additional incentive, since, having declared the formation of a new habit in social networks, on thematic forums or SmartProgress, it will be more difficult for you to abandon your plan. Such an artificial increase in responsibility will serve as a kind of control. Want to complicate the task? Then argue with someone that you will finish the work you have begun to the end. For example, in SmartProgress there is the price of a word in monetary terms. Every day I will read professional literature to improve my skills - and hop, I froze five thousand! BUT? What? According to Steve Pavlina, a popular foreign blogger, “add a stick to the carrot.”
Step SixFind a partner. Avoiding daily activities is much easier if you are accountable only to yourself. But when at 6 in the morning the bell rings: “I'm already at the stadium, waiting for you, grab the dumbbells”, then you willy-nilly crawl out from under the covers (and the cat). Such is our psychology that we are less likely to miss meetings if it causes inconvenience to another person.
A habit will become a character trait if:
• You clearly understand the need for the habit.
• Your new activities fit well with your lifestyle and are supported by your surroundings.
• Soon visible results appear (weight is lost, smoking less often, you are less distracted during work).
Want to be successful? Change your habits and move forward!