Emigration and everything about her in telegram blogs

    “It’s good where we don’t exist” - many people think and live in the same place for years. But the world is too diverse to spend a lifetime in one country.

    Map of channels about emigration Telegram

    comes to the rescue , where in recent years a unique community of authors of the genre “I am an emigrant” has appeared . Every day, another emigrant decides to broadcast from his country and starts a channel in the telegraph. The guys (and 90% of them work in the IT or around the IT industry) share useful tips, communicate with readers in chat rooms, promote freedom of movement, talk about the pros and cons of emigrant life, honestly and without embellishment, give information that is not found in search engines.

    What are actually the inhabitants of their chosen country? How to find accommodation? How to get a job? What is the difference of mentality? Or even How are the dates? How is personal life built in another country? This is not in Google! :)

    I have compiled the largest list of such blogs, sorted by country and share with you.




    The “Emigrants” channel publishes daily stories of emigrants, job offers in different countries, and links to media materials. The author also talks about thematic groups, YouTube and Telegram channels.

    The channel has a chat “Dirty Tractor” , where more than a thousand people share the experience of moving and discuss thematic news.

    In addition, there are:
    Regional chat rooms , for example, Canada , USA , Germany , Czech Republic , Israel , France etc.
    Alphabetical index channels of emigration and life in other countries
    Categories published articles about emigration

    If you have your own channel about life in another country, write to me , I will add to the list.

    UPD. I forgot completely, emigrating programmers have their own chat - Pogromists, tractor drivers :: experience of moving

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