3 minutes per month on Google+
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According to Lary Page, Google Inc.’s Executive Director, Google+ has become a strong competitor among social networks, gaining 90 million registered users since its launch in June 2011.
But these numbers are just the tip of what’s actually happening with Google+.
In fact, Google+ is a virtual ghost town compared to the competitor network Facebook Inc, which is preparing to place its shares on the NASDAQ stock exchange.
Recent data from research company ComScore Inc. show that users are logging in to the Google+ network, but after that they’re not showing any activity.

According to ComScore, between September and January, users spent an average of about 3 minutes a month on Google+, while on Facebook they spent between six and seven hours a month. And this data is only for PC users, statistics on the use of social network data from mobile devices were not collected.
Starting last year with a new social network in which people could share comments, articles, photos and videos with specific groups of friends and acquaintances, the Internet search giant has positioned itself as a competitor to Facebook.
Google+ has some original features, including 'Hangouts' that allow people to organize video conferences with up to 10 people, but analysts and some consumers say that this is not enough to leave Facebook users and convince them to create a network of contacts from scratch on Google+ .
`` No one needs another social network right now, '' said Brian Solis, social media analyst at Altimeter’s advisory group. For those who already use Facebook, “Google did not convince users that their social network has any significant advantages,” he said.
The management of Google promises to catch up with Facebook, which has 845 million active users, stating that they are betting on a long-term initiative, and the company has yet to create the tools that made its competitor successful, including the development of new applications.
In an interview, Bradley Horowitz, Google’s vice president of product management, said: '' Google+ is not designed as an end site, but as a tool for users to interact with all products of the company - such as Gmail and Youtube. In addition, the Google+ platform is designed in such a way that it is extremely difficult for third-party companies to track user activity on it. ''
Mr. Horowitz refused to share data on how much time people spend on Google+, and said that comScore data is “significantly lower” than the company's internal data.
Google+ has not yet been able to attract a large number of companies to advertise, some marketers say that the number of responses and subscriptions to their products do not live up to expectations. For example, Intel says that it has 360 thousand followers on Google+, but Ekaterina Walter, who is responsible for developing media promotion strategies for the company, says that `` user activity is not as great as we expected, '' and states that Intel has 9 Facebook on Facebook million subscribers and they leave thousands of comments.
According to David Cohen, executive vice president of Universal McCann, `` Google+ isn’t as resonant as Facebook or Twitter or even Pinterest at the moment. ''
Google has put a lot on the line, the company spends a lot of money on promoting its social network, for example, you can recall the presentation of the possibility of video calls with the participation of the Dalai Lama, the Black Eyed Peas pop group, Muppet dolls (a video featuring famous dolls was generally launched during Oscar broadcast live, which is $ 1.7 million for 30 seconds.)
The main financial goal of Google+ is to obtain user personal data to increase revenue from targeted advertising.
The problem of low popularity of Google+ also lies in the fact that Microsoft launched a competitor to Google search - its own search engine Bing, as well as the fact that Facebook and Twitter have changed the principle of information search, people no longer use Google as a non-alternative way to search for something. The information on Facebook is still closed to Google and people spend more time on Facebook trying to find what they need.
According to Lary Page, Google Inc.’s Executive Director, Google+ has become a strong competitor among social networks, gaining 90 million registered users since its launch in June 2011.
But these numbers are just the tip of what’s actually happening with Google+.
In fact, Google+ is a virtual ghost town compared to the competitor network Facebook Inc, which is preparing to place its shares on the NASDAQ stock exchange.
Recent data from research company ComScore Inc. show that users are logging in to the Google+ network, but after that they’re not showing any activity.

According to ComScore, between September and January, users spent an average of about 3 minutes a month on Google+, while on Facebook they spent between six and seven hours a month. And this data is only for PC users, statistics on the use of social network data from mobile devices were not collected.
Starting last year with a new social network in which people could share comments, articles, photos and videos with specific groups of friends and acquaintances, the Internet search giant has positioned itself as a competitor to Facebook.
Google+ has some original features, including 'Hangouts' that allow people to organize video conferences with up to 10 people, but analysts and some consumers say that this is not enough to leave Facebook users and convince them to create a network of contacts from scratch on Google+ .
`` No one needs another social network right now, '' said Brian Solis, social media analyst at Altimeter’s advisory group. For those who already use Facebook, “Google did not convince users that their social network has any significant advantages,” he said.
The management of Google promises to catch up with Facebook, which has 845 million active users, stating that they are betting on a long-term initiative, and the company has yet to create the tools that made its competitor successful, including the development of new applications.
In an interview, Bradley Horowitz, Google’s vice president of product management, said: '' Google+ is not designed as an end site, but as a tool for users to interact with all products of the company - such as Gmail and Youtube. In addition, the Google+ platform is designed in such a way that it is extremely difficult for third-party companies to track user activity on it. ''
Mr. Horowitz refused to share data on how much time people spend on Google+, and said that comScore data is “significantly lower” than the company's internal data.
Google+ has not yet been able to attract a large number of companies to advertise, some marketers say that the number of responses and subscriptions to their products do not live up to expectations. For example, Intel says that it has 360 thousand followers on Google+, but Ekaterina Walter, who is responsible for developing media promotion strategies for the company, says that `` user activity is not as great as we expected, '' and states that Intel has 9 Facebook on Facebook million subscribers and they leave thousands of comments.
According to David Cohen, executive vice president of Universal McCann, `` Google+ isn’t as resonant as Facebook or Twitter or even Pinterest at the moment. ''
Google has put a lot on the line, the company spends a lot of money on promoting its social network, for example, you can recall the presentation of the possibility of video calls with the participation of the Dalai Lama, the Black Eyed Peas pop group, Muppet dolls (a video featuring famous dolls was generally launched during Oscar broadcast live, which is $ 1.7 million for 30 seconds.)
The main financial goal of Google+ is to obtain user personal data to increase revenue from targeted advertising.
The problem of low popularity of Google+ also lies in the fact that Microsoft launched a competitor to Google search - its own search engine Bing, as well as the fact that Facebook and Twitter have changed the principle of information search, people no longer use Google as a non-alternative way to search for something. The information on Facebook is still closed to Google and people spend more time on Facebook trying to find what they need.