Implementation of the minimization of logical functions by the Kvayna-Mak'Klaski method with an incomplete input set

    This article is, to some extent, a continuation of my article on the minimization of logical functions by the Quine-Mak'Klaski method ( ). It dealt with the case of fully-defined logical functions (although this was not explicitly mentioned in it, but only implied). In reality, such a case is quite rare when the number of input variables is small. Logical functions are partially or not completely defined, whose values ​​are specified only for the part Q from the full set P =$ 2 ^ n $possible sets (terms) of their arguments (variables) by the number of N , i.e. Q <P. Such a situation occurs in practice in most cases of application of algorithms for optimizing logical functions. Indeed, for example, if the number of input variables is N = 30, which is an ordinary case, for example, in financial markets, then the volume of the input training sample should be of the order$ 2 ^ {30} $>$ 10 ^ 9 $elementary unique terms. Such an array of data is not found in every very large organization, not to mention private individuals, that is, this is already the BigData field, the use of data centers, etc.

    Therefore, in practice, most often minimized logical functions will not be completely determined due to the lack of the necessary amount of accumulated data or due to various other objective reasons (for example, there is not enough space to store them). The question arises about the possibility of "circumventing" this trouble when using an algorithm that works with a fully defined set of term logic functions, such as, for example, from my previous article.

    The standard practice in this case is to define an incomplete input set of variable values ​​(terms) to full in such a way that it gives the optimal result for the existing data set. But, in this case, a problem arises in the enumeration of all possible options for the definitions, the total number of which is V =$ 2 ^ {PQ} $in order to select the best option for determining in accordance with a given criterion. Obviously, for really used Q and P values, the number of iterated additions is astronomically large and this approach is not practical due to the enormity of computational costs.

    Thus, a different approach is needed that would eliminate the need to iterate over various options for definitions. Therefore, it is necessary to modernize the original algorithm, which initially works only with a fully defined input set, so that it can also work with a truncated set. It is this implementation of the algorithm that is proposed in this article, based on the fact that during the minimization process, two incomplete lists of terms are processed simultaneously, on which the function is given as FALSE (0) and TRUE (1).

    From the point of view of machine learning, the Quine-Mak'Klasky algorithm implements a learning paradigm with a teacher when, simultaneously with the input data, the corresponding output values ​​of the objective function participate in the learning process (in this case minimization). Let me remind you that the principle of operation of the Quine-Mak'Klasky basic method, according to the theory, consists of two main stages:
    1. Stage. Finding all simple LF terms using the gluing rules (laws):
      a) (A & B)? (A &! B)? A;
      b) (a? b) & (a?! b)? A;
      where & is the operation of the logical "AND" ;? - logical operation "OR" ;! - the operation of logical negation "NOT". From these formulas it follows that two terms are glued together if they differ from each other only in one of the positions of the variables. In the position where two terms differ from each other, the “*” sign is put. Thus, the alphabet in the glued terms in comparison with the original expands to three values:
      • 0 => false;
      • 1 => true value;
      • 2 => glued variable (*).
    2. Stage. Minimizing the number of glued terms obtained after the first stage, as the task of finding the optimal coverage of the initial set of terms by the number Q. That is, since each output term covers only a certain subset of the original terms, it is necessary to choose such a minimum set of output terms so that identified with with them, subsets of different lengths together completely covered all the original input terms. By coating, in this case, it is meant that the bitwise operation of the disjunction of the output term on the input gave a true value. For example, the output glued term has the following form: 10 * 0110 *.
      Then it covers the term 10101100:
      10 * 0110 * & 10101100 = TRUE
      but does not cover the term 00101100:
      10 * 0110 * & 00101100 = FALSE
      That is, the input term and output term must be the same everywhere except for positions where there is a “*” symbol — in this position, the variable of the input term can take any value, since in this position, the variable is excluded from consideration.

