Developer Stories: Trekkit Traveler

    Ryan Groom is not a typical developer. He loves technology just like any computer fan. And he has pretty decent experience and knowledge in programming, IT security and software development.

    However, this developer from the Canadian province of New Brunswick is also campaigning for users to disconnect from their desktop computers and switch to smart mobile devices in order to explore the world.

    It was the craving for travel that inspired Ryan to create the Trekkit Traveler app , a modern interpretation of the traveler’s travel magazine. Today we decided to talk in more detail about this developer and his brainchild.

    However, not only the love of exploring this world has become the prerequisite for the creation of Trekkit Traveler. The app is Ryan’s project, which he worked on at AppCademy , a four-week camp with a rich developer program in Espoo, Finland. This is an initiative of AppCampus, part of a partnership program of Microsoft and Aalto University with a budget of 21 million euros, designed to prepare and finance the efforts of developers of mobile technologies, design and usability for Windows Phone.

    Created specifically for Windows Phone, the functional application of Ryan called Trekkit Traveler allows travelers to put geotags on a map, marking their location, add photos, videos and even add voice guidance, and then combine it all into one tag called “trekk”. These tags can later be sent to friends and acquaintances through social networks and email.

    A key feature of Trekkit Traveler is complete autonomy (independence from Internet connection) when creating “tracks”. Those. in long trips, where for a long time there may not be normal conditions for communication, users can create tags and then synchronize them with the site as soon as possible.

    And in the upcoming Trekkit Traveler update, which will be available this fall, the application will be able to automatically collect all your photos and videos in a slide show.

    Ryan's passion for traveling prompted him not only to create an application, but also to record his own television show on Canadian television, also called Trekkit. It is noteworthy that in the filming of the episodes, the Lumia 1020 and other Lumia smartphones are partially involved . All series of shows can be watched using the free Trekkit TV app .

    Our colleagues were able to meet Ryan and ask a few questions about his career, as well as his passion for engineering and travel.

    How did you start your journey in the field of technology? Why did you study as a programmer?

    The university seemed to me somehow boring and fettering. I found work in the computer industry when I was 19, and from that moment it all started. I worked in the IT department of the district education committee. My job was to ensure the proper operation of the computers of all 18 schools in our province.

    I had a great teacher. He took me with him to various meetings of high-ranking employees, and we created one of the first computer networks in schools. I worked there for four years, and it is this work that I consider to be the place where I received my bachelor's degree.

    I also wrote two programs while working there. One was for teachers, and the other was a subscription management program for a local newspaper. And both of these programs are still in use!

    Tell us more about AppCampus?

    One of the most valuable things I brought out of AppCampus was the idea and complete concept of Trekkit Traveler. Before that, I was rather the one who thinks through the concept in the course of action. And here I had to immediately paint everything completely: every screen, every button. It was useful to learn this.

    Why did you become a developer? And why did you choose the Windows Phone platform?

    Application development is such a way to engage in art for those people who lack artistic qualities. I love to create, search for ideas and create things that other people use.

    I am a kind of Windows fan. I like how the startup screen on Windows Phone is made, and how it can be customized for you. I love the way my Lumia works with Office 365.

    Any tips you can share to inspire novice app developers?

    Choose a small project. Think about how such a small thing you could create. Do not start learning code. Just select a simple application. When working with Windows, use Visual Studio. Nothing beats this program, and I tried them all.

    Tell us about using Lumia smartphones when shooting videos for your TV shows.

    Our team consists of photographers, and three out of four use Lumia smartphones. In addition, we do not like to travel with heavy loads. When I can’t shoot with a big camera, I use the Lumia 1020.

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