Authorities in the Irkutsk region banned from using Google

    According to documents received from a source in the regional government, ministries and local governments in the Irkutsk region were instructed to abandon the use of Internet services of a foreign company Google. Regional and municipal authorities should be prohibited from using network data warehouses, mail services and a company’s search engine, as well as software for creating websites. In addition, collaboration on Google’s educational programs and contests is not permitted.

    In their instructions, the apparatus of the governor and government of the Irkutsk region refers to a letter from the apparatus of the plenipotentiary of the president in the Siberian Federal District No. 4c dated June 2, 2014. The decision to opt out of the use of Google services is related to ensuring the security of government.

    The regional government does not officially confirm the distribution of these documents .

    Source: website

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