    The implementation code is as follows (click to view):
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    ///<summary>/// Базовый класс для логических функций///</summary>publicabstractclassLogicFunction
      //Символ склееной позицииpublicconstbyte cStarSymb = 2;
      //Дизъюнкции или конъюнкции функцииpublicreadonly ICollection<byte[]> Terms = new LinkedList<byte[]>();
      //Вычисление значения функцииpublicabstractboolCalculate(bool[] X);
      //Вычисление значения функцииpublicvirtualboolCalculate(char[] X)
        return Calculate(X.Select(p => p != '0').ToArray());
      //Вычисление значения функцииpublicvirtualboolCalculate(byte[] X)
        return Calculate(X.Select(p => p != 0).ToArray());
    ///<summary>/// Дизъюнктивная нормальная форма///</summary>publicclassDnf : LogicFunction
      publicstaticboolCalculate(byte[] X, byte[] term)
        bool bResult = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < term.Length; i++)
          if ((term[i] == cStarSymb) || (term[i] == X[i])) continue;
          bResult = false;
        return bResult;
      publicoverrideboolCalculate(bool[] X)
        bool bResult = false;
        foreach (byte[] term in Terms)
          bool TermVal = true;
          for (int i = 0; i < term.Length; i++)
            if (term[i] == cStarSymb) continue;
            TermVal &= (term[i] != 0 ? X[i] : !X[i]);
          bResult |= TermVal;
        return bResult;
    ///<summary>/// Конъюнктивная нормальная форма///</summary>publicclassKnf : LogicFunction
      publicoverrideboolCalculate(bool[] X)
        bool bResult = true;
        foreach (byte[] term in Terms)
          bool TermVal = false;
          for (int i = 0; i < term.Length; i++)
            if (term[i] == cStarSymb) continue;
            TermVal |= (term[i] != 0 ? X[i] : !X[i]);
          bResult &= TermVal;
        return bResult;
    ///<summary>/// Дерево термов///</summary>publicclassTreeFuncTerm
      //Кореньprivatereadonly TreeNodeMiddle rootNode = new TreeNodeMiddle();
      //Ранг (глубина) дереваprivateint _rang = 0;
      publicint Rang
        get { return _rang; }
      //Для работы перечисления узловprivateint enumerationPos = 0;
      private TreeNodeMiddle[] enumerationBuf;
      //Терм, который сопоставлен текущему узлуprivatebyte[] enumerationTerm;
      publicbyte[] EnumerationTerm
        get { return enumerationTerm; }
      //Возвращает количество термов в деревеprivate UInt32 _count = 0;
      public UInt32 Count
        get { return _count; }
      //Очистить деревоpublicvoidClear()
        _count = 0;
        _rang = 0;
        enumerationPos = 0;
        enumerationBuf = null;
        enumerationTerm = null;
      //Инициализировать процесс перебора конечных узлов дереваpublic TreeNodeEnd EnumerationInit()
        enumerationPos = 0;
        enumerationTerm = newbyte[_rang];
        enumerationTerm[0] = 0;
        enumerationBuf = new TreeNodeMiddle[_rang];
        enumerationBuf[0] = rootNode;
        //Вернуть первый конечный узелreturn EnumerationNextNode();
      //Получить следующий конечный узел дереваpublic TreeNodeEnd EnumerationNextNode()
        int iIsNext = (enumerationPos > 0 ? 1 : 0);
        TreeNodeEnd pRetTreeNode = null;
        while ((pRetTreeNode == null) && (enumerationPos >= 0))
          TreeNodeBase[] pCurrNodes = enumerationBuf[enumerationPos].Childs;
          TreeNodeBase pNextNode = null;
          int i = enumerationTerm[enumerationPos] + iIsNext;
          for (; i < 3; i++) if ((pNextNode = pCurrNodes[i]) != null) break;
          if (pNextNode == null)
            //Возврат на предыдущий уровень
            iIsNext = 1;
            enumerationTerm[enumerationPos] = (byte)i;
            if (pNextNode is TreeNodeMiddle)
              //Переход на следующий уровень
              enumerationBuf[enumerationPos] = (TreeNodeMiddle)pNextNode;
              enumerationTerm[enumerationPos] = 0;
              iIsNext = 0;
            else//if (pNextNode is TreeNodeEnd)
              //Найден конечный узел
              pRetTreeNode = (TreeNodeEnd)pNextNode;
        return pRetTreeNode;
      //Добавление в дерево нового термаpublic TreeNodeEnd AddTerm(byte[] term)
        _rang = Math.Max(_rang, term.Length);
        TreeNodeBase pCurrNode = rootNode;
        for (int j = 0; j < term.Length; j++)
          TreeNodeBase item = ((TreeNodeMiddle)pCurrNode).Childs[term[j]];
          if (item == null)
            if (j + 1 < term.Length)
              item = new TreeNodeMiddle();
              item = new TreeNodeEnd();
            ((TreeNodeMiddle)pCurrNode).Childs[term[j]] = item;
          pCurrNode = item;
