Payler Spring Break
Hello, Habr Megamind!
The blog post-New Year’s calm coincided with a period of vigorous, rampant work, in which we plunged headlong after the holidays and in which we joyfully continue to this day. And, as you know, ifyou suffer a lot - you can work something with enthusiasm - the result will not be long in coming. And now, today we want to share with you our latest developments and achievements.
But first, some abstract news. Firstly, we made repairs in the office. Now we draw in full on the walls, which have turned from a soulless ceiling stand into a source of motivation and an instrument of creativity. You can see the photos on our Facebook page .
Secondly, exactly after the New Year, Wikipedia recognized us as a significant company and did not begin to delete our page , which also cannot but rejoice.
Thirdly, our blog has been divided and now there will be twice as much news - our thoughts and practical advice regarding development have remained the same address on Habré, and on Megamind we will share our experience of monetizing web services and other things interesting from the side of management and management in ecommerce. So if anyone is reading us for the first time - welcome! In our Hubrablog you can read about how we created and developed our services.
Well, now for the main events in recent months.
We launched a mobile application for Yulmart- Its design and development is fully implemented by our Polonium Arts team . Until recently, the application was available for smartphones on iOS and Android, but now we have released an adaptive iPad version. In addition to the basic functionality - search, comparison and ordering of goods - the addresses of all stores are available in the application, as well as a quick contact form with customer service “What's with my order?”

The flower delivery service in the metro , which we developed together with the company MaximaTelecom and Rosvetstorg, will work in mid-March and will be available at flowers.vmet.ro:

Literally next month, our project for the group of companies Arkady Novikov will see the light of day- A mobile application with integrated Payler payment gateway. Our Polonium Arts team is also responsible for the design and development of this project. The application will allow you to find suitable establishments according to the given parameters, as well as using numerous filters - for example, by city, your own customizable preferences or cuisine. The functionality of the application will also allow you to book tables in two clicks and make a payment.

Our P2P translation service is at the final stage of development and will be available to everyone by the end of April.

We are also launching European acquiring from Payler and from April we will be able to work with foreign companies - at the moment we are at the stage of signing an agreement with a European bank.
We are also now working with Alfa Bank, and connecting to Payler takes only a couple of days from the date of approval. The package of necessary documents has also been reduced - now for connecting you need one single contract.
In addition, we are completing a new Payler website . Big changes are coming in your account - management of several companies / stores in one account will become available. And there will also appear a chat with round-the-clock technical support, several new modules and widget settings for payment analytics. We will talk about this in a separate post.
And we have broadened the scope of its activities- Now we have merchant acquiring services, self-service terminals - in which you can pay including bills issued from Payler - and car collection. This direction is developed by our partners and friends, the company ITB Technologies .
And under the picture below you can read about our new mobile commerce and mobile marketing service - it is called Billingrad.

Let's remember how the evolution of mobile technology took place. At first there were operator offices - we drove there through half a city, stood in lines, and all to just pay for mobile communications. Then came the scratch cards. Then - self-service terminals. We learned how to pay bills via the Internet. And now Billingrad has come.
Smartphones have largely replaced computers, laptops, navigators, wallets. Mobile Internet crowds out landline. Billingrad is technology for the mobile era business.
We divide the entire functionality of Billingrad into two areas - mobile commerce and mobile marketing. The first is aimed at optimizing payment acceptance channels, and the second is at using mobile technologies to promote the brand and communicate with customers.
We will tell you more.
No one wants to carry a wallet full of cards and coins, no one wants to spend time on paying bills at the bank. Mobile commerce allows you to pay for goods and services in two clicks, directly from the balance of the phone. Billingrad has two options for receiving payments:
• Payment of any amount up to 15 thousand from the personal account of the phone;
• Premium SMS - fixed payments of up to 300 rubles to short numbers;
When was the last time you spent a day without your smartphone? We never too. A smartphone is a continuation of a hand in space, a way to survive and do everything without it. A smartphone is always in hand - this is uncultivated virgin land for business. At Billingrad, we learned how to use it and offer the following services:
• SMS informing - mass mailing of branded SMS messages.
• IVR - an interactive voice service that allows you to ring customer bases, say greetings and distribute calls without operator intervention. And the interactivity of the service allows you to conduct polls and go to the voice menu. Message templates, a distribution schedule, and a mailing list are customizable options, eliminating the need to remember when, to whom, and which message to send.
• USSD - an interactive text service capable of organizing a dialogue with a client in a “question-answer” format with several levels. At the time of the USSD request, the GSM cellular network with an accuracy of 10 meters determines the location of the subscriber and, depending on the logic of the service, gives him certain information. For example, addresses of the nearest gas stations or ATMs.
And besides, USSD allows you to implement texting. Their effectiveness is extremely high - the recipient is guaranteed to see the message.
We cooperate with the “Big Four” of Russian mobile operators - MTS, Beeline, Megafon and Tele-2, which opens upall the doors with wide opportunities for interaction with subscribers of these operators.
In general, when developing Billingrad, we were guided by the same ideals as when creating Payler - a technologically advanced, multi-functional assistant, understandable and affordable, able to independently cope with tasks that previously required a whole staff of people. We position Payler and Billingrad as friendly services that work perfectly separately, but together are able to optimize the work of the client.
Billingrad complies with Federal Law 152 “On Personal Data”, which means that companies and organizations can, with a clear conscience, transfer personal data of their customers to Billingrad and not waste time obtaining the certificate themselves.
A little later we will devote a separate security post - we will tell you how we went through the PCI DSS certification upgrade to version 3.0 and about ten kilograms of documents to obtain compliance with 152 Federal Laws.
In the meantime, here you can register and feel Billingrad in action.
Stay in touch, it will be interesting!
Thank you all,
your Payler & Billingrad
The blog post-New Year’s calm coincided with a period of vigorous, rampant work, in which we plunged headlong after the holidays and in which we joyfully continue to this day. And, as you know, if
But first, some abstract news. Firstly, we made repairs in the office. Now we draw in full on the walls, which have turned from a soulless ceiling stand into a source of motivation and an instrument of creativity. You can see the photos on our Facebook page .
Secondly, exactly after the New Year, Wikipedia recognized us as a significant company and did not begin to delete our page , which also cannot but rejoice.
Thirdly, our blog has been divided and now there will be twice as much news - our thoughts and practical advice regarding development have remained the same address on Habré, and on Megamind we will share our experience of monetizing web services and other things interesting from the side of management and management in ecommerce. So if anyone is reading us for the first time - welcome! In our Hubrablog you can read about how we created and developed our services.
Well, now for the main events in recent months.
We launched a mobile application for Yulmart- Its design and development is fully implemented by our Polonium Arts team . Until recently, the application was available for smartphones on iOS and Android, but now we have released an adaptive iPad version. In addition to the basic functionality - search, comparison and ordering of goods - the addresses of all stores are available in the application, as well as a quick contact form with customer service “What's with my order?”

