
    I wanted to share the story of my first successful project.


    I am not the first, not I am the last. The very concept of IT tambourines is as old as Windows 98. The idea that formed the basis of the tambourine - the use of disks and floppy disks - lies on the surface. Already after I released my first version, they showed me pictures of similar tambourines that were made long before mine, so I consider the original idea to be popular.


    After another torment with the computer, my girlfriend tearfully asked her to give her a tambourine for dancing around the system unit. After a couple of days, the idea came up of how a real IT tambourine should look like, in the evening I made it. As spindles for rings, a combination of rods from ordinary and gel pens was used, holes in the disks were made with scissors, and spindles were soldered into these holes. (By the way, I’ve been collecting rings from floppy disks since high school)
    Build quality was so low that the tambourine lived no more than a week. And then the process of "debugging" the tambourine began.

    Version 1.

    First of all, the handle rods were replaced with metal screws. In the process of experimenting with various types of discs, it was discovered that DVDs are, in fact, two-layer. One of the layers - purple, transparent and thin - is ideally suited as a membrane for a tambourine: it looks cool and resonates well.
    I was then a second-year student, I have not earned programming yet. When I published the pictures in LJ, there were people who wanted to buy this product (mainly as a gift) - for me it was a small addition to the scholarship. There were quite a lot of orders, and I realized that this was a project.
    At some point, an order appeared not from Moscow. IT tambourine should be open source and distributed freely. The fact that I was too lazy to contact the mail should not be an obstacle to the spread of ideas. As a result, I published instructions for assembling tambourines on the Internet.
    The first version had a number of shortcomings, which can be seen in the pictures. The holes were made with scissors - the discs cracked, and from vibrations the cracks grew, and the tambourines fell apart quite quickly. The technology was gradually improved: a drill was used to drill holes — small cracks disappeared. Then came dremel, which is convenient to cut holes in plastic - the rim began to look better. At one time, I even used rotation, as on a potter’s wheel — I clamped a spindle with a disk into a drill, turned on revolutions and cut a flat bezel.

    Version 2

    About a year later, I had a labelflash drive. Together with my departure from the first job, this served as an incentive for the release of the second version. The membrane acquired hieroglyphs from the Matrix, the rim - Celtic patterns. With the release of each new unit, the quality of the tambourine improved: the whole marriage went to the trash - this was a fundamental point.

    Version 3.

    In the second version of the tambourine, I did not like the fact that construction hardware is used. For a long time I could not figure out how to use computer screws. Recently, a technological solution to this problem was found - after a little refinement, you can use torx screws from hard drives and a rack for boards. Last week I sat down and collected the third version of a tambourine in a day. Now it has no non-kosher components: only disks, rings from floppy disks, screws from hard drives, racks from motherboards are used.

    In the photographs - a tambourine after a crash test with very strong blows. Crash test passed successfully - a couple of small cracks appeared and that's it. Under normal use, such loads do not exist.

    Version 4?

    I have ideas for continuing the line of tambourines with two more models, but they are still in their infancy.


    Formally, this is not a tambourine, but tambourine, I know this. Formally, an IT specialist does not need a tambourine, but a fresh head, straight arms and righteous manuals ... but we all understand that ;-)

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