Provider AT & T has become the largest copyright holder and will start disconnecting users accused of piracy from the network

    Provider AT & T plans to terminate service agreements with users who have been accused of illegally distributing content on the Internet. About this, with reference to "familiar with the situation of people," reports the online edition of Axios.

    Journalists connect the activation of the AT & T Time Warner content network for $ 85 billion in the summer of 2018 for activating the fight against piracy.

    What happened

    It is reported that the provider within a week will terminate contracts with about a dozen users accused of distributing content in violation of copyright. This will be the first time that a provider has refused service based on suspicion of piracy.

    In a press statement, AT & T confirmed that it received messages from the owners of rights to various works that the provider’s users, in violation of the law, are distributing materials without permission.

    “Rights holders contact us when they have evidence that a certain Internet account is used for the illegal distribution of materials protected by copyright laws. Based on such messages, we identify the client and inform him about the problem. We contact the user and explain to him that he is breaking the law, explaining how to stop it. Those users who continue to receive such allegations will be disconnected from our network. ”

    Screenshot of a section on tips on stopping copyright infringement from messages received by AT & T users

    What is the reason for "tightening the screws"

    One of the reasons that, for the first time in its history, AT & T is ready to terminate contracts with customers due to allegations of piracy may be the fact that recently the company itself owns the largest content production network. In the summer of 2018, the provider acquired Time Warner TV for $ 85 billion. The

    combined company is called WarnerMedia. Such organizations usually write claims to Internet providers.

    Some observers believe that now AT & T will be much more active in the fight against piracy and use its position, including to compete with other telecommunications companies. So recently, DISH Networks users for a short time lost the opportunity to use the Internet services of the HBO channel, which was part of Time Warner and is now owned by AT & T.

    DISH executives have accused AT & T of deliberately disrupting negotiations to extend the contract with HBO. The reason for this behavior could be the desire to entice subscribers of pay-TV services Dish.

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