Updating Information and monitoring open tenders for digital services

    Hi, Habr! For a long time (almost a year) we did not write about our main project - Inforza . For a while, there wasn’t much to write - after the initial testing, we went deep into improvements, rewrote the architecture, completed the new functionality - and it took almost eight months. But in mid-July we restarted already in combat mode, and last week we implemented a new service for web studios and digital agencies , which I wanted to talk about today.


    Recall for those who have already forgotten that Inforza is a b2b-exchange of applications for digital services. Customers leave applications for the implementation of a project, and agencies on the auction CPL model can purchase them (get contact details). Thus, for the customer Inforza - the service of choosing the optimal agency, for studios - a new sales channel.

    So, what has been interesting for the agency audience over the past time:

    Launch of all major digital service verticals

    If earlier Inforza accepted applications only for the creation of a site, then in mid-July we began to supply agencies with applications for four more service verticals:

    • contextual advertising
    • Mobile Application Development
    • SEO promotion
    • SMM / PR

    All applications are available on the agent site and are divided into respective segments. Thus, now we close for the customer and agencies almost all key areas of agency services on the Internet.

    Monitoring large public tenders

    Just a few days ago, we launched a new service for studios / agencies - monitoring open tenders for digital services from major Russian companies.

    We have collected a database of 350 largest Russian companies, and twice a week we go through their sites and sections, which publish information on purchases and tenders, collecting a squeeze of everything related to digital: website creation and support, advertising, promotion, mobile application development , SMM, etc. Of course, we look at traditional sites like government procurement and other popular aggregators. Of course, there are more tenders with public procurements than the unique tenders found by hand on the official websites of non-state-owned companies, but they are the most interesting. Thus, at the exit we publish a complete picture of the most important large tenders that take place on the market.

    I quite often came across such a situation in dealing with large customers - a really big tender was rolled out on the site, for example, to create a site for several million rubles, the customer is waiting for a shaft of applications from agencies and a fair competition. And one and a half cripples come. The customer thought that the agencies spent days and nights on his site awaiting news from the procurement committee. And the agencies ... Well, they don’t sit, in general - and they don’t see this tender in the eyes. As a result, the customer has no one to choose from (and he is obliged), and then he himself will be accused of unfair play and other tender joys.

    In general, our monitoring service- just so that such situations do not occur. For current tenders (subscription) we take a small money - 1000 rubles. per month, updates older than a month are published in the public domain. This is a really useful tool, and in the near future we plan to improve it - by expanding the database + various filters, samples, etc.

    To understand the potential channel width - today’s update of the database, for example, includes 6 direct tenders from company websites and 28 tenders from public procurement and various tender sites.


    In addition to everything described above, we have a new category of applications for our own - subcontracting. The section appears after authorization on the agent site. In it, agencies place subcontract applications for other agencies. Often there is a need to either perform some small task for which there are not enough resources (banner, text, icons) - or for a larger project for which agencies now do not have the necessary competencies (3d, augmented reality, SEO, anything else) .

    How does Inforza work?

    And finally, let’s remind once again how Inforza is arranged and what are its differences from traditional gates, tender sites, and even more so, freelance exchanges:

    • Firstly, Inforza is a b2b project, the customer is not looking for freelancers, but an agency. And we are the first project in this niche in Runet, working in CPL mode.

    • One of the important differences - we give contact information on request to no more than 5 companies. This means that the client does not have to scoop up spam from hundreds of typical KP, which studios spent less than 5 minutes of their time. On the other hand, the agency knows that the contact was not in a thousand competing companies - and will work on it with greater return (because the potential efficiency is so much higher).

    • Applications for inforse are bought by auction model. This means that after the publication of the application, an auction is held on it - the agencies themselves choose which bid to make in order to get the customer’s contacts (and how much they are interested in the application). At the end of the auction, contact details for the application are given to no more than 5 companies that have made maximum bids (in descending order). Thus, the system self-regulates - and the client receives feedback from the companies that were most interested in their project.

    • If the application has not been bought at the auction 5 times, it will be archived - and it can be purchased instantly at the lowest price. By the way, our lead prices start at 50 rubles - this is less than the bid in contextual advertising per click for requests such as "creating a site."

    • Despite the fact that we also publish applications from individuals - we are focused on b2b - and in the future the percentage of applications from private owners will decrease.

    In our immediate plans for the development of Inforza, in addition to a bunch of various pleasant things, there is a key update - an application exchange (we are planning a release at the end of September), where agencies will be able to exchange applications from customers who are not interested or not specialized - for those that are interesting. Hold on!

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