CUSTIS Open Seminars: Graduation Season
With the onset of autumn, life, warmed up by the previous season, seems to slow down, diminishes brightness and contrast, and freezes in anticipation of warmth. So, at least, the official press believes: autumn spleen, plaid blankets and notes on how to keep warm and comfortable when rains and cold wind are raging around are in fashion again. It's hard to argue with that, that's just the idea of comfort for everyone is different. Our team is confident that it is comfortable where they understand you, in the circle of like-minded professionals with whom you can spend the evening for interesting discussions about what really interests you.
Therefore, with joy and undisguised pride, we announce the start of the eighth cycle of open seminars for students and young IT professionals. By a good tradition, we began to prepare in the summer, and now we are ready to offer our guys informative and professionally growing meetings - four seminars on the most important IT-related topics, with our leading experts in the role of lecturers. This cycle will be the final in this format, so we tried to make a really “strong” and bright season so that we wouldn’t want to remember autumn splint at all.
We invite everyone who likes to study and discover new horizons to our cozy office, where for four weeks our experts will share their experience, secrets of skill and valuable tips on a variety of professional topics: from methods to deal with the routine in developing Enterprise- applications before the evolution of ideas about modern system administrators and their specialization.
October 8, 18: 30–20: 30

Dmitry Morozov, Leading Systems Engineer
Modern IT infrastructure is a complex ecosystem that contains a whole “zoo” of various software and equipment and is the foundation for the successful functioning and development of the business.
This review seminar will be devoted to IT infrastructure management mechanisms as a holistic system. We will understand what ITIL and ITSM are for, what SLA is for and what needs to be included in it, as well as consider the concept of a service approach and find out why the value of IT lies not in equipment and its cost, but in processes and competent management of them.
October 15, 18: 30–20: 00

Victor Krapivin, architect
In a software project, the developer constantly has to work with the inherited code of previously created programs that need to be completed, corrected or made a source of examples in further practice. In the process of studying such source code, programmers often resent, sometimes not without reason declaring: “Well, who writes this ?!” Numerous obscure decisions, urgent patches to correct critical errors, “crutches” - it’s not easy to figure it all out even with the documentation, and sometimes it is no longer relevant or not at all.
When creating a software product that can "live out" to industrial operation, it must be remembered that sooner or later it will fall into the hands of programmers who are not related to its initial development. During this seminar, we will demonstrate with examples from the Java world how to create this product in such a way that “descendants” are satisfied.
October 22, 18: 30–21: 30

Vladislav Iofe, architect
When designing and implementing corporate systems, a whole series of questions always arise: do we need to develop an access control system ourselves? How are authentication and authorization embedded in the application architecture? Is it possible to make logging in at the same time simple, convenient and secure? What to do with passwords from hundreds of sites?
At the seminar, we will consider different authentication and authorization methods, try to get around them, and also get acquainted with industry standards and modern trends in this area as applied to corporate systems. We will give answers to already asked and many other questions not from the point of view of a security specialist, but from the perspective of a designer, user, developer, tester and maintenance engineer, and we will pay special attention to architecture and usability.
October 29, 18: 30-21: 30

Denis Gavrilov, architect
Igor Shatalkin, .NET developer
Denis Chekushin, .NET lead developer
Very often, the main activity of the developer is to automate customer tasks. However, in the process of work, programmers themselves often have to deal with a routine: write the same type of code, perform similar operations.
What are the means of automation of the programmer? Why use ORM, auto-forms and other similar tools? What is code generation? How to write a plugin for Visual Studio? Where is the automation limit and does it even exist? At the seminar, we will answer these questions and consider how automation is used in everyday practice.
Detailed information about the seminars, registration and venue is in our VKontakte group . After each meeting, we traditionally post media reports, presentations and other useful information. Videos of all workshops are available on our Vimeo channel , and presentations are available on Slideshare .
Registration for the first seminar is already open , come yourself and bring friends - we will be glad to see you!
Therefore, with joy and undisguised pride, we announce the start of the eighth cycle of open seminars for students and young IT professionals. By a good tradition, we began to prepare in the summer, and now we are ready to offer our guys informative and professionally growing meetings - four seminars on the most important IT-related topics, with our leading experts in the role of lecturers. This cycle will be the final in this format, so we tried to make a really “strong” and bright season so that we wouldn’t want to remember autumn splint at all.
We invite everyone who likes to study and discover new horizons to our cozy office, where for four weeks our experts will share their experience, secrets of skill and valuable tips on a variety of professional topics: from methods to deal with the routine in developing Enterprise- applications before the evolution of ideas about modern system administrators and their specialization.
Farewell to the Iron Age: Modern Approaches to IT Infrastructure Management
October 8, 18: 30–20: 30

Dmitry Morozov, Leading Systems Engineer
Modern IT infrastructure is a complex ecosystem that contains a whole “zoo” of various software and equipment and is the foundation for the successful functioning and development of the business.
This review seminar will be devoted to IT infrastructure management mechanisms as a holistic system. We will understand what ITIL and ITSM are for, what SLA is for and what needs to be included in it, as well as consider the concept of a service approach and find out why the value of IT lies not in equipment and its cost, but in processes and competent management of them.
The secret of production: a software product for which you will not be ashamed
October 15, 18: 30–20: 00

Victor Krapivin, architect
In a software project, the developer constantly has to work with the inherited code of previously created programs that need to be completed, corrected or made a source of examples in further practice. In the process of studying such source code, programmers often resent, sometimes not without reason declaring: “Well, who writes this ?!” Numerous obscure decisions, urgent patches to correct critical errors, “crutches” - it’s not easy to figure it all out even with the documentation, and sometimes it is no longer relevant or not at all.
When creating a software product that can "live out" to industrial operation, it must be remembered that sooner or later it will fall into the hands of programmers who are not related to its initial development. During this seminar, we will demonstrate with examples from the Java world how to create this product in such a way that “descendants” are satisfied.
“Wait! Who's coming? ”: Authentication and authorization in corporate systems
October 22, 18: 30–21: 30

Vladislav Iofe, architect
When designing and implementing corporate systems, a whole series of questions always arise: do we need to develop an access control system ourselves? How are authentication and authorization embedded in the application architecture? Is it possible to make logging in at the same time simple, convenient and secure? What to do with passwords from hundreds of sites?
At the seminar, we will consider different authentication and authorization methods, try to get around them, and also get acquainted with industry standards and modern trends in this area as applied to corporate systems. We will give answers to already asked and many other questions not from the point of view of a security specialist, but from the perspective of a designer, user, developer, tester and maintenance engineer, and we will pay special attention to architecture and usability.
Down with the routine from development! Automation when creating software
October 29, 18: 30-21: 30

Denis Gavrilov, architect
Igor Shatalkin, .NET developer
Denis Chekushin, .NET lead developer
Very often, the main activity of the developer is to automate customer tasks. However, in the process of work, programmers themselves often have to deal with a routine: write the same type of code, perform similar operations.
What are the means of automation of the programmer? Why use ORM, auto-forms and other similar tools? What is code generation? How to write a plugin for Visual Studio? Where is the automation limit and does it even exist? At the seminar, we will answer these questions and consider how automation is used in everyday practice.
Detailed information about the seminars, registration and venue is in our VKontakte group . After each meeting, we traditionally post media reports, presentations and other useful information. Videos of all workshops are available on our Vimeo channel , and presentations are available on Slideshare .
Registration for the first seminar is already open , come yourself and bring friends - we will be glad to see you!