To help the school system administrator

Informatization of education, the school of the future, the federal target program for the development of education ... These and similar headlines, used as slogans, are found more and more often. And, it seems, something is even being done. Schools are supplied with equipment (albeit a little), software, they are connected to the Internet. However, all these good undertakings are faced with a catastrophic lack of normal specialists who could solve all the problems that arise during the informatization of schools. Maybe for Moscow and St. Petersburg this is not so critical. But in the regions so far in many schools the duties of a system administrator are performed by an informatics teacher (if he is at all at school). And if there is a separate specialist, then this is either a person who comes a couple of times a week, or a student who simply works part-time while studying.

Why all this talk? And to the fact that if schools can cope with some ordinary IT problems on their own, then solving other problems may be too tough for them. Take at least the requirements to protect students from access to unwanted information . The fact that this needs to be done has been announced to all schools (and it is spelled out in laws). And the fact that the prosecutor’s office is closely monitoring this and punishing “violators”, too (and many schools have already experienced this “in their own skin”). But no one talks about HOW to do this. In fact, schools are left to their own devices. And they solve the problem of controlling children's access to unwanted sites as they can. And since “it can” is far from always good (see above), the prosecutor’s office always has someone to “publicly flog” and fine.

We offer a solution - a series of video tutorials in which the Traffic Inspector proxy server configuration process is described in the most detail to protect students from unwanted information. After reviewing them, you can independently carry out all the necessary actions and create a reliable protection system that will satisfy all applicable regulations.

The first deals with the process of creating black and white lists. It shows in detail how you can deny access to certain web projects or, conversely, prohibit the downloading of all sites except the explicitly indicated ones.

The second video tutorial describes how to set up blocking of sites that are contained in a special state registry for educational institutions, taking into account its possible updates in the future.

And finally, the third video shows the use of the NetPolice module - a special database in which sites are divided by subject. Thus, you can deny or allow access by simply selecting the categories you want.

All three described schoolchildren protection tools have the right to life. Moreover, they can be combined with each other, achieving the desired result. It is clear that, first of all, these video lessons are useful to those schools in which the Traffic Inspector is used as a proxy server . After all, after viewing them, setting up a protection system will not be difficult even for a person far from IT. However, other interested parties will be able to extract some useful information from the videos.

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