Big Ear or "Why should a deaf be dumb?"

The future begins with ourselves. Not from kickstarter or bitcoins. Not from 3D printers or Tesla towers, but from us. Those who say "impossible" should not interfere with those who do this.
So the bottom line - I propose to discuss (and realize) the ability of the hearing impaired to see the sound so well as to understand speech and learn to speak.

An individual is weak, like an abandoned Robinson:
only in community with others can he do much.
(c) Arthur Schopenhauer.

Over the past few years, I regularly return to the idea of ​​magic glasses that will allow the deaf to fully communicate with the main part of humanity. However, all the time it came down to the fact that I had absolutely no necessary knowledge. And put off. But today I remembered a quote from the epigraph and decided to simply voice the idea ... In fact - we all love to say that Skolkovo is the best sawmill, but we ourselves are no better - we are not destroying money, we are destroying something more - opportunities ... But there are enough specialists on this resource for many things that can change the world. I propose to start small ...

The request to express criticism in a positive form, for example, “in order to realize this it will be necessary to solve the problem of interstellar flights” and not “This is crazy and absurd!” This is impossible because no one can reach the neighboring galaxy. ” Thank you for understanding.

A little more blah blah ...

Most deaf people are not completely hearing impaired, but only so that this is not enough for normal communication. Many can easily understand lip-speech and a small portion of the information they hear. Yes, they have languages ​​that are not tied to ours at all, but a form of communication in which the speaker articulates a little more explicitly and adds only a few gestures to better understand the meaning of what was said. Yes, this is not enough to learn how to speak for yourself, because they don’t hear sounds, and they can’t compare whether they speak correctly or not, so the sounds made by the deaf sound scary, but in general, the strategy of speech perception by indirect signs works.

So what do we have?

1 - a person is able to recognize speech not only on the basis of the sound channel.
2 - for learning coherent speech, you need to get a reference image from the teacher (usually the child learns from parents), and get information about their sounds to compare what we get.
3 - any sense organs in one way or another turn all information into electrical signals that undergo certain processing. The width of the visual channel is much greater than the sound. A reasonable hypothesis - lost audio information can also be “embedded” into it.
4 - human speech is not synthesized from a digital stream, but it is based on the same electrical signals to certain muscles that in a certain way change the path of air from the mouth.

Desired Result

Miracles that do not interfere with seeing, but at the same time allow you to see the necessary information about the sound in the same way (like Google Glass or in another way, for example, translucent icons). This image encodes the current sound background in the most convenient form (for a start, in the speech range). Ideally, the displayed image should be similar in format to those signals that are given to pronounce these sounds.
Next to the glasses is added a methodology for teaching speech understanding with glasses and conversation training.

What do you need?

1 - processing of a speech signal in a convenient form for output. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop this very format of sound representation. Question to signalmen, sound technicians, maybe doctors.
2 - a convenient form of output. Can be developed in parallel. Question to interface designers and so on.
3 - consultation of the hearing impaired themselves.
4 - software development.
5 - tests and training of testers.
6 - release in tablet form, field tests.
7 - issue in the form of points, taking into account errors and improvements.

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