Human rights activists demand to deprive Iran of the Internet

A community group of Americans whose families were affected by the terrorist acts that they thought were organized by the Iranian government launched an unprecedented rally.

She demanded that their national top-level domains .ir and ایران, all second-level domains and IP addresses registered in that country, and generally all the authority to manage the Internet, be taken from Iran.

Representatives of the public group and the organizers of the action are the lawyers of Nitzan Darshan-Lightner (Tel Aviv) and Robert Tolchin (New York). As Darshan-Lightner said, the legal basis for the requirements is very simple: Iran is obliged to pay monetary compensation to all families of victims of terrorism, and domain names, which are material values, can be equated with money. She also noted that confiscation of property as compensation for crimes against human rights, military aggression and terrorism is fully consistent with international law.

Earlier, each of the families of the victims filed claims in US courts with compensation claims, and they were satisfied. However, the Iranian government refused to pay the “indemnity”. According to some reports, the total amount of compensation claimed is in the billions of dollars.

Relevant documents have already been submitted to the highest courts of all states of the United States, as well as to ICANN and the US Department of Commerce, which oversees ICANN and has authority over the entire Internet.

According to her, the United States in 1996 officially recognized Iran as a state with a totalitarian and extremist regime that sponsors terrorist organizations. Therefore, the US has every reason to use its power over the Internet and take away their domain names - "not in order to turn off the Internet in Iran, but in order to restore justice."

Nitsana Darshan Lightner has been operating since 1996, when a suicide bomber blew up a bus in Jerusalem. Iran’s intelligence agencies supporting terrorist groups are accused of organizing the attack. She and her public organization filed lawsuits against many radical Islamic organizations, their leaders, and all companies related in one way or another, including banks that provided them with financial support.

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