The latest statistics reports on smartphones: in Russia and not only

An IDC study confirmed that the Android smartphone market is growing mainly due to low-cost models. According to the results of the second quarter of this year, it is reported that 58.6% of all released smartphones with the Google system cost less than $ 200. IDC analysts believe that in light of the recent introduction to the public of Android One with possible devices priced at less than $ 100, the observed trend will only strengthen in the future. True, according to the latest news, within the framework of the same Android One, everything is not so simple, while there is a debate about the final price between Google and [Indian] manufacturers, the latter are pushing the bar no lower than $ 150. Be that as it may, at the same time, IDC celebrates Android's special success in emerging markets.

Actually, the report is mainly devoted to the alignment of forces between mobile systems. As of the second quarter, the situation regarding the release of smartphones and the share of mobile OSs is as follows:

Android has a new quarterly record, in general, over three years, the platform’s share has almost doubled. Samsung dominates in the production of smartphones with 29.3%, but there is no question of an undivided monopoly - the company lost 10.7% in two years. Interestingly, among Samsung rivals that have strengthened their positions, IDC analysts cite mainly Chinese manufacturers - Coolpad, Huawei, Lenovo, Xiaomi and ZTE.

Meanwhile, just the other day for the entire first half of 2014, Svyaznoy reported. As it turned out, almost the main driver in the sales of smartphones were devices with support for two or more SIM cards, in total they sold 5 million units worth 27 billion rubles. If we take the indicators in unit terms, then multi-simulators made up almost half of all sold models. The growth rate was 139% in physical terms and 87% in monetary terms. I think it’s not worth it to once again voice the reasons why in Russia they have a special love for dual-SIM cards, which a couple of years ago they didn’t especially hold for “real” smartphones. Here HTC turned out to be the most progressive, which was the first among the giant manufacturers to release a two-SIM version of its flagship, HTC One (M8).

Today, the MTS analytical report for the second quarter of 2014 was published. The average price of smartphones (to be precise - the average bill) fell by 15% compared to the same period last year to 7,081 rubles. Sales figures are consistent with IDC's findings: manufacturers focus on budget models, and buyers give them preference. In the case of retail MTS, twice as many smartphones were sold up to 5,000 rubles than in the second quarter of 2013. In the range of 10-15 thousand rubles, the growth for the year amounted to 81%, but here MTS’s private approach affected, the company was actively engaged in sales of flagship devices of past years. Apple does not feel much discomfort - the company refused to work under direct contracts, as a result, almost 4 thousand stores across Russia were in the windows of MTS iPhone alone.

Sales of LTE smartphones increased 3.5 times, in total they amounted to a quarter of the sold devices. Not to say that Russian B-brands have a somewhat confident position here, of the latest models, the only recently appeared Explay 4Game and the recent Highscreen Spider come to mind. Well, and how not to remember about the Yota YotaPhone.

PS All the same IDC secretly told CNews some details of the results of the Russian tablet market in the second quarter. With the exception of Lenovo, all the TOP-5 participants reduced the supply of devices, with only Samsung and Apple having record drops. The first reduced supplies by 48.3%, and the second company - by 54%. In general, volumes fell by 9.8%, which IDC associates with market saturation, the economic situation and the slowness of users in changing their current “pills”.

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