The flower delivery service in the metro , which we developed together with the company MaximaTelecom and Rosvetstorg, will work in mid-March and will be available at flowers.vmet.ro:

Literally next month, our project for the group of companies Arkady Novikov will see the light of day- A mobile application with integrated Payler payment gateway. Our Polonium Arts team is also responsible for the design and development of this project. The application will allow you to find suitable establishments according to the given parameters, as well as using numerous filters - for example, by city, your own customizable preferences or cuisine. The functionality of the application will also allow you to book tables in two clicks and make a payment.

Our P2P translation service is at the final stage of development and will be available to everyone by the end of April.

We are also launching European acquiring from Payler and from April we will be able to work with foreign companies - at the moment we are at the stage of signing an agreement with a European bank.
We are also now working with Alfa Bank, and connecting to Payler takes only a couple of days from the date of approval. The package of necessary documents has also been reduced - now for connecting you need one single contract.
In addition, we are completing a new Payler website . Big changes are coming in your account - management of several companies / stores in one account will become available. And there will also appear a chat with round-the-clock technical support, several new modules and widget settings for payment analytics. We will talk about this in a separate post.
And we have broadened the scope of its activities- Now we have merchant acquiring services, self-service terminals - in which you can pay including bills issued from Payler - and car collection. This direction is developed by our partners and friends, the company ITB Technologies .
And under the picture below you can read about our new mobile commerce and mobile marketing service - it is called Billingrad.

What is Billingrad?
Let's remember how the evolution of mobile technology took place. At first there were operator offices - we drove there through half a city, stood in lines, and all to just pay for mobile communications. Then came the scratch cards. Then - self-service terminals. We learned how to pay bills via the Internet. And now Billingrad has come.
Smartphones have largely replaced computers, laptops, navigators, wallets. Mobile Internet crowds out landline. Billingrad is technology for the mobile era business.
We divide the entire functionality of Billingrad into two areas - mobile commerce and mobile marketing. The first is aimed at optimizing payment acceptance channels, and the second is at using mobile technologies to promote the brand and communicate with customers.
We will tell you more.
Mobile commerce
No one wants to carry a wallet full of cards and coins, no one wants to spend time on paying bills at the bank. Mobile commerce allows you to pay for goods and services in two clicks, directly from the balance of the phone. Billingrad has two options for receiving payments:
• Payment of any amount up to 15 thousand from the personal account of the phone;
• Premium SMS - fixed payments of up to 300 rubles to short numbers;
Mobile marketing
When was the last time you spent a day without your smartphone? We never too. A smartphone is a continuation of a hand in space, a way to survive and do everything without it. A smartphone is always in hand - this is uncultivated virgin land for business. At Billingrad, we learned how to use it and offer the following services:
• SMS informing - mass mailing of branded SMS messages.
• IVR - an interactive voice service that allows you to ring customer bases, say greetings and distribute calls without operator intervention. And the interactivity of the service allows you to conduct polls and go to the voice menu. Message templates, a distribution schedule, and a mailing list are customizable options, eliminating the need to remember when, to whom, and which message to send.
• USSD - an interactive text service capable of organizing a dialogue with a client in a “question-answer” format with several levels. At the time of the USSD request, the GSM cellular network with an accuracy of 10 meters determines the location of the subscriber and, depending on the logic of the service, gives him certain information. For example, addresses of the nearest gas stations or ATMs.
And besides, USSD allows you to implement texting. Their effectiveness is extremely high - the recipient is guaranteed to see the message.
We cooperate with the “Big Four” of Russian mobile operators - MTS, Beeline, Megafon and Tele-2, which opens up
In general, when developing Billingrad, we were guided by the same ideals as when creating Payler - a technologically advanced, multi-functional assistant, understandable and affordable, able to independently cope with tasks that previously required a whole staff of people. We position Payler and Billingrad as friendly services that work perfectly separately, but together are able to optimize the work of the client.
Billingrad complies with Federal Law 152 “On Personal Data”, which means that companies and organizations can, with a clear conscience, transfer personal data of their customers to Billingrad and not waste time obtaining the certificate themselves.
A little later we will devote a separate security post - we will tell you how we went through the PCI DSS certification upgrade to version 3.0 and about ten kilograms of documents to obtain compliance with 152 Federal Laws.
In the meantime, here you can register and feel Billingrad in action.
Stay in touch, it will be interesting!
Thank you all,
your Payler & Billingrad