Glitter and poverty 1C for an online store. Gold glitter for franchisees and functional poverty for the user

TL; DR or in short: The article tells what to expect from using 1C system for an online store. Everyone is familiar with the picture-meme "waiting-reality." The author works in a long-running online store without a single inventory system (Excel, macros and other hardcore). The author therefore has an idea of ​​the normal scheme of online trading and a well-formed “expectation” from the introduction of new software, and the article describes how ugly the “reality” in the implementation of 1C, even for a small online store.

A look at the market and a guess why there are no 1C analogues

If you ask ordinary people, not even IT people, “what is the product accounting system?”, Then the majority will answer “1C”. Citizens with a particularly expanded outlook will be called Ultima ERP. Even if you search properly on the Internet, it turns out that 1C has no competitors.

How could this happen? Probably, 1C is so good system that it outplayed all the competitors in the fight and remained in splendid isolation! - the naive reader will assume. I, a person familiar with the term "survivor's mistake" and the science of "marketing", have a more realistic and cynical explanation for this fact.

I think the success of 1C is associated with the success of marketing.

Call a small company engaged in the implementation of 1C. Say that you need to implement 1C and none of the programs have been purchased - you will feel how the desire to work with you will flare up on the other side of the phone. Repeat the experiment and say that all licenses have already been purchased, and ... the majority of small companies and private owners will try to merge. Someone will say straight, someone florid. After all, there is no secret, 1C implementers earn 50% of the value of all licenses sold to you . Revenues from the sale of licenses constitute a considerable part of the money that the franchisee can earn when working with a small company, with which you will not take much.

I suspect that success in distributing 1C is not related to the awesomeness of the program, but to building a skillful sales network. Put yourself in the place of a software company: if you have two programs, is it more profitable for you to use a program that even makes it more convenient and better, or a program on which you earn half right away?

1C is expensive

A drop of background information that will save you time: 1C version 8 is a kind of environment, something like an operating system, in which you can later run Configurations, a kind of program. Configurations are made by both 1C itself and their major partners, anyone can do them at all. At the moment, the most advanced system for trading from 1C is Trade Management 11, for the site - Bitrix in the most complete-uncut version of Business. You have a price list at the link above, you can easily estimate what time it will cost to “implement 1C” for an online store. So, we need a commodity accounting system and a website, plus the ability to connect to the system for 10 people. Ten people a lot to start? Any connection to the system = user. Two managers, purchase and acceptance, manager / director / owner, accountant, content manager / merchandiser,

We consider.
1C: Enterprise 8. Trade Management (USB) + 1C Bitrix: Site Management. Business 79815 + 1С: Enterprise 8. Client license for 5 workplaces (USB) 28100 х2 = ~ 136k

Normal price, and what is cheap now! Go ahead, all franchisees will tell you that in the file mode of the 1C database, it works poorly, slowly and sooner or later the base will break . The work will rise, you need it? It is necessary that everything works on a server, 1C: Enterprise 8.3. The license for the server (x86-64) (USB) for 103700 is cheaper than a couple of days of downtime.

Subtotal, licenses from 1C for a small online store requires 240k . A lot? Ahaha, this is just the beginning!

The file mode of operation is when the database is in the form of a file on a hard disk, and the server mode assumes the presence of a database management system (DBMS). In theory, there is a paid Microsoft SQL and free PostgreSQL. In practice, most companies do not want to mess with PostgreSQL , they are not able or unprofitable (for sure, Microsoft gives a good% of the sale) - I don’t know, but that’s the harsh reality.

Therefore, we buy a DBMS:
License for MS SQL Server 2014 Standard Runtime for 1C: Enterprise 8 26116 + client access for 5 workstations to MS SQL Server 2014 Runtime for 1C: Enterprise 8 61375 х2
+ 149к = 389к

By the way, for 1C you need a special operating system:
Microsoft Windows Server Standard 2016 64-bit Russian 1pk DSP OEI DVD 16 Core with RD P 44374
+ 44k = 433k

In general, we want to be able to connect to 1C remotely, and not just in the office, so it buys access to the RDP remote desktop:

( CAL 1975 + Microsoft Windows Server CAL 2016 Single Open No Level User CAL 1975 + CAL 6871 Single Windows Remote Desktop Services CAL 2016 ) x10
+ 88k = 521k

Half a million licenses for a simple online store, ohrenet! And this is without installing all this. On the installation we throw another 100k on top.

Naturally, programs require a server computer, in a moderately reasonable form, this is still 100k.

More than 700 thousand paid, well, now I will have everything “in beauty”, you think - and you break off cruelly!

Import database of goods in 1C, or rather its absence

The work on the implementation of 1C for an already operating store begins with the import of everything that is possible. For maximum simplification, this can only be a product catalog. Do you think that you spent about 240k on software from 1C, unloaded the entire database of goods in a tabular form into a csv or xls file, and now you are importing everything quickly? No, in Trade Management 11 there is no import of the product catalog. There are some treatments (subroutines) in the forums for this purpose, but they are all equally limited and flawed. Each programmer each time writes a new processing for importing the product catalog. As you understand this money, at least 30k.

