Do you want to study abroad, but do not know how, what and where? We will help you!

    Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,

    I’m not sure if I publish this topic in that hub, because PR is essentially nothing, and the hub of "ideas for startups" is also not suitable, because it’s not about a startup. I hope that during the discussion the situation will clear up and I will transfer the topic to a more suitable hub.

    The task of this topic is to find out whether it is necessary what will be described below?

    So, let's begin.

    I proceed from the assumption that quite a lot of people would like to study abroad, in particular in Europe or even more specifically in Germany. Many factors confront this desire, the most significant of which, in my humble opinion, is the unknown. Namely, it is not known where to start, where to look, what you need to be able to and have, etc. Even after you find an institute where you would like to study, contacted it and got a place there, there are still a lot of questions, such as:

    • Who will meet me?
    • Where to live at least the first time?
    • Where to run / go, what to do?
    • What is important, who should I ask?
    • … etc.

    Now imagine the following. You want to study in Germany. You come to our site, fill out a form with data, such as name, surname, date of birth, education, etc. Fill the scans of your documents (not a passport of course, only education documents, plus there may be certificates, for example proof of knowledge of the language). Indicate in a free, but short form, where and whom you would like to study. We translate your documents into German, fill out the necessary forms and send them to educational institutions that match your profile. All the answers from these same institutions you will see in your personal account on the site. If among the answers are positive and they suit you, with your permission we send a request for admission.

    After you got a place, you need to do a visa. This is a completely different, serious and long work. For our part, we provide you with all possible information. You are expected to fulfill all the requirements of the German authorities.

    If all is well, you have a visa (permission to stay) and a place at the institute. You arrive in Germany, we meet you and take you to the hotel (the hotel is reserved in advance and you (in your name), so that in case of force majeure you would not stay on the street). The next day, we take you to the institute, where you get all the papers, then we go to the real estate agency, where you sign the papers for rental housing, for a period of 3-4 months, so that you can then resolve this issue yourself. Naturally, super conditions and super cheap prices will not be promised for obvious reasons, which are not small in number and which will be clearly and thoroughly explained. If you can solve the housing problem yourself (friends, relatives, etc.), all the better. From us you get a quick guide on what to do when and where in the first months, including a map with the nearest stores.

    And now for the money. We sign an agreement according to which, after receiving a student card in your hands (attention, not enrolling in an institute, but receiving a student card, which can only be done personally at an institute in Germany), you agree to transfer a certain amount to our account, for example, a thousand euros. Until this moment, we are not asking for money from you. Thus, you are protected from incorrect behavior on our part, and we are confident that we will also receive our money, because without a student card you will feel bad here, and with a signed contract we can always go to the police if you don’t transfer the money.

    To the question, what will happen if it does not burn out or a person changes his mind, but have we already incurred the costs? My answer: there will be nothing, these costs are included in the risks, everything is the same for you, payment is only upon receipt of a student card.

    Naturally, everything written here is only a rough description of the process, subtleties and related problems will be, and I understand that perfectly. My question is for you, or rather two:

    1. Would you be interested in this?
    2. Is the amount up to 2 thousand euros for such services adequate? if not, how much?

    And please consider one more thing. According to my estimates, you need an amount where around 10 thousand euros in any case, because only the German authorities will demand from you a pledge in the region of 7.5 thousand (which you will get back if you don’t smoke here. This is just a pledge in case you arrange a small catastrophe here). There are of course other options, but count on this one first.

    Well, one more thing on my part.
    I do not have good connections, sufficient finances, or legal experience.

    If you are interested in participating and you have something that I do not have, then I will be very glad to talk with you.

    And finally, I would like to repeat once again:
    The task of this topic is to find out whether it is necessary what is described here? Those. not whether it will work, because there are problems, but is it necessary?

    Thanks in advance.

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