Secrets of karma

    On the "Habré" for the year there are more than 73 thousand changes in the karma of users. Of these, 2/3 accounted for the increase in this indicator.

    Research methodology

    For the research, the data of the “karmagraf” on the “Users” page were used : the file was downloaded and saved daily .

    Then the data for the year (from January 23, 2017 to January 22, 2018) were processed and presented in the form of various diagrams.

    Statistics for the year

    The graph below shows the number of karma changes by day during the year.


    As you can see, the unexpected maximum (544) fell on August 17, 2017. The minimum (51) falls on May 21, 2017. On average, 200 karma changes occur every day.

    The following diagram shows the distribution of the “pluses” (green) and “minuses” (red) of the total number of changes in karma.


    Statistics by day of the week

    On which days of the week does karma change most often occur?


    Lead working days (from Monday to Friday). Moreover, the maximum falls on Tuesday, and then there is a gradual decrease to Friday. The least change karma on Saturday.

    What days are the chances of getting a plus in karma?


    Most often they increase karma on Monday - 70% of all changes in karma. On weekends, the chances of losing karma increase: on Saturday, “pluses” are set only in 61% of cases.

    Statistics on the time of day

    The diagram below shows the distribution of karma changes by time of day.


    More than half of all changes in karma (57%) occur from 10 to 18 hours. The minimum is at night - from 2 to 6 hours.

    The following diagram shows the distribution of the “pluses” and “minuses” of karma by time of day.


    As can be seen from the diagram, the highest probability to get an increase in karma is at 7 am, the smallest - at 2 am. In general, users often put "cons" at night - from 0 to 4 hours. The maximum percentage of “benefits” falls on time from 6 to 8 in the morning.


    From this study, we can conclude that “Habr” is most often read at work in the office (from Monday to Friday, from 10 to 18 hours). On weekdays, users are kinder (put more “pluses”) than on weekends (Saturday, Sunday). The most evil readers become at night: the maximum number of "minuses" falls on time from 0 to 5 hours.

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