Microsoft exchanges good Windows Store apps for certificates

What is usually required in order to get the MCSD Developer Certificate? Study, study and study again. Work, work and work again. And after all this, having already a sufficiently large store of knowledge, you need to pass 3 exams. Having passed the first of them (70-480 or 70-483), you receive a Microsoft Certified Professional certificate. But further, if there is a desire for career and professional growth, in order to receive MCSD, it is necessary to pass more exams.

But! Now there is an opportunity to go the alternative way and accelerate to pass the exam for MCSD! (I would not like to use an advertising style, but the opportunity is really unique!)
Within the framework of the App To Cert program, you can provide your application under development for review. If your application meets all the guidelines, you will be able to pass only one Advanced Windows Store App Development exam and get an MCSD certificate. In the event that any defects are found in your application, you will have the opportunity to eliminate them in some time and send the application for re-examination. The test is conducted by a Microsoft engineer using the Lync conference. In my case, we talked without video calling. Communication took place in English.
I quite liked the tips from the support expert. Some of them concerned the changes in 8.1 that I missed, some were quite simple, but touched on quite necessary points. The recommendations were really sensible, and the support expert turned out to be a pretty pleasant person to talk to, so it’s quite advisable to go through a review at least in order to find new ideas for improving the application.
I went through the review, correcting the flaws. Now, if I pass the 482nd or 485th exam, I can get the MCSD certificate by sending my MCP ID and application URL to
Registration is available at: App Review To Cert Program. As I understand the phrase "Open to worldwide Microsoft developer audience", registration is available to all developers. I did not find any special requirements besides having an application under development.
Link to the MVA course: Last Stop: Getting Your Windows App to Market
Plus, if you have time to go through the review in the near future, publish the application, and plan an exam before March 31, 2015, you will have the opportunity to take advantage one action called Second Shot , which will allow you to get a second free attempt to pass the exam if it fails.