So what is wrong with finding a job / IT worker?

    For the past week already, one highly respected IT resource has not been disturbed about hiring in IT. But no, that's right - “already that year.” Among the participants in these extremely heated discussions there are two sustainable camps that still can’t find mutual understanding.

    Honestly, I don’t know how the situation develops in other industries, although, according to rumors, there are many complaints. But why IT specialists, smart people, still can not agree?

    A small digression about me. A little over 40, a self-taught programmer, started back in the Soviet Union with the MK-61 calculator, then Basic, Assembler, C, C ++, VBA + SQL (I was able to earn more at the institute), then suddenly, at the turn of the century on the web and anything like that on Microsoft technologies. Now team leader / head of the department / architect.

    Over the past 3 years, I was at interviews many times, looked at more than a hundred candidates, he was a candidate several dozen times. And yes, I have seen enough of things ...

    Yes, and here I have been reading a lot . And every time I observe vivid manifestations of how smart people do not even try to understand each other. Therefore, I decided to speak with a timid hope to clarify this issue. Maybe it will even help someone ...

    An important explanation: I will try to avoid unnecessary detail, because Each of the issues raised deserves an article, or a separate study. And yet, here wages will be mentioned many times - but this is not only money, even if the word salary is written.

    I'll start with the theory

    Yes, problems are not always there, a huge number of people live, work and grief do not know. Or they do not notice these problems? Or know about the problems, but they are silent? Whatever the thousands of reasons to hide the existence of problems, I will only talk about those problems that are recognized by the participants in the hiring process.

    Question one - why are there any difficulties with hiring?

    In my opinion, in hiring there are several common problems, regardless of the area.

    The main problem is the opposite of interests. Each member wants to maximize profits. Those. the employer wants to get maximum labor for less pay, the employee wants to receive a lot and do little. And that's fine, it should be. In fact, the contract of employment fixes some average conditions that often do not suit either of the parties, but both sides accept this compromise. But humility is not acceptance, and everyone has some doubts. It would seem that a simple solution is to honestly voice reciprocal demands and then, having signed an agreement, no doubt.

    But, suddenly, the second problem is qualifying. The employer wants to find someone who will be able to effectively solve the required tasks, and the employee wants to do what he is interested in. Here the root of mutual doubt is again in honesty and awareness. Is the employer clearly talking about all the requirements and is the employee honest, is his abilities and interests consistent with the needs and interests of the employer?

    It would seem that openness will save the world, so let's be honest in this matter. But there is a third problem, social. It is unpleasant for all workers to realize that they receive less than colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances of friends, etc. And in some places there are still trade unions, or even collective unconscious / unintentional collusion (this is when most of the specialists, without an explicit agreement, overestimate the bar of their expected salary or lower the bar of the cost of wage labor). As a result - a feeling of injustice, often mutual. And besides, the employer is sure that he pays too much, and the employee is sure that he is underpaid. And all the participants in the process, of course, are aware of what exactly will be, and therefore they are trying to bargain for the benefits in advance (yeah, ask for more, you can get about as much as you wanted).

    The situation is periodically aggravated by the fourth problem - the deficit. Sometimes the necessary specialists are not available for the employer, or there are not enough funds to pay for a high-class employee, or there is a lack of understanding of what specialists are required at all, or these specialists are on the market, but they are so hot that the expected profit from a specialist is lower than the price for which he can be lured away. This also generates a lot of distortions.

    And there is the fifth problem grazing nearby - there is after all a frank lie, which is why all participants in the process are forced to be careful, check each other, put risks in the price.
    Examples of how these problems are manifested and solved, if solved at all, the car and a small truck. There are no ideal solutions (although, they say, in the old days there was a single rate throughout the country plus or minus allowances and mandatory distribution, such as they had their positive sides).

    The second question is why IT is so bad.

    Immediately make a reservation - I do not know whether it is worse or better in other industries (or I know, but deliberately omit), but this particular is familiar to me, understandable and interesting. So, what are we, IT people, so special?

    Well, first of all, we are on the crest of a wave of progress. Not that everything, but the industry itself is exactly there, as it seems to us. Who had time - and he ate, and to be in time, you have to pay more. The employee needs to invest in self-education, the employer in the risks and very expensive professionals.

    Secondly, IT penetrates into all areas of business and everyday life, which is why demand for specialists is never saturated. The shortage further upsets prices and also adds risks.

