Festival 404: what will be interesting this year?

The seventh Festival 404 is coming, which will take place on October 4-5, 2014 in Samara. I want to tell you about those we are waiting for at the festival, about speakers, about one unusual creative meeting and about the contest of illustrators.
At the festival you need to be required. And here's why ...
This year over two days in 4 streams more than 50 performances on various topics will be held. While the program is being formed, part of the reports can be viewed on the website . Here are just a few of the luxury speakers: Suddenly, as part of the Information Society section

There will be a creative meeting with Runet legend Anatoly Wasserman. Leads a meeting ironic Denis "Courage-Bambey" Kolesnikov. Anatoly Wasserman will tell his vision of the information society and answer questions that you can also ask on our Facebook page .

The re: vision website launched a competition for designers and illustrators. Objective: to draw the Rabbit of the Fates in a new interesting style and plot. Each designer or illustrator can draw a hare in his own way, there are no restrictions. Prize - iPad mini will receive the author of the illustration, which will gain the highest rating. I also recorded a video invitation, where I briefly tell who at the festival it will be most interesting:

Now the most important thing. If you have no doubts and have a desire to participate in the festival, then until September 15 you can pay for participation at a special low price , then it will be more expensive. Come to Samara at the 404 Festival in the fall! Great here.