Simon Sink How to speak in such a way as to induce action (part 2)
- Transfer
The previous part is thesis:And this is the remainder of the translation of Simon Sink’s brochure, Speak to Inspire Action — tips to help you talk and point out a path that will inspire others to join your cause.
1. Successful inspiration begins with enthusiasts.
2. We wake up every day to inspire people and make the world a better place.
3. The best use of their abilities in helping others.
4. Performance is like a trip. Riding a car without any direction is like speaking without a plan and idea. A preplanned route is always easier.
5. Try acting classes and be careful when talking about what you don’t know.
6. Do not rush to talk
Talking too fast is easy, talking too slowly is almost impossible. How do you feel when listening to an experienced broadcaster? It is likely that what he will say will seem reliable to you. This is because the announcer is confident in himself and is not trying to prove something, simply communicating what he knows.
An experienced broadcaster, often speaks slowly and thoughtfully. Slow narrative does not mean less interest in the issue, but in fact, it guarantees the assimilation of listeners of what you are talking about.
One of the best ways to comfortably master this manner of presentation is sound recording. Surely everyone who at least once heard himself on the record was surprised at the sound of his voice. While listening to the recording, pay attention to the following:
- Pace - can you catch everything that you say for the first time the person listening to you?
- Expressiveness - the best way to highlight meaningful thoughts is to give them intonation.
- Pauses - Are pauses highlighting powerful statements and ideas sufficient to absorb their meaning?
- Volume - increases or decreases the volume of the voice when the pace of speech slows down?
7. Only speak with one person at a time
Most people do not know that Simon is an introvert who does not tolerate crowds. So, how does he manage to speak so calmly in front of an audience of hundreds and even thousands of people?
The secret is that he speaks with only one person at a time. Instead of panning the entire room, he makes eye contact with one person and pronounces the whole thesis for that person. Then, he selects a couple more eyes, and repeats the same technique with the following thesis. In fact, the entire presentation consists of several one-on-one conversations. This approach requires practice.
During your performance, you may find that some members of your audience are “captives”. They all take hostility and are present in the audience against their will. Do not focus on them or trying to convince them. You will feel much calmer and more comfortable when talking with interested people. Allow their energy to fuel your performance, in turn, to strengthen inspiration to the audience as a whole.
Any audience consists of three types of people:
1. Prisoner. She does not feel the slightest desire to be present in the hall, perceives everything with hostility.
2. Tourist. Here, by chance, he can perceive some ideas and theses, but is easily distracted.
3. Partner. Sincerely interested in what is happening. It features a laptop or other device for recording.
8. Be a human
You are exactly the same person on stage as outside. One that truly speaks and acts regardless of where it is. Instead of worrying about who and what thinks about you, be yourself. While you are sincere, the audience will not change you, and will be located towards you even in case of errors. Otherwise, introducing yourself as a different person, will entail distrust and intolerance of the audience. The best result is achieved by those who control their emotions.
9. If you lose your mind, calm down
Some speakers, including Simon, rarely use notes. Many of them know that despite the freedom of speaking, the absence of notes from time to time can lead to the loss of a thread of narration. The loss of thought on stage can be a terrible event, but it is not fatal. Remember that the audience knows about the subject matter only what you told them through verbal and non-verbal channels. The audience learns that you have lost a thought only if you tell her about it yourself.
A. If you have lost the thought, do not fuss. At such a moment, try to avoid interjections and mooing. A short pause will not harm the performance.
B. Take a sip of water. Before the performance, have water available for drinking on stage. A short pause for a sip of water is quite acceptable, and may give additional time to put the performance in order.
B. If nothing comes of it. Holding the glass in your hands and pausing, follow advice number 8. Do not forget - “You are only a man, just a man!”
10. Enjoy
When you experience pleasure, you can inspire more people. Be grateful for the opportunity to share your ideas and enjoy it. For some, easier said than done. Often, we allow negative emotions to prevail over positive ones.
Symptoms of nervousness are similar to symptoms of simple excitement. But the interpretation of the signals is up to us, and this is a matter of choice. If you have symptoms, interpret them to your advantage in order to find an additional source of inspiration and courage in them.

11. Accept applause
You will receive applause after the presentation as a gift. Accept them with thanks! Often, speakers reject applause, trying to calm the audience or just leave.
The applause carries several important functions:
- Measuring the impact of your performance. Applause will tell about the results of the report, and this is very valuable information!
- In this way, the audience is grateful. Refusing applause is tantamount to refusing a gift.
Ideas alone do not change the world for the better. Ideas that inspire action do this. By sharing such ideas, we can build a better world. And I sincerely wish you success in this!
The first part .