    Thirdly, profit in business depends very much on our work (not always, but often enough so that it is a general trend), hence the desire of employees to get a fair piece of cake. And here often opinions diverge - how fair? Who is more important? Whose contribution is more significant? The picture is familiar to many: salespeople are pushing for the importance of sales, and IT professionals for the fact that without them there would be nothing to sell.

    Fourth, we are so different that business often cannot adequately evaluate us. Yes, we even can not agree among themselves - are we the creators or are we burning the pots? Nomenclature is not enough for us, but which is invented, it becomes outdated before it is used. Admin for LAN to a small business office or a corporation are very different people.

    And fifthly, everything changes very quickly with us. Workers are trying to keep up with the trends, stay on the ridge, and without a twinge of conscience throw their former jobs, employers either sometimes try to find specialists on broken troughs, or understand whether the new sleds will be lucky enough to pay for them twice?

    All this creates a lot of mutual misunderstanding and dislike. And how is it possible to find out in this tangle of contradictions, especially since he gets confused all the time?

    Question three - what is wrong with people

    But with people, most of the time, everything is just like that ... but not the way we want it.

    What does the employee want?

    Averaging and exaggerating, he wants to be appreciated, also paid with dignity, and work so that it is interesting and not too complicated. Well, and so on ... It's easier to immediately refer to the Maslow pyramid, there are all the answers:

    The bottom two layers are about salary. This is money in the sense of total profit, i.e. revenues minus expenses, this is a balance of stability and prospects, this is physical and psychological health.

    The next two are about socialization. This is a pleasant communication, both business and personal, it is respect and a proper assessment of work and achievements, this is a proper reward, tangible and intangible.

    Above is development and other subtle matters. The ability to acquire new knowledge practically and theoretically, the opportunity to gain new skills, the ability to satisfy curiosity and entertain the sense of beauty, the opportunity to grow above yourself, faith in the future.

    Such is human nature - material is a support for development, which follows any ideals. And so that sometimes the employers do not think, either the worker is at work or the whole - then be kind enough to bear in mind with all the ensuing needs, or he will be here only partially, with all the ensuing consequences.

    What are the motivations of people choosing a new job? Most often, the future employee tries to take into account all his interests and concentrates on the most relevant. Someone is not enough money, someone is bored, someone wants to reach new heights. But time passes and unrecorded interests make themselves felt, and again something is missing.

    And what does the company want?

    Oddly enough, the interests of the company can be correlated with the same pyramid, only the names of the layers will be different. Here, in different textbooks they write differently, but it can be formulated something like this: income, financial stability, attractiveness for employees, market attractiveness, relevance in the market, brand aesthetics, mission.

    In theory, building a hiring process, the company somehow takes into account all these interests. But in practice, the interests of only a few lower layers are involved in hiring. The number of these layers depends on the awareness of the business. It is bad when the participants of the process do not coincide in priorities and cannot agree. As an example: I want to find specialists on the new technology, but the salary policy does not allow to allocate an intelligible budget for this, but still requires each employee to comply with the values ​​of the company ... And if we add here the lack of a real understanding of the rapidly changing technologies and their impact on business, then the uncertainty is simple rolls over.

    Theoretical optimum

    Pure fiction: the employee comes to the market with his matrix of values ​​and a certain algorithm finds the optimal place of work, given the matrix of values ​​of companies. And still it would be possible to estimate getting of the interests to a state of affairs in the market and to correct expectations if necessary.

    A dysfunctional theory: if you could somehow compile the psychological profiles of companies and people, they too could be reduced to some optimum (yes, this is where the psychological tests are carried away). But not only are people changing rapidly (this is the general dynamics of development), the IT sphere is also changing too quickly.

    What is left? Awareness and dynamic optimization. Avoid formalism in assessing yourself and your opponent. To see the dynamics of development at least a couple of steps forward, and at the same time not forget about promising goals. And also mutual respect, for everyone comes to the interview with his baggage of problems and interests.

    Continue about the practice, or these strange, strange people

    All these strange people live next to each other, speak different languages, think differently;  they believe in different gods and value the world differently;  only two passions are common - love and hunger.  Somerset Maugham

    I'd like to give examples of how well things are going ...

    But somehow, most of them pass through the fairy tale scenario, while others are revalued after a while and again turn out to be not too good.

