Jetpack October 11, 1961: The President opened his mouth ...
“Well, what is there to do - to fly by in front of President Kennedy, you will think, a big deal. But to get to the earth safe and sound is the first thing you think about. ”
- Harold Graham, pilot of the first jetpack

On April 20, 1961, Harold Graham made the first rocket backpack flight in the world ( translated interview at Habré ).
“The highest blood pressure I ever had was 140, and it was before the first flight with a safety cable. Those. I had insurance, and yet ... Blood pressure is just additional evidence - it was the moment of the highest concentration in my career. ”
- Harold Graham
On June 8, 1961, the satchel was first publicly demonstrated - in front of several hundred officers at the Fort Eustis military base.
June 15, 1961 - a flight in the Pentagon courtyard in front of three thousand members of the military department, who watched with delight as Harold Graham flew through a passenger car.
“You know, in the films they show how they fly, they say something abstract, but to be honest, the moment you get off the ground, you think:“ Okay, I have a maximum of 21 seconds, and I really want so that my kids (shows down) get to the ground, ”in 15 seconds.”
- Harold Graham
On October 11, 1961, Graham took part in a demonstration maneuver at the Fort Bragg base, which was attended by President John F. Kennedy. The pilot started from the amphibious landing, located at a distance from the coast, flew over the water and successfully landed on the shore, next to the president and his delegation. They say the president opened his mouth in surprise ...
Demonstration in Fort Eustis
Pentagon Demonstration

Demonstration in Fort Bragg

“In October 1961, Graham held his biggest demonstration, which was perpetuated in Life magazine in the form of four photographs. In Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Graham was standing on a massive amphibian that swept across Lake McKellar. The bow of the ship cut through the cold water, surrounded by dark incense pine, oak and the striated bark of sweet currants. As he settled on a sandbank, about 200 feet from the coast, Graham hit the gas. His boots had come off the deck of the amphibian.

A haze of fog enveloped him as the wave of the jet pack stirred the lake. He flew at a distance of several feet above the water to the shore, overcoming the distance in seconds. He landed perfectly, as if he was just walking and, sweeping along the sandy embankment, turned sharply to the right and walked about 20 feet. Then he abruptly changed course, clicked his heels and already welcomed the person sitting next to him - President John F. Kennedy. "Buffalo's Evening News" quoted an army officer who said that when Graham landed, the commander-in-chief's eyes were as wide and surprised as they usually are in children. "[ Source ]
In another source: just like a kid. ” Reported the Buffalo Evening News.

Tour of the world
Harold Graham with the service team traveled to many US cities, visited Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Germany, France and other countries, each time with great success demonstrating a rocket pack in action in front of the general public.
The army was disappointed. The maximum duration of the flight of the rocket pack was 21 seconds, the range of 120 meters. At the same time the knapsack was accompanied by a whole team of attendants. In one twenty-second flight, up to 5 gallons (19 liters) of deficient hydrogen peroxide was consumed. According to the military, the Bell Rocket Belt was a spectacular toy rather than an efficient vehicle. Army expenses under the contract with Bell Aerosystems amounted to $ 150,000, Bell also spent another $ 50,000. The military refused the further financing of the SRLD program, the contract was terminated.
“A new star is burning in the sky. It was lit, of course, by hooligans. ”(Valentin Gaft)

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By the way, the company RUVDS became interested in jetpack and helps storm the clouds.
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