To the question about Pandas or another cry of Yaroslavna
While we are sleeping, Aleni is swinging

I apologize in advance to those whom the KDPV will entice too much and condolences to their loved ones. I myself suffered from this disease in severe form and acquired immunity forever (well, I think so ...). And the post is not about WoW at all, but about the country whose character is a character, not represented in the picture, but implied.
The last two years he began to discover on Ali interesting scarves built around Chinese-made microcircuits, and they are not copies of their Western counterparts, but original products. The most famous example is Espressif and its products, represented by ESP8266 / ESP32, which have become the de facto standard in the field of wireless devices and have no analogs from the word at all, and if you take into account the price, their undoubted success becomes quite understandable.
Other chips, as a rule, are much simpler and are interface converters, charging device controllers (the latter are quite common), and other small things. These products do not represent some kind of cardinal breakthrough in microelectronics, but they are quite worthy of attention and definitely have no analogues, and this is not about reassigned legs or (as is popular in another country as part of the import substitution program) re-labeled case, but about really independent development. In order to make sure of this, it is enough to open the documentation and read it carefully, paying attention to the structure of the phrases.
But there are semiconductor products of this type and more complicated. Of the latest products, the Winbond MK series is a very funny product based on the x51 core, which has an exact match on the legs to the popular Stm8 product, and all other things being equal, it costs 5 cents less than the original (20 vs. 25, by the way, the last figure is very popular , here and TI and STM and MicroChip). But, although the legs have full compatibility, the program in general needs to be redone. It is hard for me to imagine the level of profitability in the market for which a decrease in the cost of a component (single) by 5 cents is significant and the production volumes at which the costs for a new program will be justified by the gain, but the Chinese probably understand what they are doing.
But I’m sure that neither I nor the overwhelming majority of readers of this post (this is too optimistic, of course, not one of them) can compete with entrepreneurs from China. The necessary explanation - when I talk about the impossibility of competition, I, of course, mean successful competition. And then I recall the statements of a nano-manager about a possible rivalry with an apple, that is, for example, almost any of the Habrazhiteli can enter the ring to compete with Valuev, the only question is how many of them will be able to return from such a ring.
But back to the topic of the post. Yesterday I saw a message on one resource about a new product (well, like a new one, development 2017) of our southern neighbor and was surprised - at first it was pleasant, then a little less. We are talking about LogicGreen and its only product - the LGT8xx microcontroller family, specifically the LGT8FX328P. The parameters of this MK just made up a pleasant part of surprise.
Based on the core of ATMEL (the current MicroChip), specifically the Mega3288 family (of course, the layout of the legs is fully compatible). But then it becomes clear that this is not a clone of a branded product and it differs in the following features:
0. + complete backward compatibility in registers,
1. + a little faster than the original, the maximum clock frequency is 32 MHz versus 20,
2. + slightly faster than the original, the maximum speed is reached with 1.8V power supply versus 4 MHz,
3. + slightly faster than the original, a number of commands are executed in 1/2 clock cycle against 2/3,
4. + a second 16-bit timer is added,
5. + number PWM outputs increased to 9 vs. 6,
6. + operating frequency of timers to 64 MHz versus 20,
7. + unique device identifier,
8. + its own development environment with a graphical configurator,
9. + added internal oscillator 32.768kHz,
10. + 12 channels for 12 bits of ADC versus 8 * 10,
11. + DAC added for 10 bits,
12. + added second comparator with hysteresis, output filter ohm and direct control PWM,
13. ++ added a fast computing block that performs 16 * 16 multiplication with 32 accumulations and a limit per 1 clock cycle (well, as if in one if the operand loading takes 4 clock cycles and reading the result is another 4),
14. -EEPROM is used instead one of the FLASH blocks, there is a tricky emulation mechanism for compatibility,
15. + all sorts of nice little things, like changing fyuzov from the program, optional amplifiers of analog signals x8 / x16 / x32, strong outputs (80mA), etc.
16. = I personally don’t know the price exactly (1.3-2.9 is indicated on the site, most likely yuan), but boards based on this MK are not sold more expensive than on the basis of the original, and even there is information about re-marking on ATMEGA, which means it’s not exactly expensive.
You may ask, but what’s so bad about it is no, everything is fine, but I didn’t like one aspect - the website of the above company was made in a language I don’t understand at all, and this is not English. No other version, well, or I could not find it. Documentation for the MC is available for download and executed, probably in the same language, and again there is no other version. It turns out that China has become so self-sufficient that it does not even want to sell very good products abroad at a very attractive price? If so, then we will have to learn another foreign language, which personally does not please me at all, so I actually wrote about it.
Summary: while we were sleeping, Aleni was finally pumped up.
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