The use of user data and the sale of big data offered to legitimize

    Today it became known about the emergence of a new bill that has already been submitted to the State Duma and published in the database of documents of its legislative activity. He introduces the concept of regulation of big data, the content of the document is available for discussion at the site, as reported by Vedomosti.

    We are talking about user data collected by telecommunications companies. They are depersonalized, that is, the identity of the person to whom they belong cannot be determined. The processing of this kind of data is considered to be any actions with them - from collection and systematization to transmission and deletion. The author of the document proposes to provide companies with the use of data for their own needs, or to transfer to other companies, including sales.

    In order to notify the owners of the data about their processing for themselves, it is enough to place a message on your website, the author of the bill believes. If someone needs the data, no problem - you can sell them, as well as buy them. It must be possible to process them for other companies. However, to perform all these operations, the data holder must obtain the consent of the information owners. The agreement on the use of their data for users should be developed by Roskomnadzor.

    The form is necessary in any case - if the company plans to process the data for its partners, it needs to obtain consent from the owner. But if several companies belong to the same group of persons, processing large data together, they cannot obtain the consent of the data package owner.

    In the event that a company processes information of 100,000 people, it is necessary to inform Roskomnadzor of the forthcoming processing for the purposes of other persons. In this case, the message should contain details, processing objectives and a description of all actions with information.

    If the bill is passed, it is likely that a specialized registry will be created to simplify the work of Roskomnadzor. All handlers who notify Roskomnadzor about similar work with big data will be entered into this register.

    As for other laws and regulations on working with big data, they are practically nonexistent, although Russian businesses need them. For example, in June last year, the Internet Initiatives Development Fund, with the participation of Yandex, MTS, MegaFon, and the X5 retailer, began developing their own draft law on big data regulation, the purpose of which is to regulate turnover and data processing, as well as creating a big data market in Russia.

    In addition, a working group on regulatory regulation of the digital economy also forms its vision of the procedure and processes for working with big data. It includes representatives of major Internet companies and operators. This year, the working group was engaged in choosing a business concept with publicly accessible user data. As a result of voting, it was decided to develop a project, according to which a business will be able to collect, store and analyze any user data that legally got into the network.

    By the way, as of October 1 of this year, another document was to come into force that relates to the storage of user data. This is the so-called “law of Spring”, which instructs operators to start the procedure for storing subscribers' Internet traffic. According to the government decision, every year for five years, operators are obliged to increase the capacity of Internet traffic storages by 15%. Plus, the information can be stored on the servers of other operators, but in this case everything must be coordinated with the FSB.

    As it turned out, providers are not able to fulfill the requirements of the law. The fact is that there are no documents regulating the characteristics of the equipment, the certification process and the installation of hardware. The Ministry of Communications and the Federal Security Service has not yet developed clear requirements for equipment for the removal and storage of data. Even if all this appears right now, then it will be necessary to wait until the end of 2019 to implement the provisions.

    As for the costs of implementing the “Law of Spring”, Megafon estimated their volume at 40 billion rubles over five years, and VimpelCom at 45 billion. Already this year, operators will spend 6 billion rubles to implement the provisions of the “Law” each (meaning the representatives of the "Big Three").

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