Top 10 User eXperience articles for beginners to understand what it is in an hour

    My strategy is to sort out a topic - read Habr for a couple of hours. I decided to save a little time the same as me, and made a small selection of useful and interesting materials on the topic of UX. I’ll immediately warn you that getting a professional level up with them will not work (there are offline courses for this ), but understanding the topic and getting insights is easy. And yes, if there is, share links to materials that were most useful to you at one time.

    58 signs of a good interface

    A good user interface has high conversion rates and is easy to use. In other words, it is good both for business and for the people who use it. Below you will find a number of practical ideas that you can try to apply.
    Nice pictures, good advice. Briefly, in the case and everything is clear.

    A dozen designer shoals

    A small checklist, useful both for self-testing and for checking someone else’s design. With an extensive discussion in the comments.

    By the way, there are practical tips to improve the usability of the Habr’s vote image, some of which were later implemented.

    The best interface is the lack of an interface

    Why speedometer twitter, or how to open the car door in 13 actions instead of three. The author’s reflection on how the abundance of interfaces slows down our lives and how to get rid of it.

    User experience design: how to build a site for customers, not for yourself

    Yes, yes, it is that Denis Kortunov from whom Google "bought a new logo . " His presentation of 2012, allows you to start navigating in UX.

    UICloud: The largest user interface database

    UICloud is a database of free user interfaces with a search engine, rating and cataloger, which collects everything from PSD source codes to ready-made solutions in HTML, CSS or jQuery: forms, sliders, buttons, calendars, elements and full-fledged interfaces for mobile and web applications. In the project, now you can find almost everything you need to facilitate the development process for designers and developers.

    At the moment, there are 23586 46608 elements in the database and almost a thousand UI-sets including ready-made solutions in a single style. The project was created by the British Double-J Design studio. The goal of the project is to create the most extensive UI base.

    There are a lot of useful comments in the article comments.

    300 awesome free services

    I’ll just say that the article has 884,000 views

    Tips for an Interface Programmer

    [Sarcasm] Zero tip - take care of the image storage in advance.

    I believe that a programmer can make a very decent interface. In this post, I would like to collect some tips that will help the programmer more or less successfully plunge into the irrational world of users and design good interfaces.

    I will make a reservation that these tips are more suitable for programmers who are forced to engage in user interface development. That is, for some reason, the company does not have a designer, regular usability testing, the process of designing interfaces, etc.
    147 helpful comments.

    Usability toilet cubicles

    The purpose of the article is to stretch your brain a bit.
    I even got a brain from the name. Respect to the author, be sure to read. 288 comments.

    Why is the mouse cursor tilted 45 °?

    The question from the series is why the rails are of such a width. Traditions.

    Psychological test for evaluating an IT product, or in which Habrahabr is inferior to Facebook

    In this article, the UI was studied not only empirically (clicked or not clicked), but also connected psychological theories (for example, McClelland is very good, I have known him for a long time, I recommend everyone to get acquainted).

    There is also a psycho-psychological study of personality types according to MBTI: influence on the perception of advertising ; I would be interested to see about UX of different types in socionics / MBTI.


    Milfgard is a Mosigra man, as well as a researcher of faceted glasses of interfaces in every sense of the word. Common sense in his articles goes through the roof, so read them no more than one per day.
    What I learned about interfaces in the real world in China
    Interfaces in the real world
    Interfaces in the real world (more examples)
    When the game interface itself becomes part of the plot and the world

    By the way, for all participants of Habrahabr guys from #tceh provide a discount on attending a UX course on 30,000 rubles according to the promotional code— #tceh_edu_habrahabr.

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