A cozy book post for you and your project

    How to make a million in a day, become a skilled speaker in a week, lose 100 kg in 2 days, become successful in a thousand hundred endeavors and other tinsel regularly clogs up our information space. And sometimes you really want to pick up a book that will not only eat a piece of your free time telling about things not applicable in domestic realities, but will also throw at least a few useful tips that can have a positive impact on the development of your personality and your project.

    If you want to find and / or share good books, welcome to cat.


    Perhaps you have already read many of these books, however, according to the author, they are quite useful and worthy of attention.

    A little bit about effective communication

    • How to build self-confidence and influence people by speaking publicly - Dale Carnegie
      Despite the fact that this book has been written for a long time and contains many common truths, it will be useful to people who at least occasionally have to make presentations, participate in negotiations, and lead corporate blog, and just chat with others. Good strategies and techniques that will make your story really interesting to the audience, many useful examples and outstanding speeches that you should get acquainted with for the sake of common development.

    • Communication Psychology - Werderber Rudolph and Caitlin
      A good desktop manual, which is suitable for independent work to improve your communication skills, and for the development of a variety of educational programs: workshops and trainings.

    Note to startup

    • Startup for $ 100 - Chris Gilbo
      In my opinion, a rather watery book, however, there are a lot of interesting examples on increasing the effectiveness of projects from various fields, useful notes on pricing, adding premium versions, a good explanation of the purpose of the FAQ page and a couple of good hacks (for example, about non-standard refund guarantees, which can significantly increase project exhaust)

    • Startup Founder's Handbook - Steve Blank, Bob Dorf A
      comprehensive guide to turning a small startup into a successful company. Identification and development of consumers, communication channels, several useful cases and techniques. In general, a fairly basic book is more suitable for those who have no idea what they eat this porridge with.

    • The Gamification Revolution: How leaders leverage game mechanics to crush the competition - Gabe Zichermann and Joselin Linder
      Unfortunately, I did not find this book in Russian (maybe I was looking badly). However, if you speak English, this is a very cool thing about gamification. A lot of cases, debriefing, the competent use of gamification in various fields of activity. It is written lively and fascinatingly, a minimum of water, a maximum of benefit.

    Marketing, positioning

    • Marketing Wars - Jack Trout and Al Rice
      Must read for anyone who is even a little bit interested in marketing, product promotion and consumer psychology. In my opinion, one of the two basic books that every marketer and startup should read.

    • Positioning. The Battle for the Mind - Jack Trout and Al Rice
      The second basic book that every marketer and startup should read. A lot of interesting cases, tips and strategies on the proper positioning of goods. About opportunities and threats. No matter what you do, whether it's a dental clinic or a small mobile application, positioning plays a key role in the development of your business.

    • Partisan marketing. Welcome to the Marketing Revolution - Jay Conrad Levinson
      A wonderful book about low-cost ways to promote your business. The book is more focused on the owners of the “physical” business, but it can also give you some interesting ideas on how to create a cheap and effective strategy to attract customers for your startup.

    • Breakthrough Advertisement - Eugine Schwartz
      Another book that seems to be read only in English. A great tool for writing a variety of advertising texts, ranging from print advertising, ending with a well-formed email subscription and landing page. Lots of examples, useful tips, interesting cases for increasing conversions. Despite the fact that there are many "Russian" analogues, in my opinion, this is one of the best books for people who are engaged in copywriting, startups, and the formation of advertising messages.

    • Ogilvy about advertising - David Ogilvy
      A good book from one of the cult personalities in the advertising business. Good illustrations, good examples of effective advertising, little water.

    Motivation, success stories.

    • To hell with everything, take it and do it! - Richard Branson
      A wonderful book from one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our century. Read in one go. A powerful adrenaline rush for beginner businessmen.

    • Losing Innocence - Richard Branson
      Another autobiographical book from Branson, crammed with many motivating stories and some life hacks.

    • If out of 100 times you are sent 99 - Chichvarkin E ... genius
      One of the few books from our compatriots that attracts the reader from the first pages. A somewhat embellished biography of Chichvarkin, the history of the emergence of the Euroset, life principles that should be followed to build a successful company.

    Some more useful books

    • Superthinking - Tony Busan
      A good book on the use of intelligence cards in various fields of life. Despite the fact that I used most of the tips described in the book before reading it on a subconscious level, there are also some very useful and interesting features that will help you in the process of generating new ideas, managing projects, competently taking notes and annotating, and even planning family life. It is worth reading selectively, skipping boring places and long explanations of elementary concepts.

    • Getting Things Done - David Allen A
      cult book about increasing personal effectiveness. It is difficult to read, however, the book is full of various life hacks on how to make life easier and learn how to bring things to an end.

    • The monk who sold his Ferrari. - Sharma Robin
      Interesting cute book about personal development, written in the dialogue-parable format. Despite the fairly poppy title, it is one of the really good books that help you learn to live in harmony with yourself.

    • The birth of a new idea - Edward de Bono
      Unlike a good, but very boring book of this ingenious person ( Six hats of thinking (a cool approach to brainstorming, but instead of a huge book I advise you to read a brief description of the method)) "The birth of a new idea" is quite interesting a manual that contains a lot of interesting examples and recommendations for the effective generation of new ideas. Sorry for the tautology.

