Perception Neuron: Motion Capture to Every Home

    Two days are left until the end of the Kickstarter fundraising campaign for “Project PERCEPTION NEURON: Motion Capture, VR and VFX” . Recently on Habré a tiny note already skipped about it. I believe that this device deserves more attention, especially since quite a few interesting details have been found out since the start of the campaign and new features have been added.

    Let me remind you that the essence of the project is to create a system for capturing movements of a professional level with an affordable price for ordinary mortals. It is noteworthy that an Asian company undertook the project, which already produces equipment and software that are more heavyweight from the point of view of the target audience in this area.

    From competitors such as Sixense STEM System or YEI Technology PrioVRcompares favorably with the number of sensors (up to 30 pieces per controller in PERCEPTION NEURON versus 17 in PrioVR and 5 in STEM), as well as price and declared characteristics.

    The kit includes several miniature 9-DOF inertial measuring devices (Neuron), a hub and fasteners. Of course, in comparison with the STEM System, it is not possible to directly track the coordinates of the sensors in space, however, this is offset by a software calculation of the position of the body according to the well-known skeleton model and the measured orientation in the space of bones.

    The sensors are connected by a wire to the hub, which transfers the received data to the PC via WiFi. The project has already raised $ 470K + with an initial bar of $ 250K. As a bonus, the developers added a feedback module or a miniature control panel to choose from, and the hub was equipped with a microSD card slot for local data recording.

    Sensors can be grouped in various combinations as needed.

    Out of the box, they promise the ability to record and play back movements in formats supported by Maya, MotionBuilder, Blender and other popular programs. It will be possible to obtain and visualize raw sensor data in real time for use in science, medicine or technology. Of course, use is also mentioned in games.

    Delays promise to withstand within 10-13 ms from hardware to PC and 3-5 ms for software post-processing of data. One Neuron will weigh about one gram, measurement accuracy of 0.5-1.5 degrees, power consumption up to 20 mA at 3.3V. And all this during the initial data processing in the sensor itself. Little is known about the feedback modules, but it is stated that they can be used to emulate tactile sensations in the virtual world, as well as audio alerts. Flat panel to be used to control movements of the recording process and the temporal arrangement of s x markers. It is logical to assume that it will be connected to the system via WiFi, but these are just my guesses.

    As for the price, now the Perception Neuron kit with 10 sensors costs $ 200, 20 sensors - $ 375 and 30 sensors - $ 550. After the campaign on Kickstarter, they promise that prices will rise within 40%.
    Just imagine what you can do with a set of devices like Perception Neuron , Oculus Rift , Cyberith Virtualizer , Structure Sensor and Leap Motion .

    Virtual reality is coming!

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