        return (TreeNodeEnd)pCurrNode;
      //Удаление из контейнера конечного узла последовательностиpublic TreeNodeEnd Remove(byte[] term)
        TreeNodeEnd pRemovedNode = null;
        TreeNodeMiddle pCurrNode = rootNode;
        foreach (byte cSymb in term)
          TreeNodeBase pNextNode = pCurrNode.Childs[cSymb];
          if (pNextNode == null) break;
          if (pNextNode is TreeNodeMiddle)
            pCurrNode = (TreeNodeMiddle)pNextNode;
            //Сохраняется возвращаемая ссылка на удаляемый узел
            pRemovedNode = (TreeNodeEnd)pNextNode;
            //Стираетсяя ссылка на конечный узел
            pCurrNode.Childs[cSymb] = null;
            //Уменьшается кол-во узлов
            //Узел удалён - выходbreak;
        return pRemovedNode;
      //Проверка нахождения последовательности в контейнереpublic TreeNodeEnd IsContains(byte[] term)
        TreeNodeBase pCurrNode = rootNode;
        foreach (byte cSymb in term)
          pCurrNode = ((TreeNodeMiddle)pCurrNode).Childs[cSymb];
          if (pCurrNode == null) break;
        return ((pCurrNode != null) && (pCurrNode is TreeNodeEnd) ? (TreeNodeEnd)pCurrNode : null);
      //Поиск последовательностей с одним отличием от заданной не рекурсивным способомpublicintSearchDiff1(byte[] term, TreeNodeBase[] pOneDiffNodesList)
        int iOneDiffNodesListCount = 0;
        TreeNodeBase pCurrNode = rootNode;
        for (int iPos = 0; iPos < term.Length; iPos++)
          pOneDiffNodesList[iPos] = null;
          byte cSymbol = term[iPos];
          if (pCurrNode != null)
            if (cSymbol != LogicFunction.cStarSymb)
              TreeNodeBase item = ((TreeNodeMiddle)pCurrNode).Childs[1 - cSymbol];
              if (item != null)
                //Добавление в массив отобранных терм
                pOneDiffNodesList[iPos] = item;
            pCurrNode = ((TreeNodeMiddle)pCurrNode).Childs[cSymbol];
          elseif (iOneDiffNodesListCount == 0)
            //Массив отобранных терм пуст и нет возможности его заполнения на следующих итерацияхfor (int i = iPos + 1; i < term.Length; i++) pOneDiffNodesList[i] = null;
          //Проверяются последовательности, отобранные на предыдущих позициях,//на единственность отличия от заданнойfor (int iKey = 0; iKey < iPos; iKey++)
            TreeNodeBase item = pOneDiffNodesList[iKey];
            if (item == null) continue;
            item = ((TreeNodeMiddle)item).Childs[cSymbol];
            if (item == null)
              //Удаление из массива отобранных терм
              pOneDiffNodesList[iKey] = null;
              pOneDiffNodesList[iKey] = item;
        return iOneDiffNodesListCount;
    ///<summary>/// Базовый интерфейс узла дерева термов///</summary>publicinterfaceTreeNodeBase
      //Очистка выделенных ресурсовvoidClear();
    ///<summary>/// Конечный узел дерева термов///</summary>publicclassTreeNodeEnd : TreeNodeBase
      //Очистка выделенных ресурсовpublicvoidClear() { }
    ///<summary>/// Промежуточный узел дерева термов///</summary>publicclassTreeNodeMiddle : TreeNodeBase
      //Дочерние узлыpublicreadonly TreeNodeBase[] Childs = new TreeNodeBase[3];
      //Очистка выделенных ресурсовpublicvoidClear()
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
          if ((Childs[i] != null) && (Childs[i] is TreeNodeMiddle)) ((TreeNodeMiddle)Childs[i]).Clear();
          Childs[i] = null;
    ///<summary>/// Минимизация логической функции методом Квайна---Мак-Класки///</summary>publicclassQuine_McCluskey
      privatereadonly Dnf _result = new Dnf();
      public Dnf Result
        get { return _result; }
      //Склеивание строк с одним различиемprivatestaticvoidSkleivanie(TreeFuncTerm X1Tree, TreeFuncTerm X2Tree, LinkedList<byte[]> NegTerms,
        Dictionary<int, LinkedList<byte[]>> OutResult, TreeFuncTerm NegativTree, int iLevel)
        LinkedList<byte[]> OutR = new LinkedList<byte[]>();
        if (OutResult != null) OutResult.Add(iLevel, OutR);
        bool IsVirtSkleivOn = ((NegativTree != null) && (NegativTree.Count != 0));
        TreeNodeEnd x1 = X1Tree.EnumerationInit();
        TreeNodeBase[] FindTerms = new TreeNodeBase[x1 != null ? X1Tree.Rang : 1];
        TreeNodeBase[] FindNegTerms = new TreeNodeBase[x1 != null ? X1Tree.Rang : 1];
        TreeNodeBase[] FindVirtTerms = new TreeNodeBase[x1 != null ? X1Tree.Rang : 1];
        while (x1 != null)
          bool bIsSkleiv = false;
          byte[] pCurrTerm = X1Tree.EnumerationTerm;
          X1Tree.SearchDiff1(pCurrTerm, FindTerms);
          if (IsVirtSkleivOn) NegativTree.SearchDiff1(pCurrTerm, FindNegTerms);
          for (int iPos = 0; iPos < pCurrTerm.Length; iPos++)