    • Psychology of influence - Robert Cialdini
      Worth reading to everyone. The book will open the eyes of the layman on how they are manipulated by various extortionists, ranging from “volunteers” to collect charity and other sects, to retail stores and large retail chains.
      At the same time, marketers, business owners of various sizes and just smart guys can successfully apply the described strategies to their advantage.

    • Strength of habit - Charles Dahigg
      Despite the fact that I read it in the English version (Charles Duhigg - The Power of Habit), in theory, it also exists in the Russian version. There was even a post on Habré about her . Just insanely cool book about how our habits “work”, about how to deal with them. Well, and especially about how to impose them on your consumers / subordinates. This book will also be useful to a wide range of readers.

    I have everything for now, but at the same time, I would be extremely grateful to you for any advice / additions / comments. And don't forget to share good books.

    Good luck

    UPD: Thanks for the additions

    Motivation. Concentration. Self
    -boosting : Caroline Arnold - Micro-solutions
    Peter Bregmann - 18 minutes
    Josh Weitzkin - The art of learning

    Brain work:
    Matthew MacDonald - Teach your brain to work
    Dan Hurley -
    Get smarter Roger Sip - Brain development

    Interesting reading matter . Cuisine:
    Robert Wolke - What Einstein Told His Cook About "by Skear

    " Deadline - Tom DeMarco You
    can agree on everything - Gavin Kennedy
    " by darkrain

    “I really liked the book “ Rich Dad, Poor Dad ”by Robert Kiosaki .
    "It may be applicable to real estate, which he often mentions, but his thoughts about building his asset and the right investment of time and money, help a lot even in freelance." by Zritel2012

    “Since the work of IT specialists is often stressful, I highly recommend the book of one of the leading Russian psychotherapists about an easy-to-learn and very effective method of psychological self-regulation (for working with emotions, etc):
    A. Ermoshin -“ Things in the body ”

    And generally about working with your head, as well as more effective communication, about neuro-linguistic programming. Which, even in its name, is close to people from IT:
    T. Gagin - “Plasticine of the World ” ”by JetHedgehog

    “Of those read, I recall:
    Henry Ford - My life, my achievements . - be careful with the translation, but otherwise the process of setting up the production is very intelligently described, but his quotes (for example, “The color of the car can be any, provided that it is black”) say a lot.
    N. Mrochkovsky and A. Tolkachev - “Extreme Time Management” - a very motivating and useful book for competent planning and task setting, written in the form of human history, read in one breath.
    Austin Cleon - Steal as an artist - the book is more for creative people, but also very interesting.
    Dao Warren Buffett - quotes from one of the most successful investors help a lot with finances. ” by gmelikov

    “I would like to add “ 7 principles of high-performance people ”by Stephen Covey . The book is complex, you can’t just read it, you need to work with it. Nevertheless, the thing is very powerful. ” by ncix

    " The richest man in Babylon is Clayson George.
    Divide your income into 10 parts and use them correctly.
    If you have problems with the distribution of funds in the family, then this is a very good theoretical experience.
    Richard Branson - To hell with everything! Take it and do it!
    Motivates to open your own business. " by Revtail

    “A good book about motivation
    Jason Fraid - Rework ” by matrixs

    “From myself I’ll add Never Eat Alone, author - Keith Ferrazzi (Never eat alone - Kate Ferazzi) . I strongly advise everyone who has a slight misunderstanding of society and the connections in it - in short, almost all programmers :) "by HurrTheDurr

    “A very cool book about time management for IT people, without all this garbage for“ successful people ”:
    Time management for system administrators - Thomas Limoncelli ” by 1101_debian

    " The law of success is Hill Napoleon . It is recommended as the first one to be read, because it explains the most basic things in achieving success. It applies to any field of activity. I personally liked it and opened my eyes to seemingly simple things, but for some reason I didn’t knew or didn't understand. " by greatkykyryzo

    “I also liked the book “ An Easy Way to Stop Putting Things Off for Later ”by Neil Fiore , the author concentrated many ideas and ways to combat procrastination in it, and very clearly on vivid examples from his psychotherapeutic practice tells why, in fact, there is a desire to postpone things for later.
    Atlas Shrugged” Ayn Rand is an art book that is very motivating, the “bible” of many businessmen. ” by Myshov

    “I will not break the tradition laid down above and put in my five cents:
    This strange life (Daniil Granin) . The book is about a Soviet scientist and how incredibly much he did, using his time tracking system.
    Undercover economist (Tim Harford) . Do not believe it - about the economy in our daily lives. Accessible and informative.
    Fans of mathematics and those who just want to become addicted to it may like Simple Obsession (John Derbyshire) . I’m still a mathematician, but the reading fascinated and proved useful. ” by ihanky

    “Did not find in the list “ Drive. What really motivates us is "Daniel Pink , I liked it at one time" by Ad3pt

    “Demarco and Lister really liked the book The Human Factor . It is about the fact that in achieving goals one should not forget about people, do not treat them as a resource, especially in the IT sphere. About a lot of mistakes that make in management, organization of work and simple communication.
    Well, Frederick Brooks “Mythical Man-Month” . A very famous and good book about management and planning in IT. ” by lkg0dzre

    " Douglas W. Hubbard, How to measure anything. Estimating the cost of intangible in business.

    The author approaches measuring something not as a process, which should result in an exact number, but as a reduction of uncertainty. Most often, to make a decision, not be sure to know something for sure, some error is always permissible. The question is how to reduce the uncertainty to adequate limits. And then statistics and probability theory come to the rescue. " by RomanYankovsky

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