Place at least one vacancy on “My Circle” - get full access to the database of resumes of IT-specialists
After restarting My Circle, 4 months have passed. All this time, the service of accessing the CV database of our IT specialists was completely free.
Now full access to the resume database is reserved for those who have posted at least one vacancy on My Circle. For the rest, a restriction is introduced: for any search query, no more than 5 resumes are displayed.
Removing the restriction is very simple. If you are really looking for an IT specialist, then you have an open position. And it will not be difficult for you to place it with us!

Prices for vacancy placement services remain the same with us. Each vacancy is paid for a month, its cost depends on the region in which it is placed.
For Moscow and St. Petersburg, accommodation costs 3,000 rubles, for cities with a population of over one million - 2,500, for other cities of Russia, as well as for other CIS countries - 2,000. For all other countries - 5,000.
View all tariffs (pdf)
All vacancies from My Circle are broadcast on our projects: Habrahabr, Geektimes, Megamind and Toaster. The total monthly audience of projects is 12 million users. Also, all vacancies are published in public projects in social networks. And we also do daily e-mails for all interested specialists who are subscribed to notifications of new vacancies. All this is included in the base cost of a job placement service.
Now we have about 500 vacancies from the IT sphere (backend, frontend, design, application development, management, marketing and others) every month posted , on average 8 specialists respond to each.
We have opened representative offices of 25 thousand companies and about 40 thousand IT-specialists filled out their resumes.
Now full access to the resume database is reserved for those who have posted at least one vacancy on My Circle. For the rest, a restriction is introduced: for any search query, no more than 5 resumes are displayed.
Removing the restriction is very simple. If you are really looking for an IT specialist, then you have an open position. And it will not be difficult for you to place it with us!

How much is a job placement
Prices for vacancy placement services remain the same with us. Each vacancy is paid for a month, its cost depends on the region in which it is placed.
For Moscow and St. Petersburg, accommodation costs 3,000 rubles, for cities with a population of over one million - 2,500, for other cities of Russia, as well as for other CIS countries - 2,000. For all other countries - 5,000.
View all tariffs (pdf)
All vacancies from My Circle are broadcast on our projects: Habrahabr, Geektimes, Megamind and Toaster. The total monthly audience of projects is 12 million users. Also, all vacancies are published in public projects in social networks. And we also do daily e-mails for all interested specialists who are subscribed to notifications of new vacancies. All this is included in the base cost of a job placement service.
The current performance of My Circle
Now we have about 500 vacancies from the IT sphere (backend, frontend, design, application development, management, marketing and others) every month posted , on average 8 specialists respond to each.
We have opened representative offices of 25 thousand companies and about 40 thousand IT-specialists filled out their resumes.