            byte cSymbSav = pCurrTerm[iPos];
            if (cSymbSav == LogicFunction.cStarSymb) continue;
            //Склеивание двух термов с одним различием или//склеивание с виртуальной термой, которой нет в NegativTreeif (FindTerms[iPos] != null)
              bIsSkleiv = true;
              if (cSymbSav == 0)
                pCurrTerm[iPos] = LogicFunction.cStarSymb; //Метка склеивания
                pCurrTerm[iPos] = cSymbSav;
            elseif (IsVirtSkleivOn && (FindNegTerms[iPos] == null))
              pCurrTerm[iPos] = LogicFunction.cStarSymb; //Метка склеиванияbool bIsNotCanAdd = false;
              foreach (byte[] NegTerm in NegTerms)
                if (bIsNotCanAdd = Dnf.Calculate(NegTerm, pCurrTerm)) break;
              if (!bIsNotCanAdd)
                bIsSkleiv = true;
              pCurrTerm[iPos] = cSymbSav;
          //Добавление на выход тех термов, которые ни с кем не склеилисьif (!bIsSkleiv) OutR.AddLast(pCurrTerm.ToArray());
          //Переход к следующему терму
          x1 = X1Tree.EnumerationNextNode();
      //Возвращает уникальный код для термаprivatestatic UInt64 GetTermCode(byte[] pTerm)
        UInt64 iMultip = 1, iCode = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < pTerm.Length; i++)
          iCode += (iMultip * pTerm[i]);
          iMultip *= 3;
        return iCode;
      //Возвращает терм для уникального кодаprivatestaticbyte[] GetTermByCode(UInt64 iCode, int iTermLength)
        byte[] pTerm = newbyte[iTermLength];
        int iCounter = 0;
        while (iCode != 0)
          pTerm[iCounter++] = (byte)(iCode % 3);
          iCode /= 3;
        return pTerm;
      //Склеивание строк с одним различиемprivatestaticvoidSkleivanie(SortedSet<UInt64> X1Tree, SortedSet<UInt64> X2Tree, LinkedList<byte[]> NegTerms,
        Dictionary<int, LinkedList<byte[]>> OutResult, SortedSet<UInt64> NegativTree, int iLevel,
        int iTermLength)
        LinkedList<byte[]> OutR = new LinkedList<byte[]>();
        if (OutResult != null) OutResult.Add(iLevel, OutR);
        bool IsVirtSkleivOn = ((NegativTree != null) && (NegativTree.Count != 0));
        foreach (UInt64 x1 in X1Tree)
          byte[] pCurrTerm = (IsVirtSkleivOn ? GetTermByCode(x1, iTermLength) : null);
          bool bIsSkleiv = false;
          UInt64 iMultip = 1;
          for (int iPos = 0; iPos < iTermLength; iPos++)
            byte cSymbSav = (pCurrTerm != null ? pCurrTerm[iPos] : (byte)((x1 / iMultip) % 3));
            if (cSymbSav != LogicFunction.cStarSymb)
              UInt64 iCode = (cSymbSav == 0 ? x1 + iMultip : x1 - iMultip);
              //Склеивание двух термов с одним различием или//склеивание с виртуальной термой, которой нет в NegativTreeif (X1Tree.Contains(iCode))
                bIsSkleiv = true;
                if (cSymbSav == 0)
                  X2Tree.Add(x1 + (byte)(LogicFunction.cStarSymb - cSymbSav) * iMultip);
              elseif (IsVirtSkleivOn && !NegativTree.Contains(iCode))
                bool bIsNotCanAdd = false;
                pCurrTerm[iPos] = LogicFunction.cStarSymb; //Метка склеиванияforeach (byte[] NegTerm in NegTerms)
                  if (bIsNotCanAdd = Dnf.Calculate(NegTerm, pCurrTerm)) break;
                pCurrTerm[iPos] = cSymbSav;
                if (!bIsNotCanAdd)
                  bIsSkleiv = true;
                  X2Tree.Add(x1 + (byte)(LogicFunction.cStarSymb - cSymbSav) * iMultip);
            iMultip *= 3;
          //Добавление на выход тех термов, которые ни с кем не склеилисьif (!bIsSkleiv) OutR.AddLast(pCurrTerm != null ? pCurrTerm : GetTermByCode(x1, iTermLength));
      //Удаление дубликатов термов из входного списка//В выходной словарь добавляются только уникальные термыprivatestaticvoidDeleteDublicatingTerms(IEnumerable<byte[]> InX1, SortedSet<UInt64> OutX2Tree)
        foreach (byte[] x1 in InX1)
          UInt64 iCode = GetTermCode(x1);
          if (OutX2Tree.Contains(iCode)) continue;
      //Удаление дубликатов термов из входного списка//В выходное дерево добавляются только уникальные термыprivatestaticvoidDeleteDublicatingTerms(IEnumerable<byte[]> InX1, TreeFuncTerm OutX2Tree)
        foreach (byte[] x1 in InX1) OutX2Tree.AddTerm(x1);
      //Проверка тождественности двух термовprivatestaticboolIsEqualTerms(byte[] pTermC, byte[] pTermB)
        if ((pTermC == null) || (pTermB == null) || (pTermC.Length != pTermB.Length)) returnfalse;
        bool bIsEqual = false;
        int iLength = Math.Min(pTermC.Length, pTermB.Length);
        for ( int i = 0; i < iLength; i++)
          if (!(bIsEqual = (pTermB[i] == pTermC[i]))) break;
        return bIsEqual;
