If you are in Kazan or Novosibirsk and want to design microchips, as in Cupertino

    Lord In the photo, Irina, a girl from Novosibirsk, is considering a museum exhibit about personal computers from the 1980s. It was then, in the 1980s, that there was finally a rather unpleasant gap between Western electronics and Soviet. If in the 1970s, Soviet electronics just lagged behind at 7 years (judging by the release dates of DEC PDP-11 and SM-4), then in the 386th region it just died.

    At the same time, in the late 1980s, logical synthesis technology from the Verilog and VHDL hardware description languages ​​appeared in the West. This technology became mainstream in the 1990s and eventually led to iPhones and neuro-accelerators in the 21st century. Logical synthesis was introduced in all sorts of MIT and Stanford, along with labs on FPGAs in the 1990s, but in Russia and Ukraine of that time, defeatism and disbelief in domestic electronics led us to fix the situation now.

    In order to build an electronics development ecosystem in Russia, with hundreds of companies, not a dozen, as it is now, you need to do what the USA did in the 1990s and now they do in China: to learn a bunch of young engineers about the principles of logical design of digital circuits register transfer level. Even if not all of them will design microprocessors and network chips, and half will go into pure programming, this knowledge will not be wasted: the time to increase the speed of computers by reducing transistors is coming to an end, and everywhere there are hybrid software-hardware solutions with specialized hardware computing blocks - this was recently even made a speech by John Hennessy, chairman of the board of directors of Alphabet / Google.

    I say all this to the fact that it will take place in Novosibirsk one of the measures to pull Russia out of an undeveloped state in this area.

    Here is the info from its main organizer, Vladimir Makukhi, who has worked with Texas Instruments, Imagination Technologies and other companies for many years to raise educational programs in his region:
    The school for youth “From physics to chips” (alas, not a very good name), is held within the framework of the XIV International Scientific and Technical Conference “ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION” APEP-2018, focused on undergraduates and graduate students. Held from 2 to 5 October 2018 at the Novosibirsk State Technical University.

    Contact: Makukha Vladimir Karpovich, makukha@epu.ref.nstu.ru.
    For this school, Vladimir Makukha invites Stanislav Zelio, an engineer who is currently designing Russian neuro accelerators and network chips at IVA Technologies. Stanislav will use materials that in the past few years have translated, developed and implemented a group of Russian and Ukrainian teachers (MEPI, ITMO, KPI, etc.), Russian engineers of American companies, etc. into Russian education.

    Here is what Stanislav plans to show in Novosibirsk:
    The program of the event:
    Total duration: 4 days for 8-10 hours.
    Day 1. Introduction to digital circuitry. Simulation and synthesis. Basics of make, Modelsim, Icarus Verilog, Intel Quartus Prime, Xilinx Vivado. Combination logic. Multiplexer Practical task.
    Day 2. Sequential logic. D-trigger Registers. Metastability. Practical task.
    Day 3. State machines. Practical task. Basics of pipelining.
    Day 4. Architecture. Assembler The simplest processor core schoolMIPS. Microarchitecture. Practical task.

    Recommendation for students:
    Before attending the course, read the sections Harris & Harris ("Digital Circuit Design and Computer Architecture"): 1.3-1.5, 2.4-2.5, 2.8-2.9, 3, 4, 5.1-5.4, 6.1-6.6, 7.1-7.3, or better - chapters 1- 7 or the whole book.

    The program is preliminary. In the process we will make adjustments.
    The practice-oriented course: it’s physically impossible to give all that is in Harris & Harris in 4 days. Therefore, I set myself the goal to give them the theory necessary for understanding the practice. Plus show an approach to development (make and non-project mode), which greatly simplifies the work, but about which people most often learn from fellow developers.
    Stanislav will also use lecture slides, which I read on Skype from California to 150 students of Kazan Innopolis - first in January-February, and then recently. The rector of Kazan Innopolis Alexander Tormasov asked me to do the lecture in English, since they have foreign students. But in Novosibirsk everything will be in Russian. These slides are: Lecture 1 , Lecture 2 .

    Examples Stanislav keeps on github .

    Here's about a similar school at Tomsk State University last year: Severe Siberian and Kazakh microelectronics in 2017: Verilog, ASIC and FPGA in Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Astana .

    But the photos of young people from St. Petersburg, who learned the design on the FPGA and won the European finals and second place in the world finals of the Intel InnovapFPGA competition. In August, Intel invited them to Silicon Valley. In their time, they also began with exercises like those that will be in Novosibirsk:

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