Characters: Smynx

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Company BOX UK  doted style site Web 2.0, that was without clichés, such as pictures of happy people. That the site was illustrative and positive. “We can do it!” - answered the turbo-designers - “And let's draw a character who will live on the site?”

The Smynx project was conceived as a place where people could tell each other how to have fun and usefully. But to do all this not only on an individual basis, but also to unite in interest groups.

As it should be in such a case, we started with sketches and drew something funny:


Then they sketched the writing of the logo:


If something funny flies with a parachute, and the inscription below, you should know that this is the Smynx project logo.


The most attentive ones will guess that the yellow creature, in fact, is a stylized light bulb. As a proof - carving on the body! It has long been known that a light bulb is the best metaphor for a great idea! But we came up with a significant improvement: our light bulb is very emotional.


On the pages of the site the character reflects various ways to have a great time, including extreme ones.


Actually this Smynx is a pretty funny guy!

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