    Even my best experience of finding a job from the category of fairy tales. After the crisis of '98, I was interrupted by private part-time work, barely making ends meet (200 bucks for two with my wife in a rented apartment in default city). Then an acquaintance of mine throws up an offer to earn some money with a tester, and after just a couple of days it turns out that the company started developing the site, and to the question “will you pull?” I answered “yes”. They believed me, although I had no web development experience. So I quickly mastered ASP and MS SQL in practice. And it was for the sake of what - the salary is good (above the market), with extra charges for processing, and an increase without unnecessary questions, i.e. on the initiative of the company. Almost complete creative freedom. Lack of bureaucracy and easy contact with management, right up to the general.

    By the end of the year, the salary had doubled, I was given an interest-free loan (for the purchase of an apartment) with return from salary. And the promised bonus for the successful launch of the site, which I spent on the arrangement of the purchased apartment, happened on the new year. And there were also management plans to build a campus in the near Moscow region. If it were not for the American crisis of 2001, I would probably have worked in this company so far, and she would have known no less than eppla (yes, there were every chance of such a development).

    Of course, everybody knows almost fantastic stories about dream companies. But what is this company? These are either IT giants with an excess of money, or start-ups who have managed to find investments and a vector of successful development. Yes, yes, my best experience from the second category. But both options have their drawbacks. The former have bureaucracy, inertia, and lack of real personal growth. The second has risks and uncertainty.

    If you simplify significantly, then the quintessence of mutual pleasure is when good specialists get a lot of interesting work and at the same time pay, eliminating the need to think about alternatives. Important clarifications: the mass of interesting work is not a wagon of exotic problems, but the opportunity to do something new and cool, which is good for the company as well as it’s nice to see, and wages are not only money, but also training, conferences, corporate events and etc. At the same time, the company receives dedication and employee loyalty, breakthrough and innovative developments, and simply the success of the IT component of the business. But this is more about IT companies. And what about the others? Yes, almost the same, only the scale is smaller. Even the only enikeyschik in the company should be encouraged to the extent that you want to leave it at work, because its value is realized then

    But what do we see in practice?

    "All matches are random" (c)

    • Pompous speech about the coolness of the place of work. Everything, damn it, through one, market leaders, is dynamically developing, has prospects for development, a cool incentive system, etc.
      What is often the case?
      - Conditional leaders within a small market share among customers who have chosen this particular product and who do not have the courage to choose another product.
      - The company's profit is barely keeping up with inflation.
      - For two years, they have been cajoling a new client, and even believe that they will be able to give him their product.
      - Free coffee , detrimental LCA and bonus, which is included in the agreed salary and working only in the negative.
    • Pompous speech about employee coolness. And 10 years of using technology, and experience in a large team, and complex tasks, and management of the group.
      What do you find when you dig?
      - For 10 years I have tried to use it a couple of times somehow, but these attempts did not get into any real product.
      - Worked in the department number of 10 people, of whom in the work intersected with a couple of three.
      - Implemented tasks using the second page of Google.
      - It turned out to be extreme when the former timlid fell over the horizon.
    • Interesting tasks?
      - We ourselves do not yet know what we will do, or we do not know how this miracle system works.
    • Confident knowledge of technology?
      - I read in Google on the eve of the interview, maybe even jagged a couple of definitions.
    • Market s / n is discussed with successful candidates?
      - Be prepared to get 10% below the bottom of the market (or the lower border of the fork in a job), and then only because you liked the technical director so much.
    • Desired salary?
      - We take the maximum for vacancies (others can), they still offer less and less, but after receiving an offer, we still take offense that we have offered little.
    • Career prospects?
      - Either go over the heads, or change the profession within the company.
    • Do you position yourself as a team leader?
      - Or maybe you just want more money and less work?
    • We use modern technology?
      - Either they were like that a couple of years ago, or they change suddenly, because they cannot benefit from the existing ones.
    • In the summary indicated all the most hyip?
      - So maybe you will fall down as soon as a new HYIP rises?

    Etc. etc.

    Well, cherries (rotted) on the cake ... Ridiculous hiring procedures, invented as if to justify the presence of the HR department as such. And workers who are not able to come on time, and sometimes simply not able to find a business center, even on the third attempt. It is not clear how relevant questionnaires on knowledge of technology or test tasks that look like full-fledged tasks and require a week of work. As well as workers who are not able to write a couple of lines in their favorite programming language or answer a simple question on the technology that he seems to know from and to.
    Etc. etc.

    Why exactly?