      // Отбрасывание избыточных терм с помощью алгоритма приближенного решения задачи о покрытии.privatestaticvoidReduceRedundancyTerms(LinkedList<byte[]> InpTerms, LinkedList<byte[]> NegTerms, Dictionary<int, LinkedList<byte[]>> OutputTerms, ICollection<byte[]> ResultTerms)
        //Подготовка результирующего контейнера
        //Контейнер первичных входных термов, образовавшие текущие отобранные выходные термы
        HashSet<byte[]> pNumbersForAdd = new HashSet<byte[]>();
        //Контейнер для соответствия первичных входных терм к тому списку выходных, которые их покрывают
        Dictionary<byte[], HashSet<byte[]>> Numbers2Terms = new Dictionary<byte[], HashSet<byte[]>>();
        //Контейнер для соответствия конечного терма к списку первичных термов, которые его образовали
        Dictionary<byte[], HashSet<byte[]>> Terms2Numbers = new Dictionary<byte[], HashSet<byte[]>>();
        //Формирование распределения по уровнюforeach (int iLevel in OutputTerms.Keys.OrderByDescending(p => p).AsEnumerable())
          //Сбор статистики об покрытии выходными термами входныхforeach (byte[] term in OutputTerms[iLevel])
            //Контейнер входных термов, которые покрывает данный выходной терм term
            HashSet<byte[]> InTermsCont = new HashSet<byte[]>();
            //Цикл по всем входным термамforeach (byte[] InpTerm in InpTerms)
              if (Dnf.Calculate(InpTerm, term)) InTermsCont.Add(InpTerm);
            //Цикл по всем негативным термам (если они есть)if (NegTerms != null)
              foreach (byte[] NegTerm in NegTerms)
                if (!Dnf.Calculate(NegTerm, term)) InTermsCont.Add(NegTerm);
            Terms2Numbers.Add(term, InTermsCont);
          //Для определения того, что терм имеет те же покрываемые входные термы как предыдущийint iTerms2NumbersCountPrev = 0;
          foreach (byte[] term in OutputTerms[iLevel].OrderByDescending(p => Terms2Numbers[p].Count))
            //Контейнер входных термов, которые покрывает данный выходной терм term
            HashSet<byte[]> InTermsCont = Terms2Numbers[term];
            int iIntersectNumbers = pNumbersForAdd.Intersect(InTermsCont).Count();
            if ((iIntersectNumbers < InTermsCont.Count) || (iTerms2NumbersCountPrev == InTermsCont.Count))
              iTerms2NumbersCountPrev = InTermsCont.Count;
              foreach (byte[] pSrcNode in InTermsCont)
                if (!Numbers2Terms.ContainsKey(pSrcNode)) Numbers2Terms.Add(pSrcNode, new HashSet<byte[]>());
        //Перебор всех входных термов, отсортированных по кол-ву покрывавших их выходныхwhile (pNumbersForAdd.Count > 0)
          byte[] term = Numbers2Terms[pNumbersForAdd.OrderBy(p => Numbers2Terms[p].Count).First()].OrderByDescending(q => pNumbersForAdd.Intersect(Terms2Numbers[q]).Count()).First();
      //Нахождение минимальной логической функцииpublicstaticvoidLogicFuncMinimize(IEnumerable<byte[]> PositivTerms, IEnumerable<byte[]> NegativTerms, ICollection<byte[]> OutR)
        int iTotalLevels = (PositivTerms.Count() > 0 ? PositivTerms.First().Length : (NegativTerms != null && NegativTerms.Count() > 0 ? NegativTerms.First().Length : 0));
        Dictionary<int, LinkedList<byte[]>> SkleivTerms = new Dictionary<int, LinkedList<byte[]>>(iTotalLevels);
        LinkedList<byte[]> InpTerms = new LinkedList<byte[]>();
        LinkedList<byte[]> NegTerms = new LinkedList<byte[]>();
        if (iTotalLevels < 40)
          SortedSet<UInt64> X1PositivTree = new SortedSet<UInt64>();
          DeleteDublicatingTerms(PositivTerms, X1PositivTree);
          SortedSet<UInt64> X1NegativTree = null;
          if (NegativTerms != null)
            X1NegativTree = new SortedSet<UInt64>();
            DeleteDublicatingTerms(NegativTerms, X1NegativTree);
            //Проверка наличия и удаление одинаковых данных в последовательностях
            UInt64[] pNumbList = X1PositivTree.Intersect(X1NegativTree).ToArray();
            foreach(UInt64 iNumb in pNumbList)
              //Подсчитывается кол-во входных термов в X1 и в NegativTermsint iPos_Count = PositivTerms.Count(p => GetTermCode(p) == iNumb);
              int iNeg_Count = NegativTerms.Count(p => GetTermCode(p) == iNumb);
              if (iPos_Count > iNeg_Count)
              elseif (iPos_Count < iNeg_Count)
              else//if (iPos_Count == iNeg_Count)
            //Формирование списка входных негативных термов для этапа проверки покрытия выходных термовforeach (UInt64 code in X1NegativTree)
              NegTerms.AddLast(GetTermByCode(code, iTotalLevels));
          //Формирование списка входных термов для этапа проверки покрытия выходных термовforeach (UInt64 code in X1PositivTree)
