Tesla builds another giant battery in Australia

Last year, Tesla led by Ilona Mask built a giant battery in South Australia. The entire infrastructure and the array of batteries began to work exactly 100 days after the start of the project - otherwise the company would have to pay for all the work and materials from its own pocket.
The region where the battery was installed, receives energy from solar and wind power stations. On some days, the production of "green" energy falls, especially when the sky is covered with clouds, but there is no wind. As a result, it is necessary to turn on gas generators and send additional amounts of energy to the network that the region needs. In some cases, and this does not help, the network does not cope with the load. There are even power cuts, which leads to losses for both the energy company and the enterprises that are connected to the grid.
After the battery began to work, the administration of the region reported that the system helped save several million dollars. On Habré, information was published that on December 14, 2017 at 01 h 59 min for technical reasons the Loy Yang A 3 coal power plant suddenly disconnected from the common network. The Tesla station responded to this event within milliseconds - 4 seconds faster than the backup generator frequency control and ancillary services (FCAS) in Queensland. At full capacity from 0 to 100 MW, the station goes beyond 140 milliseconds.
And now a similar project is being planned by representatives of another region - this time Western Australia. The local community has come to the conclusion that instead of individual energy storage devices it is worthwhile to install a large central complex that will help everyone at once.

Group of project participants
Regional officials volunteered to assist in the implementation of this project. “Investing in a set of batteries connected to a common energy infrastructure is much more profitable than investing in traditional infrastructure with substations and transformers. In addition, it is cheaper. For residents of the region, this is an excellent solution, since it allows not to install their own drives, but to use a common system, ”said the Minister of Energy of Western Australia.
At the same time, households are not tied to the network — if they wish, they can leave the program and use individual solutions. The consumption and return of energy to the network of each household can be tracked - this can be done in your account on the Synergy website.
Energy companies are also working on this project. Two of them invested $ 200,000 each. In the opinion of all the project participants, it makes it possible to get the maximum from the solar panels of individual households, spending at least the servicing infrastructure of the region. In the year for the use of the overall system, each participant of the program will pay about $ 365. It is much more economical than paying $ 7,000 for its own Tesla Power Wall battery.