Visa and MasterCard brought 2.8 billion rubles to NSPK in 2015

This week, the national payment card system (NSPK) published its financial statements for 2015 - starting this year, Visa and MasterCard began serving as an operational clearing center, hired to process domestic transactions.
The total service for all Visa and MasterCard traffic brought the NSPK about 2.8 billion, while payment systems remained owed 500 million rubles. Last year, payment processing on the NSPK side began in May for Visa and towards the end of April for MacterCard. This means that for 2016 the profit of the NSPK will be significantly higher, but do not forget about other players. This year, companies such as JCB, China Union Pay and American Express will move to the NSPK. The share of payments that are made with their use in the domestic market is minimal, but nevertheless it will increase the company's income.
The direction of the Mir payment system turned out to be less profitable, which brought only 16 million rubles. with expenses of 10 million. The total costs of maintaining the operation of the operational clearing center amounted to 900 million rubles, together with 735 million for management matters.
With all this, the net profit of the NSPK for 2015 amounted to 1.2 billion rubles - for the year the company showed a significant increase compared with 90 million losses in 2014.
The Mir system received mixed reviewsby many users after the publication of conditions last fall. Basically, criticism came from banks, which were dissatisfied with the low commission for making transfers - in the region of 0.5% in retail chains with high turnover. For ordinary banks and acquiring banks, issuing and servicing such cards is economically disadvantageous, which reduces interest in the Mir system as a whole. Nevertheless, Gazprombank, MDM Bank, Moscow Industrial Bank, Svyaz-Bank, RNKB, Russia and SMP Bank took up the issue of plastic cards Mir. The first customers were employees of banks directly involved in the development of the Mir system.