Top 7 content marketing strategies not to be missed in 2019
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Hello! Friends, at the beginning of April, the SMM-specialist course starts ; this is what we want to devote to today's publication.

It's time to seriously think about your plans for content marketing in 2019. Content is the basis of everything digital and social, it is always available, always connected to the mobile world of communications.

As technology capabilities increase, marketers find new ways to use them; robots are taking jobs, and brands are struggling ever more fiercely for the ability to hold our attention for even a second.

Content - the central point connecting the brand and the buyer - the content can reach the mind and heart of customers, help draw attention to you, make them think about your brand. And maybe not at all to cope with all of the above.

If you can not just sell services, but talk to an audience in a genuine, human language, using content to strengthen relationships, the results will increase exponentially.

Below are seven key marketing trends that you can't neglect in 2019.

Content plan - at least, you should have it

To align content with your business goals, you need a content plan.
You need to create and publish content that has personal value for the audience, and at the same time is able to help you achieve your goals. And now it is not as easy as before.
Savvy marketers are already working on a plan and fill the calendar with content to delight and retain the audience.

The days of lazy marketers who cast Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter spaghetti virtual walls are considered numbered. In 2019, this approach does not work, period.

Original and current content - NOT clickback

Did you know that 78% of customers believe that content that is personally relevant to them increases their purchasing intent?

Your content must be original and relevant. Which is pretty simple. Create your content. Use your ideas. If they are not enough, hire a consultant, writer or agency to help with this.

Lazy marketers will no longer be able to copy virus headlines and topics, fooling themselves with the thought that they “do it their own way” or “add personality” - when in fact they copy and paste almost word for word.

Buyers are smart enough to avoid clickbate, so they are looking for real content that quickly and easily solves their problems. The trust of such customers must be earned.
The most valuable thing people have is time. Respect the time and attention of your readers, viewers and listeners to earn their love. And when they start sharing your content with friends and colleagues, get an increase in organic reach and brand enhancement.

Micro Influensers

Influencing marketing is no longer new, but many marketers and business leaders still do not fully understand it.

You do not need to hire the Kardashian family; instead, recall local and national leaders in your industry and niche. Look in your own company, perhaps your employees and current customers are the best brand advocates and evangelists.
Influence marketing is not about searching for well-known inflancers and bribing them to write about you in your social networks. Instead, decide how you can work with them. For example, release the content together, ask them to post it on your platform, and then use it as evergreen content that will live for a year, not minutes.

Taking advantage of the potential of customer marketing, do not become a victim of an unscrupulous customer agency, which simply spam customers with the same distribution and only harms your brand.

I often work as a guest investor for large and medium-sized brands, as well as helping to develop a strategy in our agency, Marketing Nutz, for creating and launching a program for influential marketing.

From my experience as an infuensor in combination with the experience of creating marketing programs for companies, I can say with confidence that this attitude is the key to success. Do not think for a short time - “how to make this tweet or video viral?” Instead, find the answer to the question “how to build relationships that are beneficial for both parties, as well as valuable for our audience?”

Marketing micro-inflationary investors can drastically change a business of any size, and often it is the fastest way to increase brand awareness, its connection with the target audience.

The selection of suitable infensors is the key to success, as is a well thought-out program of supporting relationships, setting goals and evaluating results. You can’t just throw a couple of dollars into the inflower and get instant success. Get ready to work.

Voice control and search

Instead of planning and optimizing keywords for manual input on the device and searching for the answer to the question “How does my target audience enter a search query in Google or Facebook?”, Marketers need to understand “how do our customers orally formulate a question for a phone or Amazon Echo?”.

Looking for big changes are coming and it is simply impossible to ignore the power of voice dialing. At a minimum, some of your content should provide simple answers to simple questions if you want to continue to be among the first search results in the future. Marketers need to think about what people say, and not just type using the keyboard.

In addition, sites optimized for mobile devices are still very important, as most voice requests are made on a mobile device. Google gives priority to results optimized for mobile devices.

As people increasingly invest in voice-controlled devices, these trends are increasing. This is definitely an area for which marketers should keep an eye out.

Test new formats - video, audio, short stories

If you're still not using video in marketing, the year 2019 is just the right time to start! Have you got a podcast yet? Do not use the bot to improve customer service? Maybe in 2019 you should start doing these things.

The secret of success in 2019 is to have the courage to try new things, but not to become attached to them. Try new formats and environments, but be prepared to instantly reject them if they do not work.

If you worked mostly with long content, you should try a shorter format, such as stories on Instagram and Facebook. If you focus on short content and video, experiment with long forms that will help improve your search, increase traffic and offer SEO benefits.

As mentioned in trend number 2 above: original and current content is the key to success. You do not need to “make a video” just for the sake of the fact, just as you shouldn’t record a podcast, just because everyone does it.

Instead, take the time to plan a robust content strategy that appeals to the ideal customer, fits your current audience and works to achieve broader goals. If the video helps you with this - record the video.

Have fun with formats that were not used so deeply before, and do not dwell on brilliant objects with the thought “should be done live” or “it should be high-class”. The only thing that matters is that it should have value for your audience.

Storytelling brand

The skill of using storytelling has not yet been sharpened by all marketers. Many people think that you just need to talk more about yourself, or ask others to do it. Wrong.

Storytelling brand - much more immersed in what you are, and why you do what you do. Storytelling is about the experience you create, how you interact with customers, and does not constitute a mere bragging about yourself. The difference is enormous.

What is the story behind your brand and its success? What difficulties did you overcome on the way to achieving your goals? How did these challenges affect your customers' amazing experiences, and why?

To remember a brand, you need to face it about seven times. Strengthen each point of interaction to create an experience that will matter and be based on the desire to influence the people and companies that your organization refers to.

Data-based solutions cure the brilliant social syndrome

Your content marketing strategy, plans and tactics should be based on data. This is the only way to get rid of the social and digital syndrome of a shiny subject.
You do not need to be the first marketer in all launched social networks. And you do not need to be the best in all social networks.

Instead, focus on becoming the best at serving your customers — but finding out how good you are at serving, and what content helps you with this, will not succeed without attracting data.

When developing a plan based on data and customer needs, there is enough time to become faster and more flexible. Which in turn makes it easier to test new things without having to delve into every new technology that you read about on Facebook.

Believe me, there will be more and more posts on the similarity of this, affecting the topic of new brilliant subjects in social media and technologies. Success is not guaranteed, even if you overtake everyone in an attempt to achieve them - choose only those that will help you to win.

To make the content strategy a winning one in 2019, you have to spend time planning and translating it into reality.

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