    It's all sad, though partly justified. The market is really in short supply with large dynamics. There are not enough good specialists, and nobody wants to pay incredible money. And at the same time, workers quite reasonably overestimate the bar. This is aggravated by the occasional bursts of the market, caused either by the desire of a large company to pick someone up at once, or by a new HYIP technology or the idea that leads to mass migration. Companies are forced to inflate non-material benefits, because real money is not taken from the air. And, after all, oddly enough, those who overestimated expectations go to work with overstated promises. Just everyone wants to catch Karasik in muddy waters. Most of us, no matter how criticized the current system, are trying to get maximum benefits.

    The truth of life is that no formal procedure can solve such problems, but business conditions and legislation require such procedures.

    Instead of a conclusion.

    Is it possible to do well?

    No, ideally - these are fairy tales ... that rarely survive in the real world. Although this is part of the problem - I really want a fairy tale. But maybe it will turn out well?
    Next will be a few recommendations that, in my personal opinion, can reduce the level of tension.

    So how to get a job?

    Don't cheat. That would be a joke if it were not for the sad reality. How often does the candidate try to give something that he thinks will suit the employer.


    • ... you need to soberly assess your level and not too hope for a miracle? Lucky - good. The rest of the time, it is important to set priorities. Training? Experience? Salary? Stability? Convenience? Sagging free? Just most likely will not happen. It may be that there is nothing good in accessibility at all. Or there are offers, but they are not suitable for any criteria. But maybe this is due to the fact that you want something wrong. Maybe there are no such places at all. So you need to correct the picture of the world and your expectations. We are looking for interesting things, believe in ourselves, know what we want and honestly talk about knowledge and desires. There is a chance that the employer will believe in you and will not want to tighten the nuts in advance.
    • ... you should not chase after the super-technology, just because it is popular, and you should choose what is really interesting to do?
    • ... you should not chase for a super-salary, for they will ask accordingly, or is it too risky and high salaries will not last long?
    • ... do not try to jump higher than your head, for you will burn at work?
    • ... you should not prejudice the company for the features of the work and the approach to hiring, maybe there is a good reason for that?

    Another important aspect. Even if you are a super-duper guru of the business, and at the same time all the surrounding ones, it is not very correct to try to do a good job for the employer with your appearance. Maybe even you are the one and only chance to save a business. But how will the one who leads this business believe you? First you need to understand what and why is happening in a particular case. It usually takes time. And if not knowing the whole story, you come and tell you how to live, then you get a reasonable negative. Even if your point of view is correct. So it goes.

    And yes, your "registration" in the company does not end with an offer, and even the end of the probationary period.

    Oh, how I would like all those who respond to the vacancy to be honest with themselves and with us ...

    And how to hire a specialist and not lose?

    Don't cheat. That would be a joke if it were not for the sad reality. Frankly speaking, there are “impostors”, but they are relatively rare and most often easily calculated, with the competence of the interviewers. But "inadequate" jobs look like a system.

    • It would be nice to honestly describe the purpose of finding an employee and the salary and bonus opportunities. Do not include in the vacancy texts from the vacancies of other successful companies, if you are not ready to provide all that you promise. And yes, the option “it will all be for sure if we have a team of highly qualified specialists in a month” is also a hoax, most often.
    • It is important not to idealize working conditions, not to tell the future employee that everything is as you have just been dreaming.
    • Yes, technical expertise is needed, but it strongly depends on the specialty. Sometimes the best is a questionnaire, sometimes it is better to speak out loud. The main thing is not to generalize. It’s bad when the company, when hiring one approach to everyone, from the cleaning lady to the director, is still very different specialists. Someone should invest in the company's mission, and someone needs only a solid salary, and not to interfere with the work to do.
    • I really want companies to not pay with wages. Premium is good. But it should be a bonus. Salary is payment for a job done normally. The rules for calculating premiums should be very clear at the interview. I understand the desire of companies to introduce the penalty system ... But there is something at the hearing of no examples of a successfully operating system of fines in the field of IT.
    • A very important point is that the new employee does not join the team from the first day, and even after the probationary period, you need to be attentive to the employees.

    Oh, how I would like all companies to be honest with themselves and with applicants ...

    Mutual honesty, maximum transparency, individual approach and mutual respect. Is all of this possible in a fast-growing market, where everyone wants to grab his piece or have time to get on his train?

    I feel like saying: “May the force be with us!” :)

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