Maintaining a catalog of goods and services in 1C

Type in the air and sit down better, now there will be a product card phenomenon in the best software product from 1C. Market leader, tens of thousands of operating stores, online stores and the giants of trade in the CIS.

You do not have to be Bezos to understand that we have a functional disabled person.

This is not a photo montage and I am not kidding - it all looks really like that!

A huge list of fatal flaws product catalog in 1C Trade Management 11 :

  1. Picture for the product is added only one.
  2. Picture without watermark.
  3. The product modification picture (color, size) is not added.
  4. Description of the goods simply text without HTML-design.
  5. Product weight is indicated only one. I will explain the importance. Shipping cost, as we all know, is considered by weight. A can of paint 1l and a barrel 50l, shoes 30 sizes and 46 sizes, a ladder 2 meters and 4 meters - these and other products follow the logic of catalog maintenance as different modifications of the same product and be available on the Internet on the same page (with switches) . The logic of the UT11 operation makes it impossible in principle, the weight of the goods and the cost of delivery will not have in common with reality.
  6. The date of adding the goods, the date of commencing sales, etc. is not recorded.

I could not imagine that everything is so bad. 1C Trade Management 11 in 2018 is the 2003 level. The program for trade completely lacks vital functionality, without which it is simply impossible to work in the modern world.

Someone might argue that all this is in Bitrix. Indeed, step 1-4 is. Let's take it seriously, all the functionality and information should not be scattered like garbage in different places, causing chaos of synchronization and misunderstanding among employees, but should be in the same database - in UT11. This is the only possible option. When spreading the product catalog for 1C and Bitrix:

  • It is impossible to make a normal single backup. Base and product distribution in 1C, pictures and descriptions in Bitrix.
  • The inspector at the warehouse / the seller at the pick-up point stupidly can’t see how the product should look like (on the website should he rummage?)
  • buyer deals with faceless strings
  • the content manager should fill in two databases and make sure that everything matches.
  • and hundreds of other possible jambs that are simply too lazy to invent.
    By the way, this is the only right approach “all in one base” implemented Ultima ERP (ulmart, for example, it worked) at the latest in 2010 ( it is obvious from here ) ...

Minor asshole in the work of 1C

Not only that in 1C Russian is used for programming, they use their own Russian language to denote all the functionality and terminology.

Everyone is used to the fact that "heder" and "footer" denote the top and bottom of the page, well, or "cap" and "basement". In 1C, this is called the “prologue” and “epilogue”.

A "Catalog of goods and services" - the nomenclature.

Product offer or SKU - characteristic.

The use of the Russian language in 1C programming is not inconvenient by the very fact of using Cyrillic, but by non-standard and dissimilarity to all other programming languages. As the teacher at the institute, who stood at the origins of 1C, initially assumed that the accountant (the company and the 1C program began with accounting) could himself add the functions he needed in the program. As we know, accounting and tax accounting since the 90s made a big step forward towards Mordor (no joke, 30 reports per year for a simplified taxation system), and now such things will not occur to anyone.

The Russian language in the 1C program code remained simply as a rudiment.

I cannot explain the presence of my own chicken language (in bird language does not pull) in terminology.

What to do?

This is not an advertising article, not trolling, this is a personal experience. I have a purchased server, 1C licenses and an understanding of how our small online store should work. But there is no understanding how to implement everything in 1C or at least how to find a competent specialist.
Switch to another system? The developers of the Ultima ERP system mentioned in the article are not interested in working with small businesses. They have a free Ultima 2C system, but it comes in the form of “download and understand yourself” and there are no third-party developers.

What to do? 1C is a monopolist, all modules from third-party services (for example, delivery services), subroutines and drivers are written for it and only for it. Everyone works on it.
How do they manage? A lot of normal online stores work on 1C and they have all the modern functionality on their websites. Apparently the only way out is to refine the system. Many modifying. Yes, even if you want to open your own small online store, then when choosing 1C Trade Management 11 and Bitrix systems, you will need to spend many hundreds of thousands of rubles to finalize the programs to the basic functionality . Not some specific functions, but the most standard functional, without which in our time it is impossible to work normally. Well, you can try to work, but you won't be able to sell.

- You can not answer "because gladiolus"?
- Can!
Ural dumplings

Tariff for improvements on average 2500r / hour, fasten.

It should also be understood, once stepping onto the 1C refinement track, your configuration becomes specific, different from the base one. You can forget about the updates of the “program”, you must always hire a programmer in order to simultaneously implement all the innovations that 1C releases in your configuration. In other words, your programmer will constantly reinvent the bicycle that makes 1C.

The article considers only a small area of ​​the online store, namely the work with the catalog. Further hell will be much more.


Perhaps in the comments there will be people who earn a 1C. So, the article is written using facts, examples, proofs and screenshots, so the answers can only be the same. Appealing in the style of "everyone works and no one complains," "companies with billions in turnover are working, one is yelling," and so on, in the same spirit, only reinforces the assertions written in the article. If there are any tips that can help me in this situation, I read with pleasure.

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