            InpTerms.AddLast(GetTermByCode(code, iTotalLevels));
          int iLevelCounter = 0;
          //Повтор до тех пор пока будут оставаться термыwhile ((X1PositivTree.Count != 0) && (iLevelCounter < iTotalLevels))
            SortedSet<UInt64> X2Tree = new SortedSet<UInt64>();
            Skleivanie(X1PositivTree, X2Tree, NegTerms, SkleivTerms, X1NegativTree, iLevelCounter, iTotalLevels);
            if ((X1NegativTree != null) && (X1NegativTree.Count != 0))
              SortedSet<UInt64> X2NegativTree = new SortedSet<UInt64>();
              Skleivanie(X1NegativTree, X2NegativTree, InpTerms, null, X1PositivTree, iLevelCounter, iTotalLevels);
              //Очистка поискового словаря
              X1NegativTree = X2NegativTree;
            //Очистка поискового словаря
            X1PositivTree = X2Tree;
          TreeFuncTerm X1PositivTree = new TreeFuncTerm();
          DeleteDublicatingTerms(PositivTerms, X1PositivTree);
          TreeFuncTerm X1NegativTree = null;
          if (NegativTerms != null)
            X1NegativTree = new TreeFuncTerm();
            DeleteDublicatingTerms(NegativTerms, X1NegativTree);
            //Проверка наличия и удаление одинаковых данных в обеих последовательностях
            TreeNodeEnd x1 = X1PositivTree.EnumerationInit();
            while (x1 != null)
              if (X1NegativTree.IsContains(X1PositivTree.EnumerationTerm) != null)
                //Подсчитывается кол-во входных термов в PositivTerms и в NegativTermsint iPos_Count = PositivTerms.Count(p => IsEqualTerms(p, X1PositivTree.EnumerationTerm));
                int iNeg_Count = NegativTerms.Count(p => IsEqualTerms(p, X1PositivTree.EnumerationTerm));
                if (iPos_Count > iNeg_Count)
                elseif (iPos_Count < iNeg_Count)
                else//if (iPos_Count == iNeg_Count)
              x1 = X1PositivTree.EnumerationNextNode();
            //Формирование списка входных негативных термов для этапа проверки покрытия выходных термов
            x1 = X1NegativTree.EnumerationInit();
            while (x1 != null)
              x1 = X1NegativTree.EnumerationNextNode();
          //Формирование списка входных термов для этапа проверки покрытия выходных термов
          TreeNodeEnd X1Term = X1PositivTree.EnumerationInit();
          while (X1Term != null)
            X1Term = X1PositivTree.EnumerationNextNode();
          int iLevelCounter = 0;
          //Повтор до тех пор пока будут оставаться термыwhile ((X1PositivTree.Count != 0) && (iLevelCounter < iTotalLevels))
            TreeFuncTerm X2Tree = new TreeFuncTerm();
            Skleivanie(X1PositivTree, X2Tree, NegTerms, SkleivTerms, X1NegativTree, iLevelCounter);
            if ((X1NegativTree != null) && (X1NegativTree.Count != 0))
              TreeFuncTerm X2NegativTree = new TreeFuncTerm();
              Skleivanie(X1NegativTree, X2NegativTree, InpTerms, null, X1PositivTree, iLevelCounter);
              //Очистка поискового дерева
              X1NegativTree = X2NegativTree;
            //Очистка поискового дерева
            X1PositivTree = X2Tree;
        //Выбор оптимального набора терм
        ReduceRedundancyTerms(InpTerms, NegTerms, SkleivTerms, OutR);
      //Запуск методаpublicvoidStart(IEnumerable<byte[]> TermsInput)
        LogicFuncMinimize(TermsInput, null, _result.Terms);
      //Запуск методаpublicvoidStart(IEnumerable<byte[]> TermsInput, IEnumerable<byte[]> NegativTerms)
        LogicFuncMinimize(TermsInput, NegativTerms, _result.Terms);
      //Запуск методаpublicvoidStart(IEnumerable<char[]> TermsInput)
        Start(TermsInput.Select(t => t.Select(p => (byte)(p == '0' ? 0 : 1)).ToArray()));
      //Запуск методаpublicvoidStart(IEnumerable<char[]> TermsInput, IEnumerable<char[]> NegativTerms)
        Start(TermsInput.Select(t => t.Select(p => (byte)(p == '0' ? 0 : 1)).ToArray()),
          NegativTerms.Select(t => t.Select(p => (byte)(p == '0' ? 0 : 1)).ToArray()));
        char[] pTermSymbs = newchar[] { '0', '1', '*' };
        foreach (byte[] Term in _result.Terms)
          for (int j = 0; j < Term.Length; j++)
            Console.Write(pTermSymbs[Term[j]].ToString() + " ");

    The Quine_McCluskey class is an implementation of this algorithm that uses other classes and interfaces: Dnf, TreeNodeBase, TreeNodeMiddle, TreeNodeEnd, TreeFuncTerm. To start the optimization, you need to call one of the overloaded Start methods, which calls the LogicFuncMinimize function, where the minimization algorithm itself is implemented. The minimization mechanism is implemented in two versions:
    • using the .NET SortedSet container for storing and searching terms.
