From Siberia to Cyprus and back - the story of a failed immigrant

    The main question - if now, knowing how everything happened, I would again have a choice - to go or not to go - I would go. I do not regret anything, this experience greatly expanded the boundaries of perception of reality.

    What happened? The beginning of the summer of Novosibirsk, I have been working as a devos for six months in a good company, went through adaptation, reached the “design” capacity and just started to bring benefits. And at this moment life offers me to change myself coolly and get involved in an adventure called work abroad. There is very little time to think, the decision must be made in a week. Before, I was visited by thoughts that someday it would be good to move abroad and try to give a different education to my children. But in reality, all this was only in reasoning; in practice, I did not do anything to approach them. And then fate destroys many obstacles, and it can be done relatively easily and naturally. In a short time I collect a lot of contradictory information about the country, about the company, about the life of the migrant as a whole. Based on these data, it was impossible to make a balanced choice on such dates. Therefore, the main motive was the idea that if you refuse such an offer, then there may be no other.

    Tickets are bought, the application is written, so many questions and so few answers. Cyprus met the hellish heat and the view of the scorched desert. My family and I arrived there in the worst season, when all the local people are trying to leave the country, or at least to the mountains, where it is cooler. For two months the green survives only where the soil is watered abundantly, costs 35-37 degrees of heat, people move by rushes from shadow to shadow. However, in the hotel room, and later in the apartment that we rented, air conditioning worked, and it was comfortable. By renting an apartment, an important conclusion that will seem to the captain's for the hardened travelers: before renting an apartment, you need to talk with the greatest number of people who have been living there for a long time, learn about locations and prices. We progadal with the price: it came out expensive, but right on the seashore, with a good view and walking distance from most Limassol entertainment. But it was impossible to reach them in the afternoon. And this is one of the reasons that influenced the decision to return home. Just imagine yourself in the place of my wife: the husband went to work, she remains locked up until the evening with a 10-month-old child.

    What good is in Cyprus? Yes, a lot of things. Good sea air without dust. It is very easy to breathe, I immediately had an allergy. Sea - a definite plus, a very positive effect on health. Fresh and high-quality products: butter, milk, yoghurts, fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses are all natural and much tastier. And this is not a subjective observation, but a reality. True, the price of them is 2-3 times higher, perhaps in Novosibirsk you can find something comparable in price and quality. It is convenient that everything is close to the island: I wanted to go to the mountains - an hour away, and you enjoy the cool breeze and beautiful views. A lot of activities for people involved in sports. Looking at this, I started running in the morning. At the same time I returned, adding 8 kg. More in Cyprus are very good people, 99% honest and good-natured. The feeling of absolute security - you can walk down the street at any time of the day or night and not be afraid of anything. In this piggy bank about homeless animals. In Russia, stray dogs are usually hungry and angry, in packs. In Cyprus, all dogs are someone's, but the whole city is flooded with homeless cats, they are absolutely harmless, they are fed at every corner.

    What was not very? Hellish heat. They say now [in early October] has become easier, sleep without air conditioning with the windows open. Few entertainments - in two weeks you can go round and see everything. Huge cockroaches and hordes of ants. And we lived on the 7th floor. Shops close early: at 8 in the evening you can’t buy groceries, only a certain minimum in kiosks. All around say in Russian - no way to tighten the knowledge of English. Its dialect, which becomes clear only after a couple of days. After a while, you begin to pronounce the "conformational". Internet home we connected for three weeks. 25 megabits for 40 euros per month. ADSL, for those who still remember what it is. Cyprus has the slowest internet throughout Europe. Oh yeah, mobile internet is 2 GB for 15 euros per month.

    I approach the main thing - the company that called me to work. The story about it will not be so colorful because of the signed NDA. The choice of work in Cyprus is large, but mainly from the financial sector. The company is no longer a startup, but also not an enterprise. It is now in a state of breaking old and building new processes. The company turned out to need not devops, but good administrators. In fact, 90% of my work was System Administration. If I stayed there, I would have been doing this for at least a year, and probably more. This would be some kind of regression for me, who came to devops from administration. One more aspect - I did not believe in my Lida. It was our department that suffered the most from the growth of the company and accumulated a huge technical debt. In three months I managed to understand in general how what works, and did not see any positive dynamics or plan about how we will close this debt. At the same time a team leader with a tough stance and great difficulties in convincing him of something. But humanly he is a very good person. Another nuance is the legislative standards on security in a combat environment for financial organizations and the harsh SEC department. Not very normalized schedule, I had to work a couple of times at night without being able to refuse and without normal compensation for it. It was impossible to learn about all this without arriving. I had to work a couple of times at night without being able to give up and without normal compensation for it. It was impossible to learn about all this without arriving. I had to work a couple of times at night without being able to give up and without normal compensation for it. It was impossible to learn about all this without arriving.

    I think I could subscribe to all this if I had at least some reason to stay. For example, if my wife and child were comfortable.

    Cyprus is a country for cars. Without a car there is difficult. Rent a five-seater car costs 400 euros per month. Against this background, I managed to find a job and get a car without money. Rentals bring cars from Japan, and the local radio does not work for them. I was surprised, because our adapter costs 150 rubles and another 500 for the work. They will take 70-80 euros for it. I was sent a batch of adapters from home, and I put them in the morning. Managed to make 25 cars. The market there nepahany, local poorly versed in cars. People there are very ordinary, the same as in Novosibirsk.

    There is nothing wrong with working abroad. However, for myself, I realized that before moving to permanent residence in another country, you need to collect as much information from those who live there, to prepare, and, most importantly, to understand exactly what you need it for.

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