A little robot controls a plane like a real pilot

    Hello, Habr!

    Perhaps unmanned aircraft in the future will take us on vacation, but this is still a long way off. On the other hand, autopilots are not uncommon. But after all, aircraft for passengers are most often originally created so that they are controlled by a person.

    The PIBOT robot pilot from South Korean developers uses both data from aircraft sensors and what he sees with his camera. He manages the aircraft with his own hands. Its creators claim that in some areas it even surpasses man - for example, it holds the plane more smoothly on takeoff and landing.

    Under the cut - a video about how Pibot works.


    So far, this robot is only piloting a plane simulator, so as a pilot of international flights, we will not be able to see it soon.

    In addition to improving piloting skills, the creators of PIBOT are working on remote control. It is not so difficult to imagine a future in which robots controlled from the ground will be in place of pilots made of flesh and blood.

    What I propose to discuss

    Does this project really make sense?

    Indeed, all that it differs from any autopilot capable of landing or raising an airplane into the air is the physical shell, that is, its “external” manifestation in the pilot's seat.

    In what cases can such a feature come in handy?

    It seems to me that the most interesting aspect of this idea is remote control. After all, whatever you say, the human brain should better cope with emergency situations, so such a robot will help to overcome any difficulties.

    Hypothetical situation: the pilots were poisoned, and ahead - an emergency landing. In the cabin - not a single pilot. They took this robot out of the locker, put it in a chair, and somewhere from the ground an experienced ace planted an airplane. Passengers applaud.

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