    • without using .NET containers based on the TreeFuncTerm ternary tree.

    In terms of speed, these two options are about equal (with .NET containers, perhaps a little faster, but not always), but the need to implement TreeFuncTerm is due to several factors:
    • The first option, based on 64-bit integer hash codes and searching in the .NET dictionary SortedSet, works correctly only with the number of input variables in terms up to 40, and with a larger number beyond the 64-bit bit grid of the integer hash code, used to operate the container. Indeed, since the glued terms inside the algorithm use ternary logic, then with the number of input variables equal to 41, the maximum hash code value$ 3 ^ {41} $ already exceeds maximum $ 2 ^ {64} $-1, which can be written to 64 bit variable. With more variables, the variant based on the author's threefold search tree TreeFuncTerm is used.
    • You need to check the work of the implementation on .NET containers with another independent implementation free of them.
    • You just need an option that is free of .NET containers that could be easily implemented on platforms where there is no .NET platform (for example, in microcontrollers, FPGAs, etc.).
    The operation of the TreeFuncTerm search tree is based on the configuration of the links of the TreeNodeMiddle and TreeNodeEnd classes, which are implementations of the TreeNodeBase interface. The TreeNodeMiddle class is an intermediate node of the tree, and the TreeNodeEnd class is the leaf end of the tree. In the tree, using the EnumerationInit () and EnumerationNextNode () functions, a non-recursive mechanism is used to search through all the final leaves of the TreeNodeEnd. The EnumerationInit () function initializes the search and returns the first available leaf of the tree. The EnumerationNextNode () function returns the next leaf of the tree or NULL if there is no more leaves to select. In this case, the auxiliary internal structure of EnumerationTerm, which reflects the position of the search "cursor" inside the tree, is also the term code of the found sheet in the ternary logic {0,1,2}. Should notice

    Algorithm functional purpose can be divided into three stages.
    1. Training.To solve the above problem of eliminating brute-force definitions in the implementation in question, the LogicFuncMinimize function receives two source datasets PositivTerms and NegativTerms, on which the optimized function takes, respectively, true (TRUE, 1) and false (FALSE, 0) values. First of all, these lists are checked for consistency of the source data. It is necessary that each of the data sets is guaranteed to contain only unique terms that are present only in any one of the lists. To ensure this, each unique input term is viewed and the number of its entries in each of the source lists is found. If a term is found in both lists, then it remains only in the list in which it occurs more, and is removed from the other.
    2. Gluing. Next is an iterative cycle of gluing the input term. At each iteration in the glued terms, one sign * of the glued position is added. Therefore, the number of iterations can not be greater than the number of variables of N . In contrast to the previous implementation, the Skleivanie function of gluing input terms adds the ability of gluing not only to terms from its list, but also if there is no term in it, with one difference, also with so-called “virtual” terms. By “virtual” terms are meant artificially defined terms that are not found in any of the term lists of the current level set. But gluing is possible only if the “virtual” term does not cover a single term of the original set of the opposite list.
      The Skleivanie function is called to process the lists on each iteration two times so that in the first call the meaning of using PositivTerms and NegativTerms lists coincides with their actual content, and in the second call, PositivTerms and NegativTerms lists by meaning are reversed, i.e. The PositivTerms list contains negative terms, and the NegativTerms list contains positive terms:
      Skleivanie (X1PositivTree, ..., X1NegativTree, ..., SkleivTerms, ...);
      Skleivanie (X1NegativTree, ..., X1PositivTree, ..., null, ...);
      Thus, simultaneous interdependent gluing of the term of two lists occurs.
