How to mount a BS on a tower and in a shopping center

    Good morning again. I promised to show the installation of the BS and tell a little more from our practice in Astrakhan. As I wrote earlier, living creatures have long chosen our BS.

    They were removed by this engineer Alex from the tower. But let's move on to the working days of the construction of the BS.

    This is ordinary Astrakhan land in the summer. Very soon, it will quickly clog into the air ducts in the form of dust, cover the antennas and get to wherever possible and impossible.


    The region has fairly high subsoil waters. In addition, the tower can be flooded during floods, it is always under strong winds, and there are many other factors. A solid foundation is needed that will not move with the sand on the surface. Therefore, we hammer the piles: The

    bottles are here in order not to stumble by accident:

    Then the turn of the “Assemble the tower yourself” constructor comes:

    It is delivered as follows:

    We must bury and weld here such a cage, which you can easily guess its purpose:

    A part of the tower is assembled:

    Tower assembled:

    We put a BS container, in which the base station itself, the equipment of the transport network, power reserve, cooling, monitoring (fire, penetration, flooding, telemetry of equipment) and other devices. Typically, RRU blocks are mounted on a tower. There are no RRUs here - this can be seen from the feeder path; sectorial panel antennas and RRL antennas are also mounted on the tower. We turn on the power and run all the tests and voila!

    Already, it’s possible that the BS “Sazaniy ugol” familiar to you from a previous post has been launched.

    Towers are not always like that. Here’s another installation - the Military Town BS:

    And here is the tower from which the kittens were removed (just in the process):

    This is how field mice gnaw the cable. Sometimes even before putting the position into operation.

    And it looks like air conditioning delivery with freecooling to the BS "Lotus" during the flood.

    Providing a shopping center with cellular communications using custom solutions

    On the roof of the Yarmarka shopping center, you can see the RRU and two sectors: The

    main problem of modern architecture from the point of view of the signalman is windows with aluminum powder in the glass. There are especially many of these in Astrakhan, because there is no surprise here for the extreme heat (by the standards of the central regions). I don’t know what about the sun, but they accurately reflect and suppress the radio signal at our frequencies. If you thought about foil caps - start with the windows.

    Shopping center is usually built of prefabricated structures. Simply put, inside is a huge pile of fittings, from which even the “household” compass deviates quite well. And the glass through which it is very difficult to break through the signal.

    This is exactly the kind of object that we got three years ago.

    Fortunately, the shopping center was favorably distinguished by a large hole inside. It was built like a pie: an external frame and a fairly wide space in the center for escalators, elevators and main walkways. The majority of modern shopping centers in the regions are being built in approximately the same way.

    That is, we had a radio-opaque square with a hole inside. And if it was possible to stick the signal into this hole, the connection would be inside everywhere. Well, or almost everywhere, because the walls are made of drywall.

    To begin with, it was decided to organize a standard BS deployment scheme. It was clear that the coverage on the second and third floor would be unsatisfactory. Therefore, we made separate sectors and connected through dividers several antennas on each floor.

    There were options to drag a feeder with pin emitters like in the subway, arrange microcells or plug in repeaters. But purely for practical reasons, we decided to establish additional sectors, since access to the facility was still under construction.

    But according to calculations, the losses in the feeder on the ground floor were too large, so I had to place individual RRUs directly under the ceiling

    Not far from the shopping center, we have an important transport network node, so optics were brought to the building. Next, the question arose of connecting subscribers to the wired Internet and local telephony services. Usually such shopping centers were connected via DSL, but here we went along the Ethernet path. Because we understood that in the future our subscribers will require significantly higher speeds. Then came the approval: each meter of cable, each box - all this required signatures. Engineers had to go to the position many times, just in order to understand what is being mounted.

    Then, in the process, the concept of passages changed: in addition to departments, “islands” appeared, one of which was Sberbank. Food was needed there (it was carried out on the floor), and we managed to agree immediately on laying our twisted pair cable. This helped a lot, because the “islands” did not have other ways to get a quick connection.

    These departments are below:

    And this is the coolest building in the building, the server room. The engineering staff is hiding here (our cabinet did not get into the frame):

    Here is the thermal box, in which the main BS equipment is located:

    In the end

    We are beautiful. Especially after a successful installation. Here are the views from some regional BS:

    If you want to know more about mosquitoes, snakes, dust, wind, heat, LTE and “Corbina” - here is my first post about the Astrakhan region .

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