4 years of the game projects management program

    On November 6, training begins at the eighth stream of the educational program “Game Project Management” at the Higher School of Business Informatics, HSE. I am glad that this marks the execution of four years in our training in the gaming industry! During this time, more than 200 people have unlearned from us, most of whom are currently successfully working in gaming companies or creating their own games. Registration on the eighth stream goes to the end of October, join us! Details on the program page >>

    I'll tell you a little more about our educational program. The term of study is 8 months. Upon completion, a diploma of the established model of the Higher School of Economics is issued on professional retraining. Classes, including theory and practice, are conducted on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18-45 to 21-35 and on Saturdays from 10-30 to 16-30.

    The program includes two key areas - the development and operation of games.. At the development stage, the game functionality is designed and implemented, content is generated and all technical, game design and other aspects of the game are worked out. The goal of the stage is to create a product ready for operation. Operating is the launch and support of the successful functioning of the game in the market. On the program, we cover both of these areas. So that students can create a gaming product, we study the technical basics of development, game logic, product documentation, player psychology, game mechanics, interface design in games, level design, work with script in games, monetization, prototyping. In order for all this to work, an understanding of how to manage a team in the gaming industry and how to build project management processes is necessary, under which individual disciplines are also highlighted. Next, you need to launch your product, so we analyze in detail all the available game marketing tools, including those that can be used by indie developers and do not require multimillion-dollar budgets. We study copyright and contract law in relation to the gaming industry, we work with quality control of development and launch of game projects, with localization, with community and technical support.

    On the program page we made separate sections about our teachers , about employment and about the projects of our graduates, so that those who are interested can familiarize themselves with this information.

    Also this Wednesday, 24.10 at 19:00, we will have a free event - an open lecture on the history of the domestic gaming industry from the author of the book “Our Game” by Mikhail Pimenov. By the way, Michael, together with our graduates, will soon launch a visual novel on Steam - Guard of Wonderland. You can add it to the wish list here >>

    Place: st. Trifonovskaya, d.57, p. 1 (metro station Rizhskaya).

    Admission is free, but by appointment. You can study information about topics and speakers, as well as register, on the event page .

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