How I updated my Ubuntu to Maverick

    I was waiting for the main release. Did not want to upgrade to Beta or Release Candidate. For some reason I was sure that with the release of the main release I would have to download and install almost as many updates - I agree, a strange thought, but decided to wait for the main release like that.

    And yesterday, the Update Manager issued the coveted line and the Update button.

    It should be noted that the system is already 2 years old, it was originally installed on 8.04 and was gradually and systematically updated to the next releases. And with each update there were some glitches, overlays and quirks, which then unraveled and fixed.

    And to myself - I do not suffer from red-eye disease, I do not collect a core for myself, etc. Being a web-programmer, I don’t want to get into the jungle of the system, that's why I chose Ubuntu.

    Updates in the amount of 2GB flew to the home desktop in 8 minutes (thanks, UA-IX), after which two and a half hours were set. For comparison, on a newer system on a working laptop, where 10.04 updates were already installed by the first system, 1GB less were installed, although the approximate list of software on the systems is the same (I work on both computers).

    After a couple of hours of examining the consequences of the update, I downloaded the image and completely rearranged the system. Fortunately, 2 years ago, on the advice of an experienced Linux user, I successfully partitioned the screw.

    An attempt to update the system failed - the gnome glitches that were closed on the tracker for previous versions surfaced. It became clear when google glitches.
    I don’t give screenshots, because they couldn’t be made corny, but I didn’t see any sense in photographing the screen, because then I did not think about writing somewhere about it.

    I confess, I did not try hard to fix the glitches that appeared - the main glitch is GNOM's endless launch of its File Manager which leads to complete paralysis of the system - the memory is still a car, but the windows already open somehow very selectively if I didn’t turn them on right after the start Google Chrome, then you can no longer try. But Mozilla Firefox works fine. And the most annoying - you can not change the background image.
    According to a discussion on the  gentoo bug tracker , the problem has been resolved with the release of GNOME version 2.30, and in 10.10 version 2.32. Here I realized that I do not want to look for a solution.

    Another glitch turned out to be pretty caviar - the system that remained without my attention “turned on” the screen saver and blocked itself. Attempts to return did not give a result - a black screen and each click of a mouse or button press led to a short-term appearance of the cursor on the screen and that’s all. At the same time, the computer continued to play music regularly. Solved the problem from console mode by restarting gdm. Something important and not saved would be discovered, I would be upset.

    Result - I downloaded the system image and rearranged it. It's funny, but k3b refused to start silently getting out of the taskbar. The recording worked only through Brasero.

    The only thing that improved my mood is that I installed the 64-bit version, abandoning the pae-crutch.

    The moral of this fable is this:

    1) Not everything is as smooth in the ubunt kingdom as we would like and as Canonical claims;
    2) Ubuntu can live without reinstallation longer than ... "other" OS (I am silent about the Mac);
    3) You need to develop your own willpower - do not rush headlong at the update, because this with equal probability can both improve the system and knock the system out of working rhythm for 1 or several days, and with it you, if you are engaged in its maintenance;
    4) It makes a lot of sense to create / home as a separate section. I saved my desktop, selectively application configs, etc .;
    5) The installer of the new ubunta was very pleased - when I was still driving in settings like my name and time zone, the Installer was already unpacking and downloading system packages from the Internet. I don’t know, maybe it has been a long time in other distributions, but it pleasantly surprised me.

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