      If for a term there is no other real or virtual term that differs from it only in one position, i.e., the term is not glued to anyone, then it is considered one of the results of clause 1 of the algorithm, excluded from further work in it and enters to the input of stage 2 of the algorithm implemented in the procedure ReduceRedundancyTerms. Not glued terms come to the output of the algorithm only on the Skleivanie function call, for which the meaning of using the PositivTerms and NegativTerms lists coincides with their actual content, that is, on the first call.
    3. Reduction. Dropping redundant glued terms into ReduceRedundancyTerms is done using an approximate algorithm to solve the problem of covering the original set with variable length sets. A close to the shortest coverage gives a cover table (TP) conversion algorithm based on the “minimum column-maximum row” method (which can be viewed, for example, here ) .
      The approximate logic of his work is as follows:
      0. The source table is considered to be the current transformable TP, the set of coverage lines is empty;
      1. In the current table, the column with the smallest number of units is selected. Among the rows containing the units in this column, the one with the most units is selected. This line is included in the coverage, the current table is reduced by deleting all columns in which the selected line has one.
      2. If there are not crossed out columns in the table, then clause 1 is executed, otherwise, the covering is constructed. Note: When counting the number of units in a row, units are counted in unclosed columns.
      This algorithm works fairly quickly and gives the result close to optimal.
      To test the algorithm, it is proposed to use the test function TestQuineMcCluskeyRandomPart, which, out of the total set of possible terms,$ 2 ^ n $randomly selects only the specified part 0 <dPart <= 1 (is a function parameter), for which optimization is performed. At dPart <1, the truncated set of input terms will be obtained, and at dPart = 1, the complete set of initial data will be obtained.

    TestQuineMcCluskeyRandomPart (click to view)
    publicstaticvoidTestQuineMcCluskeyRandomPart(int iVariableAmount, double dPart=1)
      if (dPart < 0) thrownew
        ArgumentException("Параметр dPart должен быть больше 0 и меньше 1");
      if (dPart > 1) dPart = 1;
      //Получение исходных термовulong iTotalCombines = (ulong)1 << iVariableAmount;
      LinkedList<byte[]> pTrueCol = new LinkedList<byte[]>();
      LinkedList<byte[]> pFalseCol = new LinkedList<byte[]>();
      HashSet<ulong> pUsedTerms = new HashSet<ulong>();
      Random rnd = new Random();
      byte[] buf = newbyte[8];
      while (pUsedTerms.LongCount() < (iTotalCombines * dPart))
        ulong iCurValue = (ulong)BitConverter.ToInt64(buf, 0) % iTotalCombines;
        if (pUsedTerms.Contains(iCurValue))
          //Разрешение коллизии - последовательный поиск пустого местаdo {
            iCurValue = ++iCurValue % iTotalCombines;
          } while (pUsedTerms.Contains(iCurValue));
        byte[] sLine = newbyte[iVariableAmount];
        for (int i = 0; i < iVariableAmount; i++)
          sLine[i] += (byte)(iCurValue % 2);
          iCurValue >>= 1;
        if (rnd.Next(2) != 0)
      //Запуск в обучение
      DateTime DtStart = DateTime.Now;
      Console.WriteLine("Старт - " + DtStart.ToLongTimeString());
      Quine_McCluskey Logic = new Quine_McCluskey();
      Logic.Start(pTrueCol, pFalseCol);
      DateTime DtEnd = DateTime.Now;
      Console.WriteLine("Старт - " + DtStart.ToLongTimeString());
      Console.WriteLine("Завершение - " + DtEnd.ToLongTimeString());
      TimeSpan Elapsed = DtEnd - DtStart;
      Console.WriteLine("Длительность - " + String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}",
        Elapsed.Hours, Elapsed.Minutes, Elapsed.Seconds));
      //Получение результатовint iErrorsCounter = 0;
      foreach (byte[] kvp in pTrueCol)
        if (Logic.Result.Calculate(kvp) != true) iErrorsCounter++;
      foreach (byte[] kvp in pFalseCol)
        if (Logic.Result.Calculate(kvp) != false) iErrorsCounter++;
      Console.WriteLine("Кол-во входных термов = " + pUsedTerms.Count);
      Console.WriteLine("Кол-во дизъюнктивных термов = " + Logic.Result.Terms.Count);
      Console.WriteLine("Кол-во ошибок = " + iErrorsCounter);

    As a result of the test function, the number of terms in the minimal disjunctive normal form and the number of errors covered by the initial set of terms are calculated.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that in practice this implementation of the algorithm proved to be an effective and reliable means of minimizing logical functions defined by two incomplete sets of terms on which the logical function takes TRUE and FALSE values, respectively. Of course, this implementation can also be used in the classical form in the case of a fully defined input logic function, when only one or another list of terms is supplied to the input. As a disadvantage, it is necessary to check the Skleivanie function for the absence of coverage errors for each virtual term of the entire list of source terms at each iteration of the algorithm, which leads to significant time costs with a large number of input terms.

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