The digest of fresh materials from the world of the frontend for the last week №332 (September 24 - 30, 2018)

    We offer you a selection with links to new materials from the front-end area and around it.

        Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript     |    Browsers     |    Entertaining


    podcastFrontend Weekend podcast # 72 - What has changed over the year with Darya Pushkarskaya (about career development, front-line school and performances)
    podcastFrontend Youth (18+) podcast # 66: We'd rather do something wrong than we die
    podcastWeb Standards podcast, Release №140: A couple of new Safari products, semantics and TypeScript, developers at W3C, Redux is not needed, the new ES breaks everything, new arrows in JS
    podcastenWeb Standards podcast, Episode # 139: September 25th : Four interviews with CSS-Minsk-JS speakers: Bram Stein, Patrick Lauke, Hui Jing Chen, Anna Migas
    • CSSSR podcastPodcast, News 512 - Issue No. 23 (September 24 - September 30)
    videoVadim Makeev's video blog 3. Lingualeo, divatosis and graphics in SVG and PNG
    videoenWeb Audio Conf 2018 | Berlin

    Web development

    Why semantic HTML is important, and how TypeScript helps to understand this
    Command Line API (console): Command Help
    enThe Fronteers Community, represented by Rachel Andrew, applied to the W3C to represent the interests of developers


    The first (and strange) public draft of the scrollbar CSS module
    enNow 2018: you should not write on vanilla CSS
    en13 vertical centering methods in 2018
    enHow to use the animation inspector in Chrome Developer Tools
    enGrid or Flexbox: what to choose?
    enCSS Box Model Beginner's Guide


    habrNode.js without node_modules
    habrAngular vs React: the battle for the frontend
    How to abandon jQuery in the modern frontend: the experience of the GitHub team
    enPreview TypeScript 3.1
    enMinimum JavaScript setup
    en12 tips from scalable Node.js professionals
    enturtleDB: framework to create offline-first, joint applications
    enpodcast16 podcasts on the topic JavaScript, continued to appear in 2018.
    enpodcastPodcast JavaScript the Jabber №332: "You pending Learned JavaScript, for What Now?" c by Chris Heilmann

    • Libs & Plugins:
      enTrix - a full-fledged text view editor for daily use
      enTabulator - a simple, customizable library for displaying tabular data


    habrMy favorite file in the Chromium codebase
    habrGoogle Chrome 69 automatically enters the account and does not erase Google cookies when clearing the history
    Google will eliminate in Chrome 70 comments related to linking the account and deleting all Cookies
    Found a bug that leads to a malfunction Firefox or the whole computer
    Why I finally give up Chrome: a security expert article
    A one-time key system appeared in Firefox to restore access to account data
    Safari's proposed search results promoted conspiracy theories, lies and disinformation
    enqut ebrowser is a keyboard browser with a minimal GUI.


    habrGoogle has turned 20 years old
    Stack Overflow - 10 years old
    How to write date and time in interfaces
    Microsoft will stop supporting Skype Classic since November
    • The Internet of things is a new quality of life
    Vulnerability in Facebook has led to the seizure of control over 50 million accounts
    Google hid a text game in search results
    Basic principles of using animation in UX

    We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicate links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal, we are trying to fix them quickly.

    Digest from last week .
    Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

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