.NET Framework coming soon Open Source and on * nix

- Reference Source for .NET 4.6 is relicensed under MIT;
- In the future, the framework will be open source and delivered in parts via NuGet, it will be possible with the application to deliver its assembly, which will be isolated from everything else;
- Development moves to GitHub ;
- Runtime sources will open soon, including RyuJit and the garbage collector;
- For all this happiness, official support for the Nyx is planned.
Mono is not something that is no longer needed, will continue to work closely with them to port, probably, the stack will be available some time in the composition of Mono, as opening is not all, and to complete the work required things from its membership.
For a snack
- New free edition of Visual Studio with support for extensions;
- Support for grunt, gulp and npm from Visual Studio and ASP.NET;
- A
server based on libuv will be prepared for ASP.NET ;
- MSBuild is also open. Collecting complex solutions on Mono should no longer suffer .
- www.hanselman.com/blog/AnnouncingNET2015NETAsOpenSourceNETOnMacAndLinuxAndVisualStudioCommunity.aspx
- blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2014/11/12/net-core-is-open-source.aspx
- www.linux.org.ru/gallery/2978937.jpg
- tirania.org/blog/archive/2014/Nov-12.html
- habrahabr.ru/company/microsoft/blog/243067 (appeared later than this note)
- lists.ximian.com/pipermail/mono-devel-